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Joined: 03 Mar 2001
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:08 pm   

Aliases in reverse (sort of), and target variables
Two part question...

I have a list of mobs to attack, mobList.
Whenever I see any of these mobs I'd like to put them into a target variable. This I've done, using
#TRIGGER {({@mobList})} {target = %1}

What I now want to be able to do it 'attack t', which would attack the target. The only problem is that I wouldn't just have a single 'attack' command, it might be punch, kick, bite, grab, headbutt, whatever.

So question is, is it possible to have an alias that effectively does
#ALIAS "%-1 t" {%-1 @target}

Second part,
Once I've killed the target I will look and see what is left in the room. I might then see:

zombie, giant spider, corpse of skeleton

Assume that zombie, giant spider and skeleton are items in @mobList then 'target' will first take the value 'zombie', then 'giant spider', then 'skeleton' as it matches them one after the other.

Problem then is if I attack @target then I'll be trying to attack a corpse.

So the question is how to have it recognise any item in @mobList unless it's prefixed by 'corpse of'.

Thanks in advance to any that can help.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:40 pm   
#trigger {^({ might do the trick if it'a at the begginning of a line
#trigger {(%w) (%w) ({@moblist})} { #if (%1 %2)=(corpse of) {#noop} {what ever}}

the alias uses the first word, but you could just set up different aliases like so:
#alias pu-t {punch @target}
or an "ONINPUT" trigger like this would do it:
#ONINPUT {^(%w) t$} {%1 @target}
or make buttons like I do that automaticaly do what you want by hitting the button

hope this helps
megamog75 Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:41 pm   
The problem with an #oninput trigger is that if I do
#ONINPUT {^(%w) t$} {#IF (@target != %null) {%1 @target} {#NOOP}}

then if @target is null then the trigger does nothing, but zmud still sends '%1 t' to the mud, which means I often end up attacking the first thing with a 't' in the name
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:21 pm   
Well the #oninput help file is lovely :P

#ONINPUT {^(%w) t$} {#GAG;#IF (@target != %null) {%1 @target} {#NOOP}}
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:31 pm   
Sorry, assumed gag was only for mud output, not player input.
Point taken though, will read more carefully next time around.

Any ideas on the second part? Having a match unless the preceding words are 'corpse of'

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:45 pm   
wish I had a button that did whatever i wanted if i pressed it
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:49 pm   
Any ideas on the second part? Having a match unless the preceding words are 'corpse of'?

#REGEX {(?<!corpse of )(@moblist)} {target = %1}

the (?<!corpse of ) construct is "a zero-width negative lookbehind assertion" with makes it so that (@moblist) wont
match if preceded by 'corpse of '.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:20 pm   
Dharkael, many thanks, that works a treat.

Tyh, not so sure if it was an attempt at being helpful, funny or sarcastic, but if I ever find that magic button you're after I'll let you know. Til then you just keep up the good work kid, you're an to the forums.

Or alternatively, I wish I could make a button that would make your mother consider late term abortion. Take your pick.

Guinn. Forever helpful
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:27 pm   
Hey now, that is not what these forums are for, you might be able to do that on other forums but Zugg soft is for learning and the development of better game play.

Not to mention that you could get you topic locked, delete, and be banned from the site, and I even heard a rumor that you Zmud license could be revoked. so please remind yourself that squabbling is for chickens, and post only if you have something to contribute.

On that note hope you got everything cleared up with your question.
megamog75 Smile
I will do this.Nothing in my life matters except this.No moment in my life exists except this moment.I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment. Raistlin Majere
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:44 pm   
<sheepish>Bah, just a bit of harmless banter - simply replying to one unhelpful comment with another.</sheepish>
But yes, enough of that
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