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Joined: 11 Mar 2002
Posts: 93

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:39 am   

[2.04] Mapping in Achaea (IRE) fresh install
Ok I ran the mapper in Achaea, an IRE mud, with ATCP on and it still captured exits wrong, though it always captures room names. What appears is happening is on multiline exits it doesn't refresh the last exits, so the new room ends up with the last room's exit pattern.

I will post my raw file of my mapping and put comments where the room exits were wrong, forcing me to do a LOOK to set the right exits.

out (    4) 10/03/07 21:17:13:765 : ne<CR><LF>
in* ( 1154) 10/03/07 21:17:13:843 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Northern Hierophants' Square<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,sw<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mAlong Emerald Circle.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Along Emerald Circle<IAC><SE>The intertwining branches of this pleasant walkway curve slightly as they wind around the Great Oak, offering a lovely view of the gathering place at Central Hall in the distance and Hierophant's Square just to the southwest. The bark of each tree along the path is lined with bright clumps of mistletoe, the colour of which lends the circle its name. Tiny honeyeaters and vibrant hummingbirds are nestled within the emerald vegetation, happily making their homes within the safe cover of leaves and bright red berries. Seeds litter the branches below, indicating that the nutritious value of the fruit is not missed by the birds and small animals inhabiting the plants.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 2 monolith sigils here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,sw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m east and southwest.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    4) 10/03/07 21:17:14:937 : ne<CR><LF>
in* (  230) 10/03/07 21:17:15:000 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Along Emerald Circle<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,sw<IAC><SE>There is no exit in that direction.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:16:437 : e<CR><LF>
in* ( 1071) 10/03/07 21:17:16:515 : <ESC>[33mEntering Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A single broad limb of the massive Great Oak slopes gradually downward, forming a path toward a thick curtain of long, weighty vines. The creepers are separated and cleverly plaited in the centre, forming a tall archway with a slim wooden sign hanging from delicate gilded chains at the crest. The words "Draoi Quarter" are etched into the sign with beautiful lettering. Set into a niche near the portico is a maple post with pointed planks, directing the way to several places within the village. The marketplace beyond the arch consists of several tiers of branches leading higher into the canopy, each laden with a plethora of multicoloured baskets filled with various wares.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, northeast, east, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    4) 10/03/07 21:17:17:859 : ne<CR><LF>
in* ( 1202) 10/03/07 21:17:18:015 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mLower Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>The massive ovens of the nearby inn create a sphere of warmth that extends into this area. The delectable aromas of a never ending supply of baked goods float along on the warm air currents, the scent of spiced apples mingling with that of fresh bread and roasted meats. The path here winds around a small brewery, vats of fermenting ale standing ready to be tapped and served directly to the inn's patrons. Outside the brewery, a large tray of the inn's signature fresh trout sits covered in a solid sheet of ice.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sparkling form floats gently here, light rays rippling through its clouds.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m northeast, south, southwest, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37mDancing around your body, Ellie playfully circles you.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:21:906 : s<CR><LF>
in* ( 1151) 10/03/07 21:17:22:000 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mSouthern Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>

