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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 1:13 am   

Plz help with auto rolling...
Hi! First of all, tnx very much for ur help,i getting crazy whith that...
i would like to use an autoroll for Balzhur mud,and i have tryed to make it myself,but y cant,i have arrived to the following:

#TR {Tus caracteristicas seran:} {#fueVAR Fuerza 0;#intVAR Inteligencia 0;#sabVAR Sabiduria 0;#desVAR Destreza 0;#conVAR Constitucion 0;#carVAR Carisma 0;#sueVAR Suerte 0}
#TR {Fuerza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 15) {#fueVAR Fuerza 1}}
#TR {Inteligencia: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 20) {#intVAR Inteligencia 1}}
#TR {Sabiduria: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 20) {#sabVAR Sabiduria 1}}
#TR {Destreza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 20) {#desVAR Destreza n}}
#TR {Constitucion: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 18) {#conVAR Constitucion n}}
#TR {Carisma: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 15) {#carVAR Carisma n}}
#TR {Suerte: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 15) {#sueVAR Suerte n}}
#TR {Quieres guardarlas~? ~(S/N~)}
#IF (@Fuerza+@Inteligencia+@Sabiduria+@Destreza+@Constitucion+@Carisma+@suerte > 1) {n} {s} "" "prompt"

and on the mud,the starting request is like this :
Tus caracteristicas seran:

Fuerza: 10
Inteligencia: 11
Sabiduria: 14
Destreza: 14
Constitucion: 12
Carisma: 8
Suerte: 11

Quieres guardarlas? (S/N)
the main problem is that the tigger answers 2 times n... :_(
Thanks a lot for ur help =)
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 1:59 am   
Your variable commands don't look right, they should probably be #VAR Fuerza 0 instead of #fueVAR Fuerza 0.

The final trigger needs the NOCR option (that's what's causing your double no). It also probably needs braces around the #IF command.

#TR {Quieres guardarlas~? ~(S/N~)} {#IF (@Fuerza+@Inteligencia+@Sabiduria+@Destreza+@Constitucion+@Carisma+@suerte > 1) {n} {s}} "" "nocr|prompt"

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 11:50 am   
Wow,tnx a lot,ill work on it and tell u how was it =) tnx very much =)
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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 2:23 pm   
Well,now i have the following:

#TR {Tus caracteristicas seran:} {#VAR Fuerza 0;#VAR Inteligencia 0;#VAR Sabiduria 0;#VAR Destreza 0;#VAR Constitucion 0;#VAR Carisma 0;#VAR Suerte 0}
#TR {Fuerza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Fuerza 1}}
#TR {Inteligencia: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Inteligencia n}}
#TR {Sabiduria: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Sabiduria n}}
#TR {Destreza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Destreza n}}
#TR {Constitucion: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Constitucion n}}
#TR {Carisma: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Carisma n}}
#TR {Suerte: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Suerte n}}
#TR {Quieres guardarlas~? ~(S/N~)} {#IF (@Fuerza+@Inteligencia+@Sabiduria+@Destreza+@Constitucion+@Carisma+@suerte > 1) {n} {s}} "" "nocr|prompt"

the problem of two no answers is gone,but now i need to know why doesnt the tigger does always say no, alwais,doesnt matter if the rolls are higher than what i have specifyed... :_( i think perhaps the error may be on anyone of the following phrases :
< 10) {#VAR Fuerza 1}}
#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Inteligencia n}}
i dont really know the difference between 1 and n...

eza+@Constitucion+@Carisma+@suerte > 1)

perhaps that number is not correct...

Any idea??

Tnx for have read it and for ur answers =D
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 6:57 pm   
The difference:
1 is a number
n is a string

1+1=2, a number
1+n=1n, a string

Since your final #IF depends on a numerical comparison to determine which answer to give, you should use numbers.

