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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:59 pm   

Channel Capturing
I'm trying to capture in a new window (not status window) all the channels that I have. I'd prefer to have a seperate window for each channel, but I'm not sure if i'd be able to do that. When talking on the channels it looks like this:

(Noctusari): * says, "yada yada yada"
(Noctusari): You say, "yada yada yada"
You tell *, "blah blah blah"
* tells you, "blah blah blah"

all the different channels i use say in the parenthis either: Noctusari, Coruscates, Congregation, Stavenn, DalZiel, Tcom, Dcouncil, or Death. and the last channel looks like <<Noctusari>>:

I was trying to use the code that was posted in the finished scripts section.

#CLASS {Communication}
#TRIGGER {^~((%w)~):(*)} {#var cap "%1";#class cap 1}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you,} {#T+ cap}
#TRIGGER {^You tell} {#T+ cap}
#CLASS {Communication|Cap} {disable}
#TRIGGER {*} {#CAPTURE Channels}

#TRIGGER {^~((%w)~):} {#SUBSTITUTE {"["%time( hh:mm)"] ("%1"):"}}
#TRIGGER {You tell (*), ~"} {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi( 12)"["%time( hh:mm)"] - You tell" %1 ","}}
#TRIGGER {(%w) tells you,} {#SUBSTITUTE {%ansi( 12)"["%time( hh:mm)"]" %1 "tells you,"}}

but it captures everything that happens, not just the channels, and that puts it all into one window rather than seperate ones, if i could, I would rather have the channels for (Noctusari), (Coruscates), and <<Noctusari>> all grouped in one window. (Dalziel), (Tcom), (Dcouncil) all in another window. (Congregation) and (Death) in another window. And (Stavenn) in a window. That way there are 4 seperate windows capturing certain things. but like i said, i dont know if thats possible, and if it is, I wouldn't have the slightest idea of how to even start it.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:42 pm   
Well you need to specify the window name:
Try this:

#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you,} {#CAP TELLS; #GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You tell} {#CAP TELLS; #GAG}

This will capture the line and put it into a window called TELLS
Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you won't get any reward greater than that destined for you.
Source: (Egyptian)
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:26 pm   
I've tried that, but it only captures the first line of text for me, then leaves the rest in the normal window. So long tells and channel talking gets split up.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:49 pm   
if your mud has a cutter, or line length/wrap command, turn that off and let zmud wrap for you.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:36 am   
I moded a window file that i found here in the finshed script section. Location of orginal is..

Here is the script after i moded it (i left the credits in place to the as its not my script,,, i just tweeked it a bit for my own use).


#CLASS {Chat Filter} {enable}
#ALIAS cwin {#SHOW {%ansi( blink, bold, yellow)2PSCRIPTING.COM %ansi( bold, yellow)-- Chat Windows Clan~/Town~/Form~/Immortal};#SHOW {%ansi( cyan)This Script Filters Clan~/Town~/Form~/Immortal and sends them};#SHOW {%ansi( cyan)to the corresponding window.};#SHOW {%ansi( bold, yellow)"~<~-~-~-~-~-~-~------------------------------------------~>"};#SHOW {%ansi( bold, red)Commands:};#SHOW {%ansi( bold, white)CWIN %ansi( bold grey) -- Help file for the Chat Filter.};#SHOW {%ansi( bold, yellow)"~<~-~-~-~-~-~-~------------------------------------------~>"};#SHOW {%ansi( white)_-^ADMIN~@2PSCRIPTING.COM^-_}}
#TRIGGER {*~[CLAN~] %1 has ENTERED the world of Medievia.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, yellow)~(%time( "hh:mm")~)%1 has entered the game.;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {~%1 says, %2} {#WINDOW town {%ansi( bold, green)~[%ansi( yellow)RYN%ansi( bold, green)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm")%ansi( bold, green)%1};#GAG} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {~You say, %1} {#WINDOW town {%ansi( bold, green)~[%ansi( yellow)RYN%ansi( bold, green)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm")%ansi( bold, green)%1};#GAG} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {~[CLAN~] %1 has BEEN NPK'd by %2!} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, maroon)Clan %1 has been NPK'd by %2.;#CHATALL %ansi( bold, maroon)~*~* %1 has been NPK'd by %2.~*~*;#gag}
#TRIGGER {~[CLAN~] %1 has LEVELED!} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, yellow)Clan %1 has leveled.;#CHATALL %ansi( bold, yellow)~*~* %1 has leveld.~*~*;#gag}
#TRIGGER {~[CLAN~] You feel %1 say, '%2'.} {#WINDOW chat {%ansi( bold, green)~[%ansi( yellow)%1%ansi( bold, green)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm")%ansi( bold, green):%2};#gag}
#TRIGGER {~[CLAN~] * heard you say, '%1'.} {#WINDOW chat {%ansi( bold, green)~[%ansi( yellow)RYN%ansi( bold, green)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm")%ansi( bold, green)%1};#GAG}
#TRIGGER {~[CLAN~] %1 has LEFT the game.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, yellow)~(%time( "hh:mm")~)~(%1~) has left the game.;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {~[TOWN~] %1 ~(%2~) says, '%3'.} {#WINDOW town {%ansi( bold, yellow)~[%ansi( bold, green)%1%ansi( bold, yellow)~]%ansi( cyan)%2%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%ansi( bold, cyan)%3};#gag}
#TRIGGER {~[BLOODLINE~] %1 says, '%2'.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, red)~[%ansi( gray)%1%ansi( bold, red)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%ansi( red)%2} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {~[BLOODLINE~] Your (%w) (%w) says, '%3'.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, red)~[%ansi( gray)%2%ansi( bold, red)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%ansi( red)%3} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {~[BLOODLINE~] 100~% heard you say, '%1'.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( bold, red)~[%ansi( gray)RYN%ansi( bold, red)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%ansi( red)%1} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {~[FORM~] %1 tells everyone, '%2'.} {#WINDOW form {%ansi( bold, yellow)~[%ansi( bold, purple)%1%ansi( bold, yellow)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%2}}
#TRIGGER {You telepath %1, '%2'.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( gray)~[%ansi( bold, red)RYN%ansi( gray)~-~>%ansi( red)%1%ansi( gray)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%ansi( bold, red)%2}
#TRIGGER {%1 telepaths you, '%2'.} {#WINDOW chat %ansi( gray)~[%ansi( bold, red)%1%ansi( gray)~]%ansi( gray)%time( "hh:mm"):%ansi( bold, red)%2}