----Room below grabbed wrong exit pattern----
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Southern Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A break in the canopy above the southern end of the Draoi Quarter offers a broad view of the sky with a few pleasantly puffy clouds drifting past, making the overhead scenery as lovely as that of the village below. The marketplace is open and airy, the unchecked wind swirling around the stalls, carrying the faint scents of maple from the forest outside the village. Each shop in this section of the market is hung with brightly coloured fabrics and woven items. The majority are homemade Eleusian textiles, although some expensive items are recognizable as imports from as far away as Shallam and Cyrene.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se,w,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, southeast, west, and northwest.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    6) 10/03/07 21:17:29:515 : look<CR><LF>
in* (  301) 10/03/07 21:17:30:140 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Southern Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se,w,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;32m<CR><LF>
(Council of the De'Arc): Achimenius says, "Haha, Sylvans think 77% icon isn't bad."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
in* ( 1091) 10/03/07 21:17:30:390 : <ESC>[33mSouthern Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Southern Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A break in the canopy above the southern end of the Draoi Quarter offers a broad view of the sky with a few pleasantly puffy clouds drifting past, making the overhead scenery as lovely as that of the village below. The marketplace is open and airy, the unchecked wind swirling around the stalls, carrying the faint scents of maple from the forest outside the village. Each shop in this section of the market is hung with brightly coloured fabrics and woven items. The majority are homemade Eleusian textiles, although some expensive items are recognizable as imports from as far away as Shallam and Cyrene.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se,w,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, southeast, west, and northwest.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
in* (  194) 10/03/07 21:17:31:578 : <CR><LF>
You will TIMEOUT in 1 minute unless you do something.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:32:500 : w<CR><LF>
in* (  179) 10/03/07 21:17:32:562 : <ESC>[1;35m<CR><LF>
Skylana tells you, "Ok!"<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>

