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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 9:36 pm   

Mapping Achaea (again)
Hello, I just recently started playing Achaea and wanted to map the world as it's very large and sometimes confusing. I've been reading the forums about the difficulties of it but I've wonder if anyone has successfully easily mapped it with the recent changes in Achaea (exits starting on their own line and ending with no spaces) and also with the new 7.04 version of zMUD (which I'm now using). I've been having problems with directions in the room descriptions being taken as exits (so I turned brief on after auto-configuration, which seemed to help a bit but not completely) and with other general odd problems of room exits not automatically showing up or room exits that don't exist showing up. If anyone has a list of settings or triggers/variables/etc that work for them I'd greatly appreciate it if you could post them (or any information that might help me). Thank you!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:14 am   
I have 90% of Achaea mapped out. Not a problem...But I'm using Zmud 6.62 and won.t upgrade as I am happy with this one. I'm not sure if I can help ya with the new version. Heard a lot of bugs with it. So it's up to you.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 1:18 pm   
Heard a lot of bugs with it.

Interesting. But you haven't tried it yourself.

Coincidentally, I heard from someone over at Micro something that Windows is the most secure operating system ever created. I guess it must be true.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:27 pm   
Keeping an eye on the Beta forum also shows me that there are fewer bug reports that deal with 7.04 then there was with 6.62..... Zugg himself mentioned something about recieving fewer emails dealing with 7.04 problems. Not to mention numerous mapper speed increases and generel zmud speed increases

I have been running 7.04 since It came out and have yet to come across any bug that would hinder anything I do.

AnyWay back on topic...
is a great place to start to look for Achaea Mapper stuff just look for "Achaea Mapper" I'm sure something will come up
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:08 pm   
Holy hijack Batman!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:20 pm   
I have been messing with the automapper for quite a while, to get it working with Achaea. I had created many triggers to try and piece together the room info with older versions of zMUD and before Achaea "fixed" the exits lines, but I had only gotten it to do the room names about 90% of the time and the exits about 98% of the time. I could live with that, but the new 7.04 zMUD works far better than that!

I am still using the same basic triggers now that I used with older versions of zMUD for the mapping, so some of these could probably be modified or removed. I find that they work just fine with the automapper configuration and the speedwalking is great! Here's what I have:

#CLASS {Mapping}
#ALIAS onroomcreate {#if (@mapwild) {mapwild};#if (@mapshop) {mapshop};#if (@mapsewer) {mapsewer}}
#ALIAS mapwild {#noop %roomcol( ,yellow);mapwild = 0}
#ALIAS mapshop {#noop %roomcol( ,brown);mapshop = 0}
#ALIAS mapsewer {#noop %roomcol( ,orange);mapsewer = 0}
#ALIAS mapwater {#noop %roomcol( ,lightblue)}
#ALIAS onroomenter {mapsewer = 0;mapwild = 0;mapshop = 0;mapwater = 0}
#ALIAS brief {config roomdesc brief}
#ALIAS verbose {config roomdesc verbose}
#VAR roomname {} {}
#VAR roomexits {} {}
#VAR roomnaming {1} {1}
#VAR exitstemp {}
#VAR mapwild {0} {0}
#VAR mapshop {0} {0}
#VAR mapsewer {0} {0}
#REGEX "roomtrig" {\033[33m(.*)..*$} {#if (%line =~ "*It is now the *") {#state roomtrig 0;#set roomtrig -1 0;#abort 1};#if (@roomnaming) {roomname = %stripansi( "%1");roomname = %concat( @roomname, ".");roomexits = ""};roomnaming = 0;#tag Name @roomname} "" {notrig|color}
#TRIGGER "exitstrig" {^You see (.*)} {roomnaming = 1;roomexits = %concat( "You see ", "%1");#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {#tag Exit @roomexits}} "" {}
#COND {(*)} {exitstemp = %1;roomexits = %stripansi( %concat( @roomexits, " ", @exitstemp));#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {#tag Exit @roomexits;#state exitstrig 0;#set exitstrig -1 0}} {looplines|param=2}
#TRIGGER {There is no exit in that direction.} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {There is a door in the way.} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {Now now, don't be so hasty!} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {WARES} {mapshop = 1} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER {enter the wilderness} {mapwild = 1} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER {sewer grate} {mapsewer = 1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {The wormhole spits you out at the other end.$} {#OK;#if %walkactive {#PAUSE}}
#COND {You have recovered equilibrium.$} {#STEP}
#TRIGGER {You are regaining balance and are unable to move.} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {^Empire.$} {#nomap}

