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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 12:08 am   

Zmud 7.05 fails to start w/ WinXP SP2 (not services problem)
[Post-resolution EDIT: Turns out that the title is a bit of a misnomer. Turns out it WAS an elicense difficulty. Scroll down to my last entry for the resolution (Thanks all those who helped)]

Please forgive the double post -- I think I posted in an incorrect thread

Original post copied below. Thank You


The problem I am experiencing has similar symptoms to the one described -- Hit "C:\zmud\zmud.exe" and I see an hourglass that disappears without further effects after a few seconds.

I have attempted the fix described above. The service was already active and set to automatically start, but
I restarted it,
Set it to run as a user with admin priveleges
upgraded to Zmud 7.05 from 6.x
completely uninstalled Zmud, and re-installed 7.05
Clicked the "Allow to interact with desktop", and several other vain attempts to hit it via trial and error
Searched the forums for a possible answer (well, up to page 4 of 33 with the search string "Start" searching in "Support")

As a bit of history, I encountered the "23" error previously on two of my computers at the same time. Upgrading to 7.05 on the computer running win98 was completely successful. The computer with the problems is running

Windows XP Pro
Running as a user with admin privelages (I have a question about why this seems to be neccessary, but that is a problem for when I can get to the error message again)

I'm grateful for any suggestions you can offer. Especially if it is successful Laughing


Last edited by Lor on Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:37 am   
Starts..pops hourglass..and stops is an eLicense service problem everytime. It is the first things checked and tested. When this servivce is not running right the test takes longer because it retries a few times.

Only thing you did not mention in your trial and error method was a reboot. The upgrade from 6.x to 7.05 represents a number of revisions to the eLicense protection as well as zMud itself and likely requires a reboot to properly load the new service. Quite often programs that run as services detect if one version is already active and then don't run again. Restarting the service should have covered this, but just for giggles give it a full shutdown and reboot.
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Joined: 08 Jan 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:13 am   
Are you running 7.05a?

Perhaps this thread (shown on the main page of this site) might clear things up: http://forums.zuggsoft.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=19248

Could it be possible that both your computers suffered data corruption at the same time during a power failure?

I think admin privileges on Windows NT/2000 and above are needed to repair the system registry.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:51 am   
Pega, Quite possible that a surge caused both to go out.

Vijilante: Have rebooted several times in tries after I posted that the first time. Just for giggles, trying again.

Uninstall ZMud 7.05a.
Remove installation file from desktop.
find c:\zmud\
rename to c:\zmud3\
grab zmudinstall.exe from this site (chose the zugg mirror)
chose all defaults on installation
*starts Zmud*
Bleh ... despite my belief that it was something else, I really wanted that to work.

Problem repeated.
*rebooted again, just to check*
(btw, all log-ins have been an admin account)
Ran again

Behavior remains.

Is there a way to uninstall the eLicense service and reinstall? I looked for but didn't see eLicense on the list in the control panel for add/remove programs.

Thanks again
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Joined: 08 Jan 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:02 am   

FAQ 20. How do I Uninstall eLicense?

I suggest you first of all try to un-license zMUD from the control panel.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:12 am   
Bleh .. I need to learn to re-check FAQ before I ask a secondary question.

Heh .. same behavior.

*checks FAQ again*

Assuming that Zmud has the facility to re-install it -- I'll reserve that for a final option; a complete wipe clean and re-install of zmud.
If I lose the license and somehow already used the 3rd one in all of this, then I just wait 3 months to use it on that computer.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:42 am   
Your best bet is to email eLicense at support@elicense.com for more help. They will likely ask you to go through all of these same steps again, but they have additional diagnostic programs that can help determine the cause of the problem.
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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:48 pm   
Okay .. success.

I've editted my first post above to show that it WAS an elicense problem Embarassed

Uninstalled Zmud 7.05a (used custom option, removing all files, but not the directory)
Used the uninstall program under elicense FAQ 20 (Above, but also http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud/elicense.htm )
Checked the services List: LicCtrl still there (I assume that this is a service that elicense just adds itself to, and not elicense itself)
Stopped the "LicCtrl" on the service list
Ran the uninstall program a second time to make sure
(I may have rebooted again, and then made sure that I had the LicCntrl stopped again)

Ran Zmud 7.05a installation program
Ran Zmud
Got the '23' error
Remembered LicCntrl was stopped -- re-started it
ZMud functions (no license installed) -- readded license

It is quite possible that there was a more streamlined approach -- I see a couple of places where there were unneccessary steps.
I've posted the entire bit for completeness. Thank you again for those who offered suggestions -- hopefully this thread can serve useful for anyone who has similar, and attempts to search)

May wish to re-separate the posts into "Won't start" "scripting/commandline difficulties" and the like to aid searching *shrug* take that as you would

Very Happy
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:19 pm   
From the looks of it the elicense service isn't being unistalled correctly when it is running as a service In a nutshell along the lines of what is supposed to happens is

unistall deletes stuff related to licCTL and adds a startup reg entry to remove the rest of the files and keep the service from loading (its actually more complex) It looks like this isn't happening when liccntl is running :p

I would email elicense with the steps involved and pointing to this thread in case it is an error in their uninstaller when the liccntl service is running, unless of course the instructions for the uninstaller say to stop the service first :P Not sure as I have never had to uninstall it.,
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