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 7:08 pm   
Tnx again for ur anwer,but i should admit that... im a compleet newbie,and that i have been trying to change thoose numbers,i have tryed al the combinations possible,without succes,the tigger always answers no,no,no... :_( it seems i must bee to near,but there is still something...
that tigger doesnt work,anyone knows how to modify it for it works? tnx a lot for ur help =D
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 7:58 pm   
I'm also very interested in this trigger, please explain how making it asap.

If someone knows how creating it, plesase put it on this forum

Thanks a lot
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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 1:46 pm   
Could any Guru help me whith that plz?
tnx =)
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 4:14 pm   
#TR {Tus caracteristicas seran:} {#VAR Fuerza 0;#VAR Inteligencia 0;#VAR Sabiduria 0;#VAR Destreza 0;#VAR Constitucion 0;#VAR Carisma 0;#VAR Suerte 0}
#TR {Fuerza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Fuerza 1}}
#TR {Inteligencia: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Inteligencia 1}}
#TR {Sabiduria: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Sabiduria 1}}
#TR {Destreza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Destreza 1}}
#TR {Constitucion: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Constitucion 1}}
#TR {Carisma: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Carisma 1}}
#TR {Suerte: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 10) {#VAR Suerte 1}}
#TR {Quieres guardarlas~? ~(S/N~)} {#IF ((@Fuerza+@Inteligencia+@Sabiduria+@Destreza+@Constitucion+@Carisma+@Suerte) > 0) {n} {s} "" "nocr|prompt"

In your final trigger you are attempting to find out if any of the values were less than 10. This is the case if any of the variables are no longer zero. Therefore, if the sum is greater than zero you send the no (n) answer, but if it's zero you send the yes (s) answer. If all the values were greater than 9, all the variables should still be zero (set by the first trigger) so your script should have worked even though you were mixing numbers and letters. You need to check that your triggers actually match the Mud and fire when expected. There may be other special characters that need the ~ in front of them, you might need to put in more (or fewer) spaces, etc.

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
Posts: 107

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 7:47 pm   
Well,i will finally give up,tnx a lot for ur time and help,but i cant get it to work =(... in case u wanted to try it,the mud adress is port: 5400
and it looks like that when asking for rolling:
Tus caracteristicas seran:

Fuerza: 9
Inteligencia: 14
Sabiduria: 17
Destreza: 13
Constitucion: 9
Carisma: 11
Suerte: 15

Quieres guardarlas? (S/N)

Tnx a lot anyway =D
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Joined: 25 Jan 2002
Posts: 6

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 12:14 pm   
I've been working on this trigger and I think the problem is the last trigger.
#TR {Quieres guardarlas~? ~(S/N~)} {#IF(@Fuerza+@Inteligencia+@Sabiduria+@Destreza+@Constitucion+@Carisma+@Suerte) > 0) {n} {s} "" "nocr|prompt"

I have changer it for this:

#TR {Quieres guardarlas?} {#If ((@Fue + @Int + @Sab + @Des + @Con + @Car + @Sue) > 0) {n} {s}

But it continues failing. Do I have to use some expresion as "math totalpoint" to add the values? The variables work perfectly, so it has to be this last trigger.
Thanks u all.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 8:22 pm   
Sorry, but @Fue, @Int, etc. are undefined in the given script. Shortening the names is not a problem, just be sure to go back to the earlier triggers and shorten them there also. I have no idea why you and Articnal are having difficulty, I've checked the math and it appears correct. I've also tested similar #IF expressions and they work fine.

Actually, I just adapted from Articnal's script to correct his error in the use of the #VAR command. If I was writing it myself, I'd probably use a single variable for decision-making.

