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Joined: 08 Dec 2002
Posts: 152

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:40 am   

How do i make multiple row status bars and replace txt?
And how can i control what status bars come to what window?

ATM i need second line to the default status line but if i have multiple tabs, it only clears the old one(s) away not increasing its size.

I have multiple tabs but i need to break them to multiple lines or separate window as the one line is not enough.

Also, how can i replace txt sent by mud?

"bob says hi"
"bob says hi (bob is the dude who robbed you)"
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:41 am   
1)status bars are limited to a single line in height. This cannot be changed. If you need more than one line, use a status WINDOW (same setting, it just uses the large text box where one would write code for things like triggers and buttons).

2)look into the use of #SUBSTITUTE in the help file. It shouldn't be too hard to work through.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 08 Dec 2002
Posts: 152

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:33 pm   
but there is no way to define what bar is showed first?

And i dont get how substitute works.

puting "#SUBSTITUTE {'judicandus puorgo mangenic'} {'judicandus puorgo mangenic' (party heal)}" in to trigger partner does not work and i dont figure how other it could be used.
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Joined: 08 Jan 2001
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Location: Singapore

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 2:14 am   
The easiest way to define which bar is showed first, is to manipulate its unsorted entry in the settings editor.
To do that follow these steps:
1. Check... View|Sort By...|None
2. Check... Show|Status Bars
3. Check... View|Toolbars|Filter Bar
4. Uncheck... Show|All
5. Uncheck... Show|Classes
6. In the Filter Bar's Class: box, Select... <all>
Now all the status bars in your script should be displayed in the script window.
7. Highlight a status bar entry and move each entry up or down using the Up or Down buttons in your Standard Buttons Toolbar to where you want them to be.
I trust you know how to re-adjust your settings when you are done.

If you intend to define its order purely from the script, I guess you will have to script it in the preferred order while ensuring that each status bar definition did not exist before, because simply rewriting a line in a later part the script does not change its position in the script.

#SUBSTITUTE from the command line produces a trigger with its 1st parameter as the Trigger Pattern, and its 2nd parameter - the substitution represented as the first paramenter in the #sub command used in the trigger.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2002
Posts: 152

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:55 pm   
Pega wrote:
If you intend to define its order purely from the script, I guess you will have to script it in the preferred order while ensuring that each status bar definition did not exist before, because simply rewriting a line in a later part the script does not change its position in the script.

i was afraid of this, thus this is my feature request to 7.06.

Pega wrote:
#SUBSTITUTE from the command line produces a trigger with its 1st parameter as the Trigger Pattern, and its 2nd parameter - the substitution represented as the first paramenter in the #sub command used in the trigger.
Haa! it needed {} to work.

would problably look something like this while imported:
#trig ('Annatheer graaweizta')
{#sub {'Annatheer graaweizta' (mind development)}}
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