RackandRuin Newbie
Joined: 01 Dec 2005 Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:07 pm
Autoroller problems. |
I created this autoroller based on another I found on here credit to odinfan for the original:
#al {stop} {n;#t- rollin}
#al {chkstr} {#IF (@Str > 15) {#ad total 1}}
#al {chkint} {#IF (@Int > 15) {#ad total 1}}
#al {chkwis} {#IF (@Wis > 10) {#ad total 1}}
#al {chkdex} {#IF (@Dex > 8) {#ad total 1}}
#al {chkcon} {#IF (@Con > 15) {#ad total 1}}
#al {chkcha} {#IF (@Cha > 10) {#ad total 1}}
#al {chkluc} {#IF (@Luc > 10) {#ad total 1}}
#ac {Strength:%s&Str} {chkstr} {rollin}
#ac {Intelligence: %s&Int} {chkint} {rollin}
#ac {Wisdom:%s&Wis} {chkwis} {rollin}
#ac {Dexterity:%s&Dex} {chkdex} {rollin}
#ac {Constitution:%s&Con} {chkcon} {rollin}
#ac {Charisma:%s&Cha} {chkcha} {rollin}
#ac {Luck:%s&Luc} {chkluc} {rollin}
#ac {Would you like to keep these stats?} {%if(@total=7,stop,y)} {rollin}
#ac {Your choices are:} {#say value of total=@total;#var total 0}
I am having the following problems:
Total is not being incremented correctly, sometimes there will be 4 stats that pass, but total will only be 3.
Total has reached 7 in the past, but failed to stop at that point. Not only that, it should never have reached total.
The mud output looks like this:
Strength: 12 (Str)
Intelligence: 14 (Int)
Wisdom: 11 (Wis)
Dexterity: 11 (Dex)
Constitution: 12 (Con)
Charisma: 14 (Cha)
Luck: 13 (Lck)
Would you like to keep these stats?
Your choices are: (Y/N/H/?):
But appear like this after the autoroller begins running:
Your choices are: (Y/N/H/?):Strength: 15 (Str)
Intelligence: 10 (Int)
Wisdom: 14 (Wis)
Dexterity: 13 (Dex)
Constitution: 17 (Con)
Charisma: 9 (Cha)
Luck: 16 (Lck)
Would you like to keep these stats?
Your choices are: (Y/N/H/?):Strength: 12 (Str)
Thanks to anyone who can help. |
TonDiening GURU

Joined: 26 Jul 2001 Posts: 1958 Location: Canada
Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:44 pm |
What about changing your triggers to prompt triggers to catch the case our choices are: (Y/N/H/?):Strength: 15 (Str)
#ac {Luck:%s&Luc} {chkluc} {rollin} {nocr|prompt}
or in the settings editor, edit the trigger, go to options, uncheck newline and check prompt.
Should the following action trigger be a newline or prompt trigger�
Your choices are: (Y/N/H/?):
I would do it with a multi-line trigger. |
nexela Wizard

Joined: 15 Jan 2002 Posts: 1644 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:21 am |
Remove your old triggers alias' etc and this should work for you
#CLASS autoroll
#TRIGGER "autorollertrig" {Strength:%s(%d)} {total=0;#IF (%1 > 15) {#ADD total 1}}
#COND {Intelligence: %s(%d)} {#IF (%1 > 15) {#ADD total 1}} {within|param=1}
#COND {Wisdom:%s(%d)} {#IF (%1 > 10) {#ADD total 1}} {within|param=1}
#COND {Dexterity:%s(%d)} {#IF (%1 > 8) {#ADD total 1}} {within|param=1}
#COND {Constitution:%s(%d)} {#IF (%1 > 15) {#ADD total 1}} {within|param=1}
#COND {Charisma:%s(%d)} {#IF (%1 > 10) {#ADD total 1}} {within|param=1}
#COND {Luck:%s(%d)} {#IF (%1 > 10) {#ADD total 1}} {within|param=1}
#COND {Would you like to keep these stats?} {#IF (@total=7) {Y} {N}}
#CLASS 0 |