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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:43 am   

My apologies in advance if any of these are known/intentional. Rather than creating multiple strings, I will just keep this window open for a while before I post, listing things as I notice them.

Erorr message "Settings do not confortm to (OLE?) ....." erorr as I loaded zmud (hit enter too quick to see the whole error message, my apologies).

Cannot right-click on icons in settings session.

My entire screen alignment is too far to the left, cutting off half of the first character of each line, whether or not I have the right side windows open (mapper/status window/etc)

File.lay is not converting into cmud.

In the editor, when you click on a class folder, the right portion of the screen (edit window) just shows class properties and lots of blue space. Perhaps it would be more user-friendly if that screen was cut in two, for this particular view, with the top half showing editable user settings, bottom half listing subclasses?

User preferences aren't converting into cmud.

Entered a multi-line alias, and pressed tab to see if it had converted properly (since it didn't work). The prompt did not expand to show the entire alias, just the very bottom line .. a single }. Then I got an error message (sent a bug report). Then cleared the bottom line (what I thought was the only line) and entered a command, and got a parsing error from the rest of the alias, not visible in the command prompt.

On multiple line scroll, it goes at roughly the same speed as it would on a 1200 baud modem :P (2500 or so triggers, 8000 or so aliases, 50 macros, 700 vars.. give or take).

After the parsing erorr bug, everything I typed was in an invisible second "upper" line in the command prompt, so I could only see the bottom like, 5% of the characters I typed.

After that, I tried to run my spellup script and the program froze entirely... guess I'll do more observations on beta 1.2 :P Hope some of this helps...
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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:45 am   
Oh also, aliases that made use of the %0 option (MANY of mine do) were not registering the %0 at all.. so for example, if I had an alias:

#al {tz} {tell zugg {%0}}

And I typed "tz testing" it would output "tell zugg" to the mud.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:48 am   
The new %0 behavior is no bug. It's working as intended.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 03 Mar 2001
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 6:18 am   
I think Vijilante covered the %0 bit

#al {tz} {tell zugg {%0}}

should just be
#al {tz} {tell zugg}
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 7:29 am   

My entire screen alignment is too far to the left, cutting off half of the first character of each line, whether or not I have the right side windows open (mapper/status window/etc)

Also a known issue it doesnt reset window as new text comes in. Drag the bottom scroll bar to the left and that first char should appear.

Also note by importing your old settings along with your triggers etc you are going to change a bunch of things and it will work slow due to the simple fact of having problems with conflicting settings and settings that are no longer valid anymore as zugg removed them.


Entered a multi-line alias, and pressed tab to see if it had converted properly (since it didn't work). The prompt did not expand to show the entire alias, just the very bottom line .. a single }. Then I got an error message (sent a bug report). Then cleared the bottom line (what I thought was the only line) and entered a command, and got a parsing error from the rest of the alias, not visible in the command prompt.

Also a known issue with the command line. it has worked for one person thus far it seems but for most of us its not working. As such we are using the EDITOR in the top right menu to paste into. I personally have a pasting from websites bug that crashes the program when i do it. I paste into notepad then copy and it pastes in just fine. THis will also if you turn the options on allow you to see syntax and what needs to be fixed. Its not perfect but it is pretty close as long as you turn off word wrapping


Erorr message "Settings do not confortm to (OLE?) ....." erorr as I loaded zmud (hit enter too quick to see the whole error message, my apologies).

This error sounds like when you opened cmud and tried to open the .MUD file. It cant properly read the OLE DATABASE. If it was in zmud your settings file must be corrupted. Either way what will happen is when you load something like this that is corrupted or contains a bunch of invalid need to be fixed aliases variables etc. you need to close down cmud. reopen the session after verifying it uses the new .PKG it created not the .MUD FILE which is a step many people miss by checking session properties. And check it after you load the pkg file. I think you will find the operation better although still slow due to invalid aliases and triggers as it tries to parse through all those invalid settings to match them against lines. Many triggers need to be recreated etc. This is why i did a script by script import into a new pkg file. Its been working great ever since.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:57 am   
Hehe, didn't actually expect a point by point explanation, though I appreciate you taking the time to do it :) Wa smostly just trying to help out with bugs I noticed as I went...

