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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
Posts: 23

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:11 pm   

Zmud roomnumbers
I am working on a script that will let me use zmud database and maps to interface with Online Building. Basicly it is my question is can you set the initial room vnum? This would let the exit north to room xxx be the exact same as it would be in the mud. I relize there is a mud vnum field however it is not automaticaly calulated with the mapper. Sofar the script works pretty decent as long as I ensure that the vnums are free in the game to mate up with my map. Settng the vnum for each room really isn't what I am looking to do. I want to to operate just as it does but start counting from a higher number.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:48 pm   
Perhaps nobody is answering because it's not quite clear what I want :D
I have found a work around using MS Access and Excel with a bit of renumbering manually and reimporting the zone (bleh)

Using Map in keyboard creation mode...

First room defaults to first available ID number for the database... No suprising it's a Key so it autonumbers...

Instead of the first room being #1... I want to be able to set that to be equal to oh 2200 for example... then next room should be 2201...
simple right...

Reason for all this pain, is it would let me use the automapper to draw the zone populate the map with mobiles from database and objects from database... then I can use an a simple script to drive the OLC with the raw data from the databases... Voila... more benifits are I have a copy of database already in zmud... Goto xxx can ref the same number in mapper. I can do creative extras like graphicly see where players are with imm where (provides vnum)... could be used to port areas by filling the database with stat commands and loop, and even appling formulas to balance out the eq to a reasonable standard. Statistics could get gathered on zone use, mobs killed by class/level, objects collected (if sold where, or donated/sacced) and stored in variables for each room as well with an imm channel and creative use of scripts as well. Basicly ALOT of benifit. If I am stuck without a means to do it in Zmud, atleast I already have a solution tho not quite as nice as a simple cmd...
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:21 pm   
The mapper has TWO map modes

#CALL %roommode(0) causes map functions to work off room Vnums (Usefull if in your mapping you have the room vnum somewhere in the room name/desc/exit/prompt)

#CALL %roommode(1) causes the map to work off of the object record number (default, and usefull if you don't have vnums displayed)

The purpose of the two is fairly clear if your using mode 0 then ignore the record number, if your using mode 1 ignore the vnum
If you are creating rooms/mapping rooms that have the vnum you will need some way to capture and update the vnum :P

So a rough example then I guess would be

Name=A trail
Desc=blah blah blah

in %roommode(0)
#SAY %roomname(1) will return nothing
#SAY %roomname(1002) will return A trail

in %roommode(1)
#SAY %roomname(1) will return A trail
#SAY %roomname(1002) will return nothing

The problem with using %roommode(0) is that you can have the same VNUM be in 2+ differant zones (this is where %mapfilter comes in handy) while in %roommode(1) all the ID's are unique

If you need more help I am available here or through PM/email :p
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Joined: 15 Jan 2002
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:26 pm   
Givin enough incentive and input I could write zmud scripts to Auto create OLC mud rooms from the zmud mapper too :P
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