Retrovirus Wanderer
Joined: 13 Jul 2002 Posts: 51 Location: Malaysia
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:58 pm
Creating a Ban List and Some more stuff |
It's time i bug you again with some stuff....
I have this pinger, i know it ain't perfect...
But i have ppl abusing it, and i want to make a banlist
Retro -- 'pinglist'
[#if retro/%1 in ban list TELL %1 Sorry Due to your .... whatever]
Same thing
Retro --'pinglist/pingadd/pingdel'
ok :)
I want a trigger for example
%1 {out of ban list} says - pingcheck %1
If im pinging this mob %1, i want to grouptell the stats on %1... If anyone has a basic idea on this i will post my pinger.
Fledeth my asseth offeth |
mimique6 Newbie
Joined: 09 Jan 2003 Posts: 9 Location: USA
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 4:42 pm |
I'm not sure I understand entirely what you're trying to do, but I think I can help with the part on determining whether (or not) they are on the 'banlist'
I'd create a variable with all the names of those you want banned, if you're not familar you should read up on "Variables" "If" and "%ismember" in the zMud help files.
then if you want to decline them for being on this list, use an #if with %ismember (zMud has help on both these)
#if (%ismember(%lower(%1), @BanList)) {Do this if they're on it} {Do this if they arn't}
Hope that helps you.
Is it bad when Zmud plays more than you do? |
Retrovirus Wanderer
Joined: 13 Jul 2002 Posts: 51 Location: Malaysia
Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 3:00 am |
That didn't work... and as for the 2nd part....
%1 tells you pingadd Zquasjkdjkas
%1 tells you pingadd zquasuhfajs
so i add the var already..
Now another dude goes %1 tells you ping check {any keyword here) zq
tell %1 Zquasuhfajs [it's info]
tell %1 Zquasjkdjkas [It's info]
Fledeth my asseth offeth |