#VAR yesno 1
#TR {Fuerza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 15) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Inteligencia: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 20) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Sabiduria: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 20) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Destreza: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 20) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Constitucion: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 18) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Carisma: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 15) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Suerte: (%d)} {#IF (%1 < 15) {#VAR yesno 0}}
#TR {Quieres guardarlas~? ~(S/N~)} {#IF (@yesno > 0) {s} {#VAR yesno 1;n}} "" "nocr|prompt"

All scripts untested unless otherwise noted
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Joined: 25 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 9:33 pm   
I have tryed the new Trigger and it work nearly fine, but for it to start I have to say 'n', and the trigger inmediately says 'n'. Therefore, 2 'n' are send to the mud, and the trigger stops one throw after I wanted..... It's something like this:

Quieres calcularlas tus caracteristicas al azar o repartir manualmente
los puntos? (A/M) a
Ahora se calcularan tus caracteristicas al azar.
Puedes hacerlo tantas veces como quieras.

Fuerza: 11
Inteligencia: 16
Sabiduria: 15
Destreza: 10
Constitucion: 8
Carisma: 11
Suerte: 14

Quieres que sean estas tus caracteristicas? (S/N) n (<= I write this 'n')
Tus caracteristicas seran:

Fuerza: 15
Inteligencia: 10
Sabiduria: 11
Destreza: 15
Constitucion: 10
Carisma: 12
Suerte: 11

Quieres guardarlas? (S/N) n (<= I also write this one)
n (<= This is the first 'n' the trigger sends)
Tus caracteristicas seran:

Fuerza: 11
Inteligencia: 14
Sabiduria: 11
Destreza: 11
Constitucion: 8
Carisma: 18
Suerte: 16

Quieres guardarlas? (S/N) Tus caracteristicas seran:

Fuerza: 15
Inteligencia: 15
Sabiduria: 13
Destreza: 18
Constitucion: 11
Carisma: 14
Suerte: 12

Quieres guardarlas? (S/N) Tus caracteristicas seran:

Fuerza: 8
Inteligencia: 11
Sabiduria: 10
Destreza: 9
Constitucion: 14
Carisma: 9
Suerte: 11

Quieres guardarlas? (S/N)
Pulsa [ENTER]

So as u can see, the mud keeps the wrong trow. Why does this happens?? Thanks a lot.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 9:38 pm   
Oh, sorry, I forget to say that I lowered the minimum stats required for a 's' answer. The minimum stats I asked for were:
Fuerza: 13
Inteligencia: 15
Sabiduria: 13
Destreza: 15
Constitucion: 10
Carisma: 10
Suerte: 10

Thanks again.

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Joined: 02 Oct 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 9:42 pm   
first run a trigger that check only for fuerza, then have another trigger that only gets set off if fuerza is 15 then it checks inteligencia, then a third that only starts if both fuerze is 15 and inteligencia is 20, to check sabidura, etc...

if this were all on one line it would be alot easier but since it is in stacks then i see where the trouble is
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 2:32 pm   
Go to the trigger editor, find the "Quieres guardarlas" trigger. Click on the Options tab and make sure it's set to trigger on "Prompt" and not set to trigger on "Newline" (that's what the "" "nocr|prompt" is intended to do).

The Mud will keep track of any answers you send it and apply them when it reaches a point that it can. This means that since you sent 4 n's and then an s, it rejects the first four rolls and accepts the fifth roll.

What numbers you pick for Fuerza, Inteligencia, etc. have nothing to do with it other than changing which rolls are acceptable.

I designed my trigger set to be as simple as possible. None of the triggers for Fuerza, Inteligencia, etc. rely on any of the others and there's no need to nest them. The only trigger that is affected by any of the others is the final "Quieres" trigger, and that only looks for the value of @yesno which will be either 0 or 1. If any of the values rolled is too low it's 0, otherwise it's 1 because it starts each roll at 1. If you truly do see a problem with this, please say what the problem is.

And if anyone else sees something I'm overlooking, please don't leave us floundering. This thread has been running for over a week, if I haven't found the problem by now I'm not likely to.

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Joined: 25 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 3:35 pm   
Thanks again LightBulb.
U r right, the problem was that the promp option was unselected. I had to set it manually. The trigger works perfectly now :)

Thanks again.

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Joined: 19 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 4:12 pm   
Well i dont have been able to get into the forum for a week,and now i see the problem is solved, Thanks a lot Lightbulb =)
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