As for the screen alignment... I did drag it all left, and still had the issue... but as it's a known issue, moot point :P However, if %0 was intentionally removed, will the later versions of zmud convert this? As I have probably several thousand occurances of it through my zmud file, I don't really look forward to replacing every sngle one manually :P That question btw is more of an example of a broader question.. is the plan for cmud to be able to 100% accurately convert zmud files later, or will there be some element of manual user conversion required?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:58 am   
I believe the plan eventually is for CMUD not to import from zMUD so I can't see Zugg spending time on getting CMUD to fix faulty zMUD scripting. Although %0 works in zMUD it is a bug and was never intended to be used the way it is.

My suggestion is for you to do an export of you settings from zMUD then use notepad or some other text editor to remove all the %0 entries, you can then import into CMUD.
Taz :)
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:24 pm   
global replace rocks :)
Confucious say "Bugs in Programs need Hammer"
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Joined: 27 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:22 am   
Opening up the exported text file in Word or another high end text editor will allow you to simply click on edit--->replace. Once in that screen just type in %0 for what your looking for and leave the second line blank. It should go ahead and remove all of your instances of %0 in the time it took you to read this post :) Good Luck
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:30 pm   
I wouldn't call Word a "high end text editor". (It's a Word Processor - not a Text Editor.) I make extensive use of Textpad (which is a Text Editor) for, among other things, it's great search and replace functionality that can use regular expressions. I highly recommend it for this purpose.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:44 am   
Just for the record, when zMUD files reach a certain size, it seems you cannot export/import the entire file globally.... it doesn't read properly, and gets tons of errors. Also, you cannot import lines commented with ; (semicolons), as they do not read properly. There are other things that do not import properly as well, such as specific tildi(~) character combos (~| for example), and heavy use of "" in %if commands, amongst others :P For all of these reasons, import/export would be impossible for me. The output of many of my scripts are colorized utilizing the above features heavily.

Also, I'm not sure why everyone considers %0 to be a bug? I mean, ok, if it's an unintended feature, I understand, but imo it's one of the most flexible and vital features of zMUD. Whether it was intended or not, it's an ext6remely useful feature, and to see it removed for cMUD, bug or not, would be a shame.

There are many instances where I've found *only* %0 gets the desired result (such as with multiple imbedded aliases, or triggers that activate aliases requiring large, random amounts of input, etc). But... then again, I suppose it's not my say (or, perhaps, my limitations of coding ability :P) that matter here. But I know a *lot* of people who make heavy use of %0, and many of them would be in a similar situation as I am, unable to just do a global search/replace and reimport.. besides the fact that in many cases I have %0's imbedded in various ways, such as <%0>, or things like %if(%0,%0,X) wich makes search/replace unworkable, there is the direct-import bugs issues :P
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 5:52 am   
Maybe as part of the import fine tuning process, Zugg can auto-replace all %0's to %-1's or %params(1) or similar for you. Or perhaps he could define %0 as being functionally equivalent to %-1 ... he does want to maintain a level of compatibility, so best we wait for his feedback on this issue before we blow it out of proportion - it could simply be that it was a side-effect in zMDU that he never saw used, so didn't think to add it to CMUD. *shrug*
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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:18 am   
Fair enough :P Although in imbedded aliases that are triggered, %-1 doesn't seem to work for multiple words ... and of course, %param1 is flaky at best, for large triggers that take time to process, since other triggers may fire in that time period :P Anyway, last post, I wasn't trying to make a major issue :P
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Joined: 29 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:25 pm   

