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Joined: 16 Oct 2005
Posts: 22
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:28 pm   

CMud Registration Issue
I bought CMud a little bit ago and was playing my Windows Laptop without issue.

I recently bought a Macbook Air and used Bootcamp to create a Windows partition.

I cannot seem to get the Licence key to stick though. Every time I start Cmud it says my trial is about over so I go back to my email, copy the info and click Ok.

It tells me that I have either an invalid name or license key. When I copy the info from the email, it automatically inserts it into the fields for me. I have even tried to copy and paste and also tired manually entering the info.

When I click cancel and then go to the Help -> Enter Licence option, it tells me it is registered to me.

Close down CMud and start it again, and it tells me that my trial is almost over.

I've entered the licence via Parallels AND booting directly into Windows and nothing seems to work properly.

CMud isn't licensed for just 1 machine is it? Do I have to uninstall it from my win7 laptop (which I no longer use) to install it on my new mac?

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Joined: 15 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:05 pm   
If I had to guess, your key is expired - license keys are only valid for one week for security reasons. You need to go to your orders history, click cmud then click the retrieve license key button to have a new one emailed to you (again, only valid for one week). I'm not sure why help -> enter license tells you it's already registered, but I'm guessing the first 'invalid name or license key' message is the right one, since obviously it isn't getting registered. Perhaps there's a bug here?
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Joined: 16 Oct 2005
Posts: 22
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:41 pm   
Well that did the trick lol
I do like that idea of having to re-create a license key after 1wk.

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