----Room below grabbed wrong exit pattern and room name when Skylana's previous tell came through----
in* ( 1071) 10/03/07 21:17:32:781 : <ESC>[33mEntering Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A single broad limb of the massive Great Oak slopes gradually downward, forming a path toward a thick curtain of long, weighty vines. The creepers are separated and cleverly plaited in the centre, forming a tall archway with a slim wooden sign hanging from delicate gilded chains at the crest. The words "Draoi Quarter" are etched into the sign with beautiful lettering. Set into a niche near the portico is a maple post with pointed planks, directing the way to several places within the village. The marketplace beyond the arch consists of several tiers of branches leading higher into the canopy, each laden with a plethora of multicoloured baskets filled with various wares.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, northeast, east, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    6) 10/03/07 21:17:36:218 : look<CR><LF>
in* ( 1133) 10/03/07 21:17:36:296 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mEntering Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A single broad limb of the massive Great Oak slopes gradually downward, forming a path toward a thick curtain of long, weighty vines. The creepers are separated and cleverly plaited in the centre, forming a tall archway with a slim wooden sign hanging from delicate gilded chains at the crest. The words "Draoi Quarter" are etched into the sign with beautiful lettering. Set into a niche near the portico is a maple post with pointed planks, directing the way to several places within the village. The marketplace beyond the arch consists of several tiers of branches leading higher into the canopy, each laden with a plethora of multicoloured baskets filled with various wares.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, northeast, east, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:41:250 : n<CR><LF>
in* ( 1716) 10/03/07 21:17:41:359 : <ESC>[33mLower Western Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Western Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A sharp, pungent smell permeates the area in an invisible cloud of mixed odours emanating from the quaint, run down shops in the lower section of the Draoi marketplace. Visible through the open, ivy-draped doorways are vials, phials, pots, and cauldrons in every imaginable size, each filled to the brim with liquids or powders. Unlike the haphazard nature of other areas of the market, all containers here are placed neatly on counters and shelves, and are carefully labelled. The tiny placards reveal the contents of each to be anything from dyes and spices, to healing concoctions, cosmetics, and growth fertilisers. A tiny, eye-catching phial of vibrant green liquid bubbles quietly on the back of one shelf, the slightly disturbing label 'Treekin Tonic - Do Not Touch' inscribed in miniscule letters on the front.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 6 Tsol'aa archers here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 10 Treekin warriors here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 6 Dryad enchantresses here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,se,s,u<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m east, southeast, south, and up.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Treekin warrior says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Dryad enchantress says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Tsol'aa archer says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Treekin warrior says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
in* (  348) 10/03/07 21:17:42:203 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Western Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,se,s,u<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;32m<CR><LF>
(Council of the De'Arc): Achimenius says, "Rofl. Calira tells you, "Nope! The Shard shortage seems to be ending, thankfully.""<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:42:843 : e<CR><LF>
in* ( 1207) 10/03/07 21:17:42:984 : <ESC>[33mLower Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>The massive ovens of the nearby inn create a sphere of warmth that extends into this area. The delectable aromas of a never ending supply of baked goods float along on the warm air currents, the scent of spiced apples mingling with that of fresh bread and roasted meats. The path here winds around a small brewery, vats of fermenting ale standing ready to be tapped and served directly to the inn's patrons. Outside the brewery, a large tray of the inn's signature fresh trout sits covered in a solid sheet of ice.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sparkling form floats gently here, light rays rippling through its clouds.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A little girl named Averan is here, smiling happily.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m northeast, south, southwest, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37mDancing around your body, Ellie playfully circles you.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    4) 10/03/07 21:17:43:562 : sw<CR><LF>
in* ( 1131) 10/03/07 21:17:44:875 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mEntering Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A single broad limb of the massive Great Oak slopes gradually downward, forming a path toward a thick curtain of long, weighty vines. The creepers are separated and cleverly plaited in the centre, forming a tall archway with a slim wooden sign hanging from delicate gilded chains at the crest. The words "Draoi Quarter" are etched into the sign with beautiful lettering. Set into a niche near the portico is a maple post with pointed planks, directing the way to several places within the village. The marketplace beyond the arch consists of several tiers of branches leading higher into the canopy, each laden with a plethora of multicoloured baskets filled with various wares.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, northeast, east, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16491/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:45:812 : e<CR><LF>
in* ( 1220) 10/03/07 21:17:45:906 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Entering Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,ne,e,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mSouthern Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Southern Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A break in the canopy above the southern end of the Draoi Quarter offers a broad view of the sky with a few pleasantly puffy clouds drifting past, making the overhead scenery as lovely as that of the village below. The marketplace is open and airy, the unchecked wind swirling around the stalls, carrying the faint scents of maple from the forest outside the village. Each shop in this section of the market is hung with brightly coloured fabrics and woven items. The majority are homemade Eleusian textiles, although some expensive items are recognizable as imports from as far away as Shallam and Cyrene.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A little girl named Averan is here, smiling happily.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se,w,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m north, southeast, west, and northwest.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16489/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    4) 10/03/07 21:17:46:437 : nw<CR><LF>
in* ( 1973) 10/03/07 21:17:46:531 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Southern Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits n,se,w,nw<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mLower Western Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Western Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>A sharp, pungent smell permeates the area in an invisible cloud of mixed odours emanating from the quaint, run down shops in the lower section of the Draoi marketplace. Visible through the open, ivy-draped doorways are vials, phials, pots, and cauldrons in every imaginable size, each filled to the brim with liquids or powders. Unlike the haphazard nature of other areas of the market, all containers here are placed neatly on counters and shelves, and are carefully labelled. The tiny placards reveal the contents of each to be anything from dyes and spices, to healing concoctions, cosmetics, and growth fertilisers. A tiny, eye-catching phial of vibrant green liquid bubbles quietly on the back of one shelf, the slightly disturbing label 'Treekin Tonic - Do Not Touch' inscribed in miniscule letters on the front.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 6 Tsol'aa archers here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 10 Treekin warriors here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 6 Dryad enchantresses here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,se,s,u<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m east, southeast, south, and up.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Tsol'aa archer says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Treekin warrior says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Treekin warrior says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Dryad enchantress says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Treekin warrior says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Treekin warrior says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Tsol'aa archer says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    3) 10/03/07 21:17:47:406 : e<CR><LF>

