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Joined: 01 Nov 2000
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Location: Estonia

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:24 pm   

I need Help with mapper and flee
Im using Zmud 6.16 and problem is here
Thise is in game (

* CW>Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.
Exits: north, east, west.

* CW>flee
You flee head over heels.
Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.
A seagull is soaring above you.
Exits: north, east, west, up.

Problem is that when i flee my dot on mapper wont moove, couse flee is random and wont tell me what direction i fleed.
I have tryd some scripts, but no luck.
I need to chek Room name and Exits (after thise You flee head over heels). Then mapper must put on map my current position in right place.
Any help please!
And Thank You!
Sorry about my sucky English :-(
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:53 am   
Have you tried #FIND ?... it sends a 'look' command to the MUD and should match the room you're in.
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Joined: 01 Nov 2000
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Location: Estonia

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 11:56 am   
Yes i have no luck!
I type #find and its shows Room name no exits.
And ofcourse does nothing :-(
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Joined: 10 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:28 am   
*BUMP* instead of starting new thread :P

#FIND works for me *most* of the time, but fails in same name, same desc rooms. Has anyone ever found a way to properly sett the current position after a flee?
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:55 am   
If #FIND is giving you roomname with no description and no exits then your mapper isn't configured very well. It should give you all of that information. Configuring your mapper better with scripting to reliably grab the name,desc, and exits might help.

However, if your Mud has duplicate roomnames/descriptions/and exits this doesn't really fix your problem. If there are exact duplicates like this #FIND will consistantly give you the first match on the list (lowest vnum) which doesn't necessarily do you any good.

From what you're saying it sounds like you simply may not have any means of verifying what direction you have fled to so you may have to simply set the trigger to switch the mapper to follow mode or even disable it entirely until you can figure out where you are at again.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:30 am   
I think you might have to employ some form of triangulation:

First thing I'd do is set up some auxiliary triggers to catch your room info. You can get by with one set, just be sure to include a state variable to keep track of how you get the room messaging. There's normal movement using directions, commands like GO/ENTER, and teleportation events. Some MUDs have a FLEE option, which can move you to a random room in roughly a 3-room radius (there are no standards on this, however). There's also LOOK and commands like PEER which can generate room info. With a normal movement command, you need to update your current-position variable and move the previous room to the originating-position variable. In the case of FLEE and other random-move commands/events, you need to then pick a direction and LOOK/PEER if possible.

Once you have the triangle, you then simply have to cycle through the %mapquery() matches of your current-position room and follow the links of each room, pulling up the room info for each link. Unless you are playing in a particularly evil mud or are in a maze/unmappable area, it's very unlikely that all links for a given room will be identical, and you should eventually end up with just one possible room.

Once you get down to one room, it's just a matter of #TELEPORTing to that room using the info from %mapquery().

Of course, this is just me thinking out loud. The only unfindable areas in my map at the moment are static mazes with random-move events based on specific conditions (ie, moving too fast). They are easy enough to map out, but if the random-move event hits ZMud won't be able to find where I ended up at.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
Posts: 60

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:51 am   
Oh and for what it's worth. I'm on retromud.

Outside world areas often have large regions of idendical rooms with identical exits. Big flat nothing grasslands and such. It is at least nice enough to give a flee message with a direction. It also has a map command which displays an ascii map of outdoor regions which might be useable if one was stubborn enough.

Retromud also happens to have world portals which randomly change each day. In fact one of the zones pretty much completely changes each day (Limbo). While it is true that most of these portals select one of a dozen or less possible positions, this doesn't do much for poor zMud mapping it. =P

And for further fun, I already know of a couple rooms which have strange scripts for moving, like a room which lets you move up once sometimes, but othertimes a rung of the ladder breaks and you fall down. Or a room which is an elevator complete with a lever to go up and down. and can be entered from four different directions above and below. Or an innocuous little room with a path called trails which randomly sends you to one of a dozen locations on a small outside map (all of which look identical). =P

Yes. Retromud is very evil about such things. =P I don't know what to tell you about your uncooperative fleeing message, but it is possible it simply can't be solved.
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Joined: 23 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:09 pm   Re: I need Help with mapper and flee
Kozlor wrote:
Im using Zmud 6.16 and problem is here
Thise is in game (

* CW>Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.
Exits: north, east, west.

* CW>flee
You flee head over heels.
Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.
A seagull is soaring above you.
Exits: north, east, west, up.

Problem is that when i flee my dot on mapper wont moove, couse flee is random and wont tell me what direction i fleed.
I have tryd some scripts, but no luck.
I need to chek Room name and Exits (after thise You flee head over heels). Then mapper must put on map my current position in right place.
Any help please!
And Thank You!
Sorry about my sucky English :-(

Ok i got for thise a script. Thise Script works only on roomnames.
And it puts the dot in right place on map when in .mdb fail dosent exist 2 or more same name rooms. So i figured
that what if i search room with name and exits. So i can get closer to my right place on the map :)

But coulnt do that becouse i cant get exits info. Exits info arent in the same table with roomnames.
You can chek it map-> View-> Spreadsheetview.

If someone knows it pls help.
Script is below!

