blkno1 Novice
Joined: 26 May 2002 Posts: 30 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 2:23 pm
Time Triggers Script |
I rehashed by anti-wisk trigger into a more usable script. It sets up 5 triggers that will fire a command at a set interval of seconds. tthelp will get you started. F6 Will give you ttstat
Please let me know what you think, any comments on things I can add or modify are appreciated!
Updated 8/17/04
Fixed a few type-os.
Echo the new settings after they been made.
Code: |
#CLASS {Time-Trigs}
#ALIAS tthelp {
#SAY {%char( 10)%ansi( bold, Yellow)Help for %ansi( bold, Green)Time-Triggers}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Yellow)%repeat( "-", 30)}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Green)tton/off %ansi( bold, Yellow)Global TT switch}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Green)ttset~<1-5~> %ansi( bold, Yellow)Prompts for cammands and seconds.}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Green)tt~#on/off %ansi( bold, Yellow)Off/On for TT~#}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Green)ttstat %ansi( bold, Yellow)Shows TT status}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Green)tthelp %ansi( bold, Yellow)This file.}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Yellow)%repeat( "-", 30)}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, Yellow)Time Triggers 1.0 by %ansi( bold, cyan)Kjeldar}
#ALIAS ttstat {
#SAY ----= Time Triggers Status =----
#SAY {%ansi( bold, @tt1toggle)TT1 %ansi( bold, yellow)Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt1com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt1time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, @tt2toggle)TT2 %ansi( bold, yellow)Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt2com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt2time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, @tt3toggle)TT3 %ansi( bold, yellow)Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt3com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt3time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, @tt4toggle)TT4 %ansi( bold, yellow)Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt4com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt4time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, @tt5toggle)TT5 %ansi( bold, yellow)Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt5com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt5time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs}
#SAY {%ansi( bold, cyan)%repeat( "-", 32)}
#ALIAS ttoff {
#T- tt1
#T- tt2
#T- tt3
#T- tt4
#T- tt5
#SAY %ansi( bold, red) --= All Time Triggers Disabled =--
#NOOP %btncol( tts, red, black)
#ALIAS tton {
#T+ tt1
#T+ tt2
#T+ tt3
#T+ tt4
#T+ tt5
#SAY %ansi( bold, green) --= All Time Triggers Enabled =--
#NOOP %btncol( tts, green, black)
#KEY F6 {ttstat}
#BUTTON 33 {Time Trigs} {#say tton or ttoff} {A-Wisk} {#T- wisktrig} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {32} {78} {} {} "" {} {} {tts}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt1}
#ALIAS tt1set {
#PR tt1com "Enter the command for TT1"
#PR tt1time "Number of Seconds for TT1?"
#SAY %ansi( bold, yellow)TT1 Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt1com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt1time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs
#ALIAS tt1on {
#T+ tt1trig
#VAR tt1toggle green
#SAY %ansi( bold, green) --= TT1 ON Command:%ansi( bold, red)@tt1com %ansi( bold, green)Time:@ansi(bred)@tt1time%ansi( bold, green)===---
#ALIAS tt1off {
#T- tt1trig
#VAR tt1toggle red
#SAY %ansi( bold, red) --= TT1 Disabled =--
#VAR tt1com {ref}
#VAR tt1time {45}
#VAR tt1toggle {green}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt1|tt1trig}
#ALARM {-00:@tt1time} {@tt1com}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt2}
#ALIAS tt2set {
#PR tt2com "Enter the command for TT2?"
#PR tt2time "Number of Seconds for TT2?"
#SAY %ansi( bold, yellow)TT2 Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt2com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt2time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs
#ALIAS tt2on {
#T+ tt2trig
#VAR tt2toggle green
#SAY %ansi( bold, green) --= TT2 ON Command:%ansi( bold, red)@tt2com %ansi( bold, green)Time:@ansi(bred)@tt2time%ansi( bold, green)===---
#ALIAS tt2off {
#T- tt2trig
#VAR tt2toggle red
#SAY %ansi( bold, red) --= TT2 Disabled =--
#VAR tt2com {y}
#VAR tt2time {60}
#VAR tt2toggle {green}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt2|tt2trig}
#ALARM {-00:@tt2time} {@tt2com}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt3}
#ALIAS tt3set {
#PR tt3com "Enter the command for TT3"
#PR tt3time "Number of Seconds for TT3?"
#SAY %ansi( bold, yellow)TT3 Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt3com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt3time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs
#ALIAS tt3on {
#T+ tt3trig
#VAR tt3toggle green
#SAY %ansi( bold, green) --= TT3 ON Command:%ansi( bold, red)@tt3com %ansi( bold, green)Time:@ansi(bred)@tt3time%ansi( bold, green)===---
#ALIAS tt3off {
#T- tt3trig
#VAR tt3toggle red
#SAY %ansi( bold, red) --= TT3 Disabled =--
#VAR tt3com {wea}
#VAR tt3time {60}
#VAR tt3toggle {red}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt3|tt3trig}
#ALARM {-00:@tt3time} {@tt3com}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt4}
#ALIAS tt4set {
#PR tt4com "Enter the command for TT4"
#PR tt4time "Number of Seconds for TT4?"
#SAY %ansi( bold, yellow)TT4 Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt4com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt4time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs
#ALIAS tt4on {
#T+ tt4trig
#VAR tt4toggle green
#SAY %ansi( bold, green) --= TT4 ON Command:%ansi( bold, red)@tt4com %ansi( bold, green)Time:@ansi(bred)@tt4time %ansi( bold, green)===---
#ALIAS tt4off {
#T- tt4trig
#VAR tt4toggle red
#SAY %ansi( bold, red) --= TT4 Disabled =--
#VAR tt4com {towng}
#VAR tt4time {10}
#VAR tt4toggle {red}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt4|tt4trig}
#ALARM {-00:@tt4time} {@tt4com}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt5}
#ALIAS tt5set {
#PR tt5com "Enter the command for TT5"
#PR tt5time "Number of Seconds for TT5?"
#SAY %ansi( bold, yellow)TT5 Command: %ansi( bold, red)@tt5com %ansi( bold, yellow)every %ansi( bold, red)@tt5time %ansi( bold, yellow)secs
#ALIAS tt5on {
#T+ tt5trig
#VAR tt5toggle green
#SAY %ansi( bold, green) --= TT5 ON Command:%ansi( bold, red)@tt5com %ansi( bold, green)Time:@ansi(bred)@tt5time%ansi( bold, green)===---
#ALIAS tt5off {
#T- tt5trig
#VAR tt5toggle red
#SAY %ansi( bold, red) --= TT5 Disabled =--
#VAR tt5com {wea}
#VAR tt5time {60}
#VAR tt5toggle {red}
#CLASS {Time-Trigs|tt5|tt5trig}
#ALARM {-00:@tt5time} {@tt5com}
Last edited by blkno1 on Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total |
hykou Wanderer
Joined: 29 Apr 2004 Posts: 63 Location: USA
Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:54 pm |
was this made for a specific mud? and is it just to keep from idling out?
blkno1 Novice
Joined: 26 May 2002 Posts: 30 Location: USA
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:12 am Not mud spcific |
The script is not mud specific. I play Medievia, but all the script does is fire commands at chosen time intervals. Can be used as an anti-wisk (non-idle) trig etc etc.
-jim  |
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