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Joined: 16 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:11 am   

OK it seems I have created some #ALARMs but cannot get rid of them or delete them.

-10:00 -> #SAY -=-=-= TRAINING OVER =-=-=- [in 44 secs]
5 -> #SAY "HELLO" [in 4 secs]
1 -> [in 1 secs]

How do I remove these alarms if I never set an ID or anything for them? I've quit CMUd and such but nothing. They still appear and execute over and over :(
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:16 am   
Omg I'm retarded...

#ALARMS are placed into the Triggers...

Wonder why I couldn't find that before....
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Joined: 19 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:16 am   
I have a question about alarms too and i dont want to create another topic.

I use a bunch of separate 1 second alarms to calculate remaining spell and skill times every second once i activate a spell or a skill. This alarm would look something like this and i would have up to 5 of them at any given time
#alarm spellname {1} {#math spellname (@spellname-1)}
That alarm is destroyed once the spell expires.

Is it easier on cmud to create alot of separate alarms like this for each spell when its active, or have 1 main alarm executing every {1} second with a few #IF's inside to check for active spells - something like
#alarm main {1} {#SW (@spell1>0) {#math spell1 (@spell1-1)} (@spell2>0) {#math spell2 (@spell2-1)} (@spell3>0) {#math spell3 (@spell3-1)}}

Or is it best to just set my tick timer to 1 second and run this script through tick timer ?
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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Location: Atlanta, USA

PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:48 pm   
I'm inclined to say it's best to have one alarm. You avoid the overhead of processing several alarms and destroying and recreating them.

I would use several #IFs instead of a single #SWITCH that you have in your example. In your example, if multiple spells expire, only one will register.
Asati di tempari!
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:56 pm   
Events are an option, too.

#alarm -1 {#raise onSecond}

#event "evtBlind" onSecond {
  #if (@blind <= 0) {
    Blind = 0
    #t- evtBlind event
  } {
    #add Blind -1
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Joined: 19 Nov 2010
Posts: 119

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:35 pm   
Hey again guys, new question on a related topic. Now that i have a single #alarm that does an #IF check for an activated spell to calculate a value from it i ended up with a huge list of #IF's. Since all those spells and their times are in one database variable, would it be better to use #loopdb function instead ? Could anyone tell me if a list of #IF checks is worse/better than using #loopdb.

A simple example of the script is.

@spelllist is a dbvar with about 20 spells and their times, but only a few of them are active at a time.


#alarm "spellchecker" {1} {#if (@spelllist.1!="off") { do some math };#IF (#if (@spelllist.2!="off") { do some math };#if (@spelllist.3!="off") { do some math }} ...etc untill @spelllist.20

I know i can replace that script with


#alarm "spellchecker" {1} {#loopdb @spelllist {#if (%val!="off") { do some math }}

This saves me alot of trouble as i dont have to add extra slots if i want more spells, however i was slightly worried about spamming my CMUD with #loopdb every second.

Because only about 5 spells of those 20 are active at one time, with my huge list of #IF's CMUD has to work only 5 of them at a time while others are discarded because they are set to "off", so it didnt seem too bad. Would the second script load my CMUD much more because it has to #loop through all the database keys and values ?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:38 pm   
With just 20 keys, it probably doesn't matter. However, why not use events? With events, there's no need for #LOOPDB or your #IF check and thus your script will be faster (but like I said, it so small that even if it were a slow and inefficient script it probably wouldn't matter.)

#trigger {whatever pattern indicates the spell effect happened} {
  #T+ evtEventForThisSpell event
  varTimerVariableForThisSpell = whatever value you would set it to

//Dunno where the event ID goes in the #event command syntax
#event onSpellDurationDecrement {
  #if (@varTimerVariableForThisSpell > 0) {#add varTimerVariableForThisSpell -1} {#T- evtEventForThisSpell event}
  anything else you want to do

#alarm -1 {#raise onSpellDurationDecrement}
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 19 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:52 pm   
Hmm i didnt use it because i never knew about it, will read some helpfiles on it, thanks : )
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Joined: 19 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:54 am   
Hmm, what's the point of #events ? You still have to make a trigger to #raise them. Doesnt #trigger {pattern} {#raise Event} serve the same purpose as #trigger {pattern} {do stuff} ?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:10 am   
Events allow you to attach multiple "do stuff" chunks of code to whatever trigger/button/alias/etc raises them, without having to clutter up or otherwise complexify that setting's code. Simpler = faster in CMud, even if the loads and savings in question are too small to matter or perceive.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 19 Nov 2010
Posts: 119

PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:07 am   
Well, for me personally the complexity comes from using loads of conditionals to define a certain trigger. I.e the { do stuff } command is hidden under alot of #IF's or #SW's, so should i use all those #IF's and #SW's in the main script to #RAISE ? or should i put them all inside the #EVENT ? I see how #events could make my script look neater, but isnt it the same as simply using aliases inside the script ? I tried coding something using it for an hour or so and it did my head in, it takes a bit getting used to, as i've never done that before - i could've made 10 triggers in the time it took me to make a basic event Evil or Very Mad
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 am   
It depend on exactly what you are doing in all your #IF and #SWITCH statements. For instance, one advantage of using events is that you don't have to have all the events enabled at the same time. Say for instance, you have a trigger that raises onPrompt whenever you get a prompt from the mud. You can have a wide set of onPrompt events which do different things, but most of which are disabled except when certain conditions are true--say, enabled when you start combat, or something. This way, you wouldn't have to have a trigger for the prompt which checks a long list of possible conditions, like combat.

There are other cases where it makes more sense to do the #IF and #SWITCH. It all depends.
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