----Room below grabbed wrong exit pattern----
in* ( 1151) 10/03/07 21:17:47:531 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Western Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits e,se,s,u<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mLower Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>The massive ovens of the nearby inn create a sphere of warmth that extends into this area. The delectable aromas of a never ending supply of baked goods float along on the warm air currents, the scent of spiced apples mingling with that of fresh bread and roasted meats. The path here winds around a small brewery, vats of fermenting ale standing ready to be tapped and served directly to the inn's patrons. Outside the brewery, a large tray of the inn's signature fresh trout sits covered in a solid sheet of ice.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sparkling form floats gently here, light rays rippling through its clouds.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m northeast, south, southwest, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16491/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
in* (  259) 10/03/07 21:17:48:421 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;32m<CR><LF>
[b](Council of the De'Arc): Skylana says, "Ha."<CR><LF>[/b]
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16491/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    6) 10/03/07 21:17:50:171 : look<CR><LF>
in* ( 1084) 10/03/07 21:17:50:375 : <ESC>[33mLower Draoi Quarter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Lower Draoi Quarter<IAC><SE>The massive ovens of the nearby inn create a sphere of warmth that extends into this area. The delectable aromas of a never ending supply of baked goods float along on the warm air currents, the scent of spiced apples mingling with that of fresh bread and roasted meats. The path here winds around a small brewery, vats of fermenting ale standing ready to be tapped and served directly to the inn's patrons. Outside the brewery, a large tray of the inn's signature fresh trout sits covered in a solid sheet of ice.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sparkling form floats gently here, light rays rippling through its clouds.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,s,sw,w<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m northeast, south, southwest, and west.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    4) 10/03/07 21:17:51:953 : ne<CR><LF>

If you need the txt I can put that up as well.

Also following in safe mode once the map has been created fails completely. Slow mode will speedwalk one room and then abort.

This is an absolutely fresh install of 2.04.. I installed it, started it, ran the map config and then started a debug log.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2002
Posts: 93

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:15 am   
The following image is an example of what is happening. I started in the southwest room and did a reconfigure using the direction Northeast. It moved there, and came up with the prompt pages for confirming information, though the room name, description, and exits were not colour coded at all. Upon clicking the finish in reconfigure, it created the northeast room, which other than the "in" direction mapped the exits properly. I then moved southwest, and it created the room with the correct room name, but the exits were the ones captured from the previous room.

I logged this as well and will post the log with this image.

out (   11) 10/03/07 22:02:20:187 : northeast<CR><LF>
in* ( 2770) 10/03/07 22:02:20:296 : <ESC>[33mCentral Hall in the Great Oak.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Central Hall in the Great Oak<IAC><SE>The heady scents of ancient wood and honey permeate this cavernous hall within the majestic Great Oak. The inner walls of the tree appear healthy and strong, pulsing with life despite the hollowed core. Remnants of the heart of the mighty oak make up the gentle curves and angles of the hall, forming a natural stairway and benches that spring forth from the wood fully-formed. Planted in natural niches along the upper walls, clusters of delicate honeysuckle spill over the sides of their containers to add a few leafy tendrils to the ambiance. Great silk tapestries encircle the vast chamber, depicting scenes from Eleusian history and exploits of the goddess Gaia. The broad wooden floor, worn smooth and polished by the passage of feet over time, shows the extent of the Great Oak's age rings, the number of which is far too many to count at a glance.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 2 Tsol'aa archers here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 4 Dryad enchantresses here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A statue of Covenant Stormcrow, first Speaker of Eleusis, stands here as a monument of the village's history.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m Surrounded by a swirling whirlwind of flower petals, the Guardian of Nature stands here proudly, ready to protect against those who raise their hand against Eleusis.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 3 alabaster pegasi here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A heavy tome hovers in the air before you amid a hazy green glow.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small burro stands here quietly.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sleek pony grazes nearby.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m Mallet hoisted over her shoulder, a dwarven earthshaker stands here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A stone gargoyle flies overhead on leathery, grey wings.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m Light glints off the golden eyes of a black gryphon, his sleekly muscled body shadowed beneath wings of resplendent silver.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A war horse stands here, stamping impatiently.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m You spot an elusive glitterlight butterfly out of the corner of your eye.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see exits leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,se,sw,w,nw,u,i<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m northeast, southeast, southwest, west, northwest, up, and in.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Dryad enchantress says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36mA Tsol'aa archer says, "Hail, friend of Nature."<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
out (    4) 10/03/07 22:02:28:578 : sw<CR><LF>
in* ( 1458) 10/03/07 22:02:28:703 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Central Hall in the Great Oak<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,se,sw,w,nw,u,i<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mChamber of Winter.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Chamber of Winter<IAC><SE>A thin layer of snow coats the ground and the bare branches of the trees here, creating a pallid vista of silent winter beauty. Frigid gusts of wind whip around the frosted boughs, knocking loose snowflakes off of the trees and creating the illusion of constant snowfall. Several low-growing shrubs of callicarpa thrive here, their vivid purple winter berries a bright contrast to the pristine white landscape, and a sign of thriving life even in the dead of winter.<ESC>[36m<ESC>[37m<ESC>[1;32m There are 2 comical jack-in-the-boxes here.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A tall fountain of souls stands here, a steady stream of energy pouring forth from its centre.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A Treekin warrior stands here surveying the area with a cautious eye.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m An ethereal ebony steed stands here, his dark mane and tail billowing in the wind.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;32m A fierce tiger prowls restlessly nearby.<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[1;36m The Golden Dragon Skylana's imposing form looms.<ESC>[0;37m<CR><LF>
<ESC>[1;34mYou see a single exit leading<ESC>[0;37m<IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne<IAC><SE><ESC>[1;34m northeast.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[0;37m<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>
in* (  260) 10/03/07 22:02:32:937 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Chamber of Winter<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne<IAC><SE><CR><LF>
In the crystal-clear night sky, the stars twinkle and glow brightly.<CR><LF>
<ESC>[32m3519h,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 5306m,<ESC>[37m<ESC>[32m 23020w<ESC>[37m<IAC><SB><200>Char.Vitals<LF>
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 <IAC><SE> exdb-<IAC><EOR>