#CLASS {map_sync}
#ALIAS or {#IF (%1) {#MAPQUERY {%concat( "[Name] LIKE '%", %replace( %0, "'", "''"), "%'")}} {#MAPQUERY {%concat( "[Name] = '", %replace( @ruuminimi, "'", "''"), "'")}}}
#ALIAS sync {
#VAR ruuminumber {%mapquery( %concat( "[Name] = '", %replace( @ruuminimi, "'", "''"), "'"))}
#IF (%isnumber( @ruuminumber)) {
#TELEPORT @ruuminumber
#VAR syncronize 0
#SAY {%ansi( yellow)location syncronized!}
} {#SAY {%ansi( red)sync. failed (%numitems( @ruuminumber) rooms with that name)}}
#ALIAS fix_name {
#VAR ruuminimi_ex %roomname
#NOOP %maplocked( 0)
#NOOP %roomname( ,@ruuminimi)
#NOOP %maplocked( 1)
#SHOW {NAME CHANGED! (@ruuminimi_ex -> @ruuminimi)}
#ALIAS check_name {#IF (@ruuminimi=%roomname) {} {#SAY {%ansi( red)ruumi nimi ei matchi kaardiga!}}}
#VAR ruuminimi {Orc Sleeping Warrens}
#VAR ruuminumber {16}
#VAR syncronize {0} {0}
#VAR map_fix {0}
#VAR ruuminimi_ex {} {}
#REGEX {(?:You flee head over heels|A guard leads you out of the house)\.$} {
#CW 11
#VAR syncronize 1
#REGEX {\e[32m([-a-z ,']+)\e[0m$} {
#VAR ruuminimi {%1}
#IF (@syncronize=1) {sync} {#IF (@map_fix=1) {check_name}}
} "" {notrig|color}
#BUTTON 11 {map fix OFF} {} {map fix ON} {} {} {@map_fix} {} {Size} {60} {18} {} {} {} {} {42} {} {} "" {} {} {}
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
Posts: 60

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:20 pm   
Yuck and double yuck.

* CW>Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.

Exits: north, east, west.

The prompt got attatched to your title line, I hate when muds do this. =( Is your title line color coded? Have you got the mapper handling that so your title and description are consistantly tagged despite this little problem or does the mapper still fail to grab your roomtitles sometimes because of this?

* CW>flee
You flee head over heels.
Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.

A seagull is soaring above you.
Exits: north, east, west, up.

This looks suspiciously familiar. Identical room-names and descriptions are troublesome. #FIND won't work, all the info it compares against is identical in both rooms. Somehow I suspect these aren't the only two rooms that have duplicate information like this. I'm guessing the seagull line is a random room-emote.

When you flee do you only move one room away or do you move several rooms? Do you have a way to look at adjacent rooms to get your bearings? Do you have the mapper configured to correctly tag the names, descriptions, and exits 100% of the time? This is a really tough problem to handle, more information might help.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2005
Posts: 135

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:33 am   
If you do have a glance or peer skill to see adjacent rooms, then a simple, quaint approach would be to create an alias for flee such that you drop a coin/item to mark your spot prior to fleeing. If your flee is always 1 room away, then you could glance/peer the adjacent rooms until you found the one with the coin/item. This way at least maintains a spirit of RP.

{cowers shyly awaiting the flames}
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Joined: 23 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:23 pm   
billaben wrote:
Yuck and double yuck.

* CW>Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.

Exits: north, east, west.

The prompt got attatched to your title line, I hate when muds do this. =( Is your title line color coded? Have you got the mapper handling that so your title and description are consistantly tagged despite this little problem or does the mapper still fail to grab your roomtitles sometimes because of this?

* CW>flee
You flee head over heels.
Valinor Street
There is an old street-lamp on the border of the street.

A seagull is soaring above you.
Exits: north, east, west, up.

This looks suspiciously familiar. Identical room-names and descriptions are troublesome. #FIND won't work, all the info it compares against is identical in both rooms. Somehow I suspect these aren't the only two rooms that have duplicate information like this. I'm guessing the seagull line is a random room-emote.

When you flee do you only move one room away or do you move several rooms? Do you have a way to look at adjacent rooms to get your bearings? Do you have the mapper configured to correctly tag the names, descriptions, and exits 100% of the time? This is a really tough problem to handle, more information might help.

Yes seagull is moving mob and isnt a part of room description.
and some times i dont have room desc, items or room desc just room name and
and yes there can be like 20 rooms with same name and desc and exits or even more. But those are mainly roads and there i dont need much mapper help.

When i flee - i flee only one room away from that room where i was. But its random and wont say to me where i flee. It would be much more easyer when its says where i flee but not.

when i flee to next room , i get only room name,description and exits.
and message You flee head over heels.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2005
Posts: 60

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:32 pm   
Try playing with these three functions...


Note, this still does not answer for portals and one way links. Handling these situations will be trickier.
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Joined: 13 Oct 2005
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Location: Illinois

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:08 pm   
i had the same problem, i did the lazy way and just made a set of 8 alias' that activated when i was in combat that went the direction then flee direction. Its actually saved my charachters life a few times since for me, the flee lag happens after you flee.
Niax Rhasu
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