Command Reference
[Command Reference] [Function Reference] [Predefined Variables] [Expressions]
Each command should be preceded by the Command character. The default command character is # but can be changed in the Preferences dialog. You can abbreviate each command using the letters shown in boldface.
Loop Structures
- #number repeat following text number times
- REPEAT repeat commands a given number of times
- LOOP execute command several times in a loop
- FORALL loop through a string list and execute command for each item
- UNTIL execute commands until expression is true
- WHILE execute command while expression is true
- LOOPDB loops through key values in a database record
- LMAP loop through rooms on the map
- ABORT abort further parsing of the current loop or program block
- IF perform a conditional test
- CASE select a command from a list
Create/modify settings items
- ACTION create or display a trigger action
- TRIGGER create or display a trigger action
- ALARM create an alarm trigger
- TEMP create a temporary trigger
- ONINPUT create a command input trigger
- ALIAS create or display an alias
- GALIAS create a global alias
- RECORD record an alias
- PATH save or display the current path
- VARIABLE assign a value to a variable
- GVARIABLE assign a value to a global variable
- FUNCTION create a user-defined function
- MATH perform complex math and expression parsing
- ADD add a value to a variable
- BUTTON trigger a button
- GAUGE create a graphical gauge button
- KEY define a macro key
- STATUS set the definition of the status bar
- STW set status window definition
- TAB add word to tab completion list
- RENAME rename an alias, variable or path
- MENU add a speed menu item
- DIR add a direction setting
- EDIT edit a given setting
Remove settings items
- UNALIAS remove an alias
- UNBUTTON remove a button
- UNCLASS removes a class
- DELCLASS removes a class and deletes settings
- UNKEY remove a macro key
- UNTRIGGER remove a trigger
- UNVAR remove a variable
- UNMENU remove a speed menu item
- UNDIR remove a direction setting
- UNTAB remove a word from the tab list
- KILLALL delete all aliases, macros, trigger actions, tab-completion words
Trigger related commands
- COLOR change color of the last line of text
- CW color the matched word on the last line
- HIGHLIGHT highlight the last line of text
- GAG remove last line from screen
- UNGAG prevent the line from being gagged
- GAGON turn on gagging of text
- GAGOFF turn off gagging of text
- GAGBLOCK gag a block of text
- SUBSTITUTE replace matching text
- T+ turn on a class of triggers
- T- turn off a class of triggers
- CLASS enable or disable a class
- SETPROMPT capture values from the MUD prompt
Tick Timer
- TIMER toggle the timer
- TS set the time or origin of the timer
- T? display time remaining in timer
- TZ zero the tick timer
File Commands
- FILE open a file for reading and writing
- READ read and execute a script from a file, or read a record from a file
- WRITE write a record to a file
- ERASE erase a file from the disk
- RESET reset the file back to the beginning.
- CLOSE close a file
- SEND send a text file to the MUD prefixed by a command
- TYPE display all or part of a text file to the screen
- LOG start a log file or toggle logging
Debugger Commands
- BREAK causes a breakpoint, which stops execution of script and loads the debugger
- WATCH adds an expression to the debugger Watch List
- UNWATCH removes an expression from the debugger Watch List
Automapper commands
- CONFIGURE change the configuration of the mapper
- NODIR remove last direction from mapper queue
- NOMAP prevent the matched line from being parsed by the mapper
- OK confirm a mapper movement
- DOOR create a door on the map
- MAKEROOM create a new room on the map
- MERGE merge rooms on the map together
- MOVE move a direction on the automapper
- TELEPORT teleport to a location on the map
- LOOK reload description of current room on map
- FIND find current location on map
- RECALL teleport to recall location on map
- WALK speedwalk to a marked location on the map
- LMAP loop through rooms on the map
- TAG override the normal automapper detection
- DESCRIBE displays the room name, description, and exits
Speedwalking commands
- MARK mark the beginning of a path
- PATH save or display the current path
- MAP add a direction to the current path
- BACKUP remove last direction from current path
- RETRACE retrace a path
- SLOW execute a path in Slow Walk mode
- STEP resume an aborted Slow Walk and step ahead
- STOP abort a Slow Walk
- OK confirm a Slow Walk step
- PAUSE pauses a Slow Walk
Window/Multiplaying commands
- SAY echo text to the screen
- SHOW echo text to the screen
- ECHO echo string to current MUD window
- SEND send text to the MUD
- SAYPROMPT echo text without newline
- SHOWPROMPT echo text without newline
- ECHOPROMPT echo text to current window without newline
- SENDPROMPT send text to the MUD without a newline
- NAME change the name of the current window
- WINDOW open a new window
- CLOSE close a window
- ALL send a command to all windows
- CAPTURE capture lines and send them to the editor or a window
- C+ start capturing to a window
- C- stop capturing to a window
- CLR clear the screen
- WRAP set word wrapping
- FREEZE split the screen to view scrollback
- CR send a new line
- MXP send a line to the screen containing MXP commands.
User interface I/O
- MESSAGE display a message in a small window
- PROMPT prompt for the value of an alias/variable
- PICK select commands from a list
- YESNO Display a confirmation dialog with buttons
Sounds and external applications
- BEEP beep the speaker (or play a wave file)
- PLAY play a wave, midi, avi, cd player, or other multimedia
- MEDIA send commands to your multimedia device
- LAUNCH launch another application
- COM execute a method of a COM object
- URL open URL in your Web Browser
- DDE send a DDE macro to a server.
- PLUGIN load and unload plugins in memory
Scripting GUI features
- MENU execute a menu command
- VERBATIM toggle parse mode
- IGNORE toggle the processing of trigger actions
- HISTORY display the history of previous commands
- H+ retrieve the next command in the history buffer
- H- retrieve the previous command in the history buffer
- INPUT put text into the command buffer
- SCROLL display matching lines in scrollback buffer
Session and Character settings
- SESSION open a new session
- CONNECT reconnect to the current session
- DISCONNECT disconnect from the current session
- CHARACTER returns the name of your character
- PW return your current password
- HOST return the name of the current host
Settings and Special Characters
- LOAD load a settings file
- SAVE save the current settings file
- DEFAULT save special characters and reset them to defaults
- NODEF restore special chars saved with #DEF
String List Commands
- ADDITEM adds an item to a string list
- DELITEM deletes an item from a string list
- DELNITEM delete the nth item from a string list
Database Variable Commands
- ADDKEY adds a keyword and property to a database record
- DELKEY deletes a keyword from a database record
- SHOWDB displays a database record
- LOOPDB loops through key values in a database record
Database Commands
- DBLOAD opens a database
- DBCLOSE closes a database
- DBSAVE saves a database
- VIEW sets or defines a database view
- FIND filters the database view to find items
- QUERY filters the database view to find items
- DBRESET resets the view filters
- DBGET sets the current database record to a given record
- DBPUT stores new values in a database record
- DBFIRST sets the current record to the first in the view
- DBNEXT sets the current record to the next in the view
- DBPREV sets the current record to the previous in the view
- DBDELETE deletes a record in the database
- LOOPVIEW loop through records in a view
- NEW create a new database record
- DBOFFLINE work in editor without effecting user interface
- DBONLINE work in editor and effect user interface
- ABORT abort further parsing of the current command line
- WAIT delay further processing until next line is received
- NOOP nothing
- EXEC execute a command
- EVAL evaluate an expression
Leftover TinTin compatibility
- VERSION display the current version of zMUD
- WIZLIST display the credits for zMUD
- HELP get help on commands