Central Hall in the Great Oak.
���Room.Brief Central Hall in the Great Oak��The heady scents of ancient wood and honey permeate this cavernous hall within the majestic Great Oak. The inner walls of the tree appear healthy and strong, pulsing with life despite the hollowed core. Remnants of the heart of the mighty oak make up the gentle curves and angles of the hall, forming a natural stairway and benches that spring forth from the wood fully-formed. Planted in natural niches along the upper walls, clusters of delicate honeysuckle spill over the sides of their containers to add a few leafy tendrils to the ambiance. Great silk tapestries encircle the vast chamber, depicting scenes from Eleusian history and exploits of the goddess Gaia. The broad wooden floor, worn smooth and polished by the passage of feet over time, shows the extent of the Great Oak's age rings, the number of which is far too many to count at a glance. There are 2 Tsol'aa archers here. There are 4 Dryad enchantresses here. A statue of Covenant Stormcrow, first Speaker of Eleusis, stands here as a monument of the village's history. Surrounded by a swirling whirlwind of flower petals, the Guardian of Nature stands here proudly, ready to protect against those who raise their hand against Eleusis. There are 3 alabaster pegasi here. A cute little humgii is sitting here placidly, attached to a leash. A heavy tome hovers in the air before you amid a hazy green glow. Playing endlessly with its long floppy ears, a small burro stands here quietly. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A sleek pony grazes nearby. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Mallet hoisted over her shoulder, a dwarven earthshaker stands here. Lying flat on the ground is a key-shaped sigil. A stone gargoyle flies overhead on leathery, grey wings. Light glints off the golden eyes of a black gryphon, his sleekly muscled body shadowed beneath wings of resplendent silver. A war horse stands here, stamping impatiently. You spot an elusive glitterlight butterfly out of the corner of your eye.
You see exits leading���Room.Exits ne,se,sw,w,nw,u,i�� northeast, southeast, southwest, west, northwest, up, and in.
A Dryad enchantress says, "Hail, friend of Nature."
A Tsol'aa archer says, "Hail, friend of Nature."
3519h, 5306m, 23020w���Char.Vitals
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 �� exdb-�����Room.Brief Central Hall in the Great Oak�����Room.Exits ne,se,sw,w,nw,u,i��Chamber of Winter.
���Room.Brief Chamber of Winter��A thin layer of snow coats the ground and the bare branches of the trees here, creating a pallid vista of silent winter beauty. Frigid gusts of wind whip around the frosted boughs, knocking loose snowflakes off of the trees and creating the illusion of constant snowfall. Several low-growing shrubs of callicarpa thrive here, their vivid purple winter berries a bright contrast to the pristine white landscape, and a sign of thriving life even in the dead of winter. There are 2 comical jack-in-the-boxes here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A tall fountain of souls stands here, a steady stream of energy pouring forth from its centre. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A Treekin warrior stands here surveying the area with a cautious eye. An ethereal ebony steed stands here, his dark mane and tail billowing in the wind. A fierce tiger prowls restlessly nearby. The Golden Dragon Skylana's imposing form looms.
You see a single exit leading���Room.Exits ne�� northeast.
3519h, 5306m, 23020w���Char.Vitals
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16493/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 �� exdb-�����Room.Brief Chamber of Winter�����Room.Exits ne��
In the crystal-clear night sky, the stars twinkle and glow brightly.
3519h, 5306m, 23020w���Char.Vitals
H:3519/3519 M:5306/5306 E:16495/16495 W:23020/23020 NL:56/100 �� exdb-��
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Joined: 11 Feb 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:16 am   
For one, when you use ATCP for mapping you will not get the color coding as it shows the room text, not the codes.