I recommend turning on verbose room descriptions so you can capture everything as it was intended. This script also assumes that you use the default color scheme, so if you've messed with the colors, you'll need to change one or two things here. I've even included the code to color certain rooms on your map. :) Enjoy!
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 1:14 am   
Larkin, thank you very much for the help. I'm having a slight problem though. The #REGEX line doesn't seem to be working for me right. When I copy/paste it into the game and look at it under settings it has a syntax error. I also noticed that %line right afterwards gets changed to whatever is on screen at the time I paste it, and the name of the trigger it creates is \033[33m(.*)..*$. Also if I copy/paste the whole thing there is no trigger called "roomtrig". Do you know what's going wrong? Also what do you mean by the default color scheme? For zMUD? I'm using default ANSI colors if that's what you mean.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:50 pm   
Replace the #REGEX with #TRIGGER and add regex to the trigger options field.

The trigger's pattern (what you call its name) is correct. "roomtrig" is the trigger's ID and can be seen on the Options tab.

I think Larkin means the script is designed for the default ACHAEA color scheme.

Modified script:
#CLASS {Mapping}
#ALIAS onroomcreate {#if (@mapwild) {mapwild};#if (@mapshop) {mapshop};#if (@mapsewer) {mapsewer}}
#ALIAS mapwild {#noop %roomcol( ,yellow);mapwild = 0}
#ALIAS mapshop {#noop %roomcol( ,brown);mapshop = 0}
#ALIAS mapsewer {#noop %roomcol( ,orange);mapsewer = 0}
#ALIAS mapwater {#noop %roomcol( ,lightblue)}
#ALIAS onroomenter {mapsewer = 0;mapwild = 0;mapshop = 0;mapwater = 0}
#ALIAS brief {config roomdesc brief}
#ALIAS verbose {config roomdesc verbose}
#VAR roomname {} {}
#VAR roomexits {} {}
#VAR roomnaming {1} {1}
#VAR exitstemp {}
#VAR mapwild {0} {0}
#VAR mapshop {0} {0}
#VAR mapsewer {0} {0}
#TRIGGER "roomtrig" {\033[33m(.*)..*$} {#if (%line =~ "*It is now the *") {#state roomtrig 0;#set roomtrig -1 0;#abort 1};#if (@roomnaming) {roomname = %stripansi( "%1");roomname = %concat( @roomname, ".");roomexits = ""};roomnaming = 0;#tag Name @roomname} "" {notrig|color|regex}
#TRIGGER "exitstrig" {^You see (.*)} {roomnaming = 1;roomexits = %concat( "You see ", "%1");#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {#tag Exit @roomexits}} "" {}
#COND {(*)} {exitstemp = %1;roomexits = %stripansi( %concat( @roomexits, " ", @exitstemp));#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {#tag Exit @roomexits;#state exitstrig 0;#set exitstrig -1 0}} {looplines|param=2}
#TRIGGER {There is no exit in that direction.} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {There is a door in the way.} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {Now now, don't be so hasty!} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {WARES} {mapshop = 1} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER {enter the wilderness} {mapwild = 1} "" {case|verbatim}
#TRIGGER {sewer grate} {mapsewer = 1} "" {case}
#TRIGGER {The wormhole spits you out at the other end.$} {#OK;#if %walkactive {#PAUSE}}
#COND {You have recovered equilibrium.$} {#STEP}
#TRIGGER {You are regaining balance and are unable to move.} {#nodir;#nomap}
#TRIGGER {^Empire