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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:48 pm   

[HOW-TO] Setting up the automapper
The automapper in zmud isn't always as automatic as we want it to be so below are some general guidelines for setting up the mapper and because muds like Aetolia and Achaea are hard to map I used Aetolia for the walkthrough.

AUTO-CONFIG: For the majority of the muds out there automatic configuration should always be the first thing to do. IT will overwrite any config settings you have made so make this your first step.

1. Goto a fairly unique room in on your mud with a normal door less connecting room. Usually newbie schools are NOT a good place to set up the mapper as the help lines in room title/desc's and mob responses can sometimes throw the mapper off.

2. Open the mapper, goto the mapper and click the third map icon (MAP mode). You should get a new configuration window if not goto config->new mapper config.

2a. Enter a valid direction to move in and press next.

2b. Select all the options that apply Name, Desc, and Exits. Desc should be unchecked if your mud doesn't have room desc. If your mud doesn't show Room Name or Exit info Ask for help on these forums on what to do providing mud output of you walking around using your exits command etc.

2c. click next and Verify that everything is color coded correctly in the window, Room name is blue, Desc (If there is one) is green, and make sure your exit line info is red. and that it is properly capturing all the exit words.

2d. If Everything matches click finish and congrats you have just set up the automapper!. If not ask for some help here!


Now we get into the nitty gritty part of setting up the mapper

1. Some muds have changing room Descs depending on the day weather etc so we need to match on the room name instead. [Unsure]The only downfall to this is unless your mud has fairly unique room names #FIND will not always work[/Unsure] In the mapper select
Config->configuration settings->Speedwalking and in Automatic step confirmation select
Match Room Name

1a. If your roomname is on its own line most of the time and you have occasion where its after your prompt or something else might pop up in front of it.
Config->Configuration Settings->Configuration->Room Name
Uncheck Roomname at start of line and Check roomname at end of line
or if there might be stuff after the roomname uncheck both.

2. Now I recomend for MOST of the muds out there to use SLOW walking exspecially if your mud has things like balance, limits on how far/fast you can move at a time etc. as this makes walking problems and making sure your postition is correct that much easier to fix.
Config->Configuation Settings->Speedwalking and in Speedwalking mode select
SLOW walking
also if there is a limit on how often/fast you can move at a time increase the step delay (1000=1 second, 500=1/2 second)


That should be REALLY close on getting your mapper working correctly now for some triggers to help keep your position updated

#NODIR clears the next command in the QUE here are some examples of properly used nodirs enter these at the command prompt (where you type mud commands) and hit enter making sure to adjust the pattern to fit your mud and remember they are just examples.

#TRIGGER {^There is a door there.} {#NODIR}
#TRIGGER {^You can't go that way.} {#NODIR}
#TRIGGER {^You need to swim to get there.} {#NODIR}

#NOMAP will keep the mapper from using these lines for the most part thinking that it is the room name.

#TRIGGER {^You fly %t} {#NOMAP}
#TRIGGER {^You climb %t} {#NOMAP}


These are slowwalking commands and vary in use depending if the mapper is open or closed etc. and trust me they CAN and WILL give you hell. Whenever using slowalking commands it is best to use them in a seperate class that can be turned off when not needed otherwise normally trying to spam walk manually through an area (I.E. running from a fight) will mess up your position. There is a very detailed article on speedwalking and using these commands Http://


For most muds you won't have to tag anything to get the mapper going but then there are some muds that format things differantly and you will have to use #TAG remember to RECONFIGURE your mapper if you add a #TAG trigger and also remember that you will have to go back and make replace any manual config changes that you made.

If you still need some help post on these forums and include DETAIL and MUD output
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:43 pm   
Nice post Nexela! You've been posting some good stuff lately, and wanted to let you know I really appreciate it.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:06 am   
Yeah, nexela has been hot lately. Good stuff, nex!
zMUD 7.05a
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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:32 pm   some difficulty
Firstly i am really novice at programing so i dont know the tech terms i hope you follow what i say

Okay, i have followed your instructions in setting up the mapper. It reads the room name, description and exit fine and while mapping the area it is great.

My problem come when trying to walk to a room automatically, no matter if it is in slow,fast or safe mode the mapper is not following my steps. If i set the location (no matter where) and i want to walk to a room 5 steps (rooms) away, in slow walk, my character will move a max of one room then i will get the message Slow walk aborted. Then if i enter the #step command it should carry on from where it stopped but it cant the mapper has lost its self or not registered the previous move, the locator (blue dot) does not move after #step has been entered.

If i try in safe mode a similar thing happens. I set the locator (blue dot) to a room then i double click on a room 5 steps (rooms)away and once my character only moves one move but does not give the slow walk aborted message, but if i enter the #step command then it continues to the next room and will only continue if i enter the #step command each time. If i say want to move 5 rooms i have to enter the #step command 5 times once for every move. The strange thing is the mapper is following me and the locator (blue dot) moves aswell. The same thing happens when im in fast walk mode.

I hope you can follow what i have said
You help will be greatly appreciated
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:58 am   
!First thought!
This is usually a problem when the automapper matches the room name (#OK) But fails to match your prompt (#STEP)
Open up the mapper config and make sure its detecting your prompt correctly and that it is using the correct trigger pattern also allow a blank line to trigger speedwalking.

Also Make sure your step delay is not set to some insanely high number.

And I think from your post your saying that fast walk works correctly as it should because fast walk doesn't match name/prompt (If I remember correctly Im to lazy to reread the speedwalking support) it just sends all dirs and sets the position to the room you clicked on.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
Posts: 34

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:28 am   Some progress
Okay im mapping in achaea just to let you know

My prompt show all, the health, mana, endurance and will power and my prompt trigger script is as follows

^\d+\w+\, \d+\w+\, \d+\w+\, \d+\w+ \-

I think this is right, could this be the problem?

As far as the step delay what is an insanely high number mine is set at 750 what should it be.

When i am in follow mode just walking around a mapped area the mapper also does not seem to be able to follow me i move out of one room and it will follow to the first room and then it does not follow any more.
Im not sure what else to do
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:50 am   
If you still need some help post on these forums and include DETAIL and MUD output

Thats from the last line of my post now how am I supposed to know what your prompt looks like
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:09 pm   
Ok If your using config prompt all replace the prompt pattern with this and make sure perl expression option is checked. (basicly just removes the last part of pattern)

^\d+\w+\, \d+\w+\, \d+\w+\, \d+\w+
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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
Posts: 34

PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:54 pm   
Very Happy Yes Yes *jump for joy*

It works thanks for your help i appreciate it. My prompt now reads as follows:

^\d+\w+\, \d+\w+\, \d+\w+\, \d+\w+

Without the last \- it now works perfectly, the slow and safe walk now works fine.

thanks again
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