Other than that, I'm at a loss. While I still get the occasional wrong exit sequence, it is very rare and the only problem I've really had is that sometimes it doesn't like to find the room I am in despite there not being a duplicate.

My suggestion is to start a clean session with no settings, then try configging the mapper first. If this works then the problem may be with the other settings in you main session.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2002
Posts: 93

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:22 am   
Dumas wrote:
For one, when you use ATCP for mapping you will not get the color coding as it shows the room text, not the codes.

Other than that, I'm at a loss. While I still get the occasional wrong exit sequence, it is very rare and the only problem I've really had is that sometimes it doesn't like to find the room I am in despite there not being a duplicate.

My suggestion is to start a clean session with no settings, then try configging the mapper first. If this works then the problem may be with the other settings in you main session.

As I stated in my post, it was a clean session, no settings, configured the mapper and proceeded to have it capture the exits wrong.

I know, it doesn't colour code the ATCP mapping tags, I was just clarifying that as happening. I should have put I knew that was the expected outcome, I guess.

Again, this was an absolutely settings free install of cmud. It was literally, install, log on, turn on mapper, do configuration and as above, that is what happened and continues to happen.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
Posts: 1269

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:35 pm   
Are you sure you have ATCP switched on in Achaea? I don't know much about ATCP but I can't see any ATCP codes in the log you are calling the RAW log (which is actually the 'human readable' debug log, not the raw log - the raw log is unmodified). Or maybe you have the wrong terminal set in CMUD...
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Fang Xianfu

Joined: 26 Jan 2004
Posts: 5155
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 4:30 pm   
Seb - you're arguing semantics that don't exist. Sometimes Zugg's had people call the human-readable log .raw, sometimes .txt. The replica of the text that came from the server has never been called .raw - always .txt.

Anyway. There are indeed ATCP codes there - here's a snippet:

out ( 4) 10/03/07 22:02:28:578 : sw<CR><LF>
in* ( 1458) 10/03/07 22:02:28:703 : <IAC><SB><200>Room.Brief Central Hall in the Great Oak<IAC><SE><IAC><SB><200>Room.Exits ne,se,sw,w,nw,u,i<IAC><SE><ESC>[33mChamber of Winter.<CR><LF>

Perhaps this problem has something to do with how ATCP is sending the room.brief and .exits twice, once before the room name, and once before the description and exit text.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:20 pm   
Also, check the MCCP compression setting in your Preferences. Looks like it is enabled (because of the in* in your log post).