I use it in Medievia for 1 main window and 3 seperata along the right side. It captures multiple lines also. Hope it helps you out.

Medievia clan 104
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:35 am   
I couldn't get that to work either, I appreciate all the help though. Thanks anyway
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:03 pm   
Here you go for multiline capture. I have modified this from the below post:


#CLASS {CaptureChannels}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you,} {#CAP TellHist;#GAG;#T+ tellcapture}
#TRIGGER "tellcapture" {*} {#CAP TellHist;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {{.|?|!}$} {#T- tellcapture}
#TRIGGER {^You tell} {#CAP TellHist;#GAG;#T+ tellcapture}
Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you won't get any reward greater than that destined for you.
Source: (Egyptian)

Last edited by darmir on Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:25 pm   
Thanks, its capturing better than what it iwas...but if some one puts an ending punctuation in it then starts a new sentence it stops capturing, plus it seems to send the tell to the capture window twice. But its alright, better than nothing, thanks again
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:56 pm   
Can you show me what is happening on your mud? When I tested this on my mud it works fine.
Run as hard as a wild beast if you will, but you won't get any reward greater than that destined for you.
Source: (Egyptian)
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:24 pm   
it looks like this in the capture window:

You tell Tiragon's Mistress, Asuka Targaryen Dal'Ziel, Scholar of the Wilds,
You tell Tiragon's Mistress, Asuka Targaryen Dal'Ziel, Scholar of the Wilds,
"Ya, i gotta do something first."


Asuka tells you, "Kk."
Asuka tells you, "Kk."

stuff like that
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Joined: 26 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:42 am   
noz, I think he meant the original mud-output that you want captured.

Any weird formats and varieties and so forth...
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Joined: 28 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:50 am   
I really dont know what to say...other than what I already have... when some one sends me a tell it looks like: Asuka tells you, "hey whats up?"
or when i send a tell it looks like: You tell Asuka, "Nothing much, you?" now if i get a tell like... Asuka tells you, "Hey whats going on? sorry I haven't been here that much, I've just been busy with other things. How are you doing?" then it wil stop after "Hey whats going on?" because of end punctuation. or if the line is more than two or three lines long then it will leave the rest of the text in the main window... or with guild tells and other channels it looks like: (DalZiel): Asuka says, "blah blah blah." and the same problems as the normal tells happens.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:13 pm   

You say you get double on the tells? Have you disabled/removed your _old_ tell-capture-trigger? It's one of the few common mistakes I've made.

If that's not it, then you'll just have to copy'n'paste a piece of the MUD output here and put it inside [ code ] [ /code ] tags. This way we can see the output and help you better. And it allows us to simulate the enviroment you have.
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