Just for the record, when zMUD files reach a certain size, it seems you cannot export/import the entire file globally.... it doesn't read properly, and gets tons of errors

Mine is pretty big and i didnt have any problems with it.. However prior to the 1.01 release there were lots of issues and i sent zugg my .mud file for him to test with which helped prompt the 1.01 release with some fixes. You might considering sending your .mud file to him with a detailed description of your problems so he can see if its a problem with your .mud file or a problem with cmud.
Confucious say "Bugs in Programs need Hammer"
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 2:35 pm   
Just to add to the bug list........my password has a "." at the end...that is as far as I have gotten.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:47 pm   
CMUD cannot read *.lay layout files from zMUD. You must recreate your layouts and save them again. Because CMUD uses a completely different docking system than zMUD, there is no way to support the *.lay files, sorry.

In the editor, when you click on a class folder, the right portion of the screen (edit window) just shows class properties and lots of blue space. Perhaps it would be more user-friendly if that screen was cut in two, for this particular view, with the top half showing editable user settings, bottom half listing subclasses?

That's not how the new settings editor works. When you click on a class folder, you are editing just that class setting, and thus only the class properties are shown. To see a list of the subclasses, you need to expand the class in the folder view on the left, just like if you were looking at sub-folders in Windows explorer. The left panel shows the tree-hierarchy of your classes and settings, the right panel just shows the properties. It's a two-pane interface. zMUD had the 3-pane interface that you mentioned and this 3-pane interface just got in the way and used up too much space most of the time. Since the majority of time is spent editing scripts in the settings editor, it was more important to have more space on the right for script editing. This probably isn't going to change, sorry.

I'll take a look at the %0 issue. Since the argument parsing is completely rewritten in CMUD, this might just be an oversight. I can certainly make %0 work like %-1 if that is how it worked in zMUD. But I'll take a closer look.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:42 pm   
It's how it works in ZMud, yes, but you've long maintained that %0 was moreorless completely unintentional and could go away at any time. Thus, gurus and wizards have adopted the mantra of "use %-1 instead".

This last might be pure misunderstanding or misremembering, but I seem to recall you long, long ago (closer to early version 6 stuff, I'd imagine) giving a more technical reason for %0 sticking around, in that removing it would have interfered with %-1...%-99 or some other similar series of variables.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 21 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:05 am   
I've always used %-1 when I am passing a parameter on from one alias to another (imbedded), from alias to trigger, trigger to alias, etc.. to preserve the paramater. I generally use %0 when I want to make sure that all words are captured, when the # of words is a variable amount, since %-1 seems sometimes to only capture the first word, as a %1 would. I was never quite sure of what dictated when %-1 would capture one word vs. an entire string -- I assumed it had to do wih the special characters within that string, or perhaps that %-1 only captured multi-word strings when it was passed along to another imbedded alias/trigger, and acted as %1 when used within a single trigger...

As such, a very common and simple useage for me would be something to the effect of %if(%0, %0, X) ... was I just incorrect here then? If so, what could account for the variable results of %-1 as opposed to %0? I know there were some situations where %-1 did not work and %0 did, but unfortunately I cannot think of specific examples at the moment.. I'd need to go start digging to find one if my above explanation doesn't make sense. Perhaps this post should actually be in a different string :P But it does seem relevant here...

PS: Just a suggestion, perhaps in the next Beta there could be a splash screen or some form of warning before importing in your old settings that points to the "converting zmud scripts" url (http://forums.zuggsoft.com/modules/mx_kb/kb.php?mode=doc&index=cmud_zmud&page=3&refpage=) and any other relevent urls (the sticky ones manly) which I quite obviosuly had not read before I started this string :P I was so excited to try cmud, I just skimmed subject topics in the forums, missing quite a few, and then dove right in.. had I taken the time to read all of the forums (as I have done since) I'd probably have wasted a lot less of everyone's time.. and as I have noticed a lot of repeat threads since I started this one, I suspect I'm not the only one...
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