I have been working with IronRealms on some bugs on Imperian when MCCP is enabled, and it's possible that those same bugs exist on Achaea also. On Imperian, it is buffering the ATCP stuff when MCCP is enabled, causing the room exits to be shown at the wrong time. So try turning off MCCP and then reconnect to the MUD and see if it works better then.
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
Posts: 1269

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:54 am   
Fang Xianfu wrote:
Seb - you're arguing semantics that don't exist. Sometimes Zugg's had people call the human-readable log .raw, sometimes .txt. The replica of the text that came from the server has never been called .raw - always .txt.

OK, this may be true, but for me the raw file is the raw mud output, not the human readable form (even if I'm the only one who thinks so).
Seb wrote:
But I did actually capture a #DEBUG if you want it - I didn't know how to name each file though - which one is which?
Zugg wrote:
Yes, still send me both files. The first filename is the one that I can replay. The second filename is the human-readable file that you quoted at the beginning of this post.

Fang Xianfu wrote:
Anyway. There are indeed ATCP codes there - here's a snippet:

OK, my bad. I expected them to look different.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2002
Posts: 93

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:57 am   
Zugg wrote:
Also, check the MCCP compression setting in your Preferences. Looks like it is enabled (because of the in* in your log post).

I have been working with IronRealms on some bugs on Imperian when MCCP is enabled, and it's possible that those same bugs exist on Achaea also. On Imperian, it is buffering the ATCP stuff when MCCP is enabled, causing the room exits to be shown at the wrong time. So try turning off MCCP and then reconnect to the MUD and see if it works better then.

Thanks, Zugg!

Turning off MCCP worked perfectly. It would appear that Achaea, and likely all the IRE games, have the MCCP issue then.
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Fang Xianfu

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Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:35 am   
Seb wrote:
OK, this may be true, but for me the raw file is the raw mud output, not the human readable form (even if I'm the only one who thinks so).

Consider yourself declared right Wink
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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Joined: 12 Oct 2006
Posts: 49

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:11 am   
Yes, Lusternia has the same MCCP issue. I think it's a rapture problem or something. I've turned it off on all my sessions in both Achaea and Lusternia and ATCP works without a glitch. ..for what I need anyways. :)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:04 am   
The IronRealms folks are aware of the problem and are working on it. Once they have it fixed on Imperian, I'm sure it will get fixed on the other games too. Rapture doesn't actually use MCCP, so CMUD is the first ATCP+MCCP client to test this Smile
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:42 pm   
It's not, actually - MudBot did as well. I've no idea how the problem was avoided in MudBot (which has its own mapper - I think it used ANSI colours rather tham ATCP to mark rooms). I definitely remember MCCP causing problems with the editor, though - MudBot had to turn off MCCP temporarily while the editor ATCP was received, and then turn it on again afterwards.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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Joined: 25 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:43 pm   
Zugg wrote:
The IronRealms folks are aware of the problem and are working on it. Once they have it fixed on Imperian, I'm sure it will get fixed on the other games too. Rapture doesn't actually use MCCP, so CMUD is the first ATCP+MCCP client to test this Smile

Rapture is the name of the IRE MUD engine. Maybe you're thinking of Rapscallion? Wink
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:59 pm   
Yeah, whatever the name of their Java MUD client is then.
MudBot had to turn off MCCP temporarily while the editor ATCP was received, and then turn it on again afterwards.

They must have done something like that with the mapper too. Or else they kludged their ATCP parser some other way. MudBot gets the same incorrect data stream. Maybe they didn't have the contacts at IronRealms to report the problem properly. It will be interesting to see when they fix this problem if it causes any bad side effects in MudBot.
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Fang Xianfu

Joined: 26 Jan 2004
Posts: 5155
Location: United Kingdom

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:53 am   
I expect not - I remember reading the MudBot docs and it mentions a preference that's the colour of your room name and exits lines, implying that that's what it uses. It's probable that the MCCP problem stopped them using the Room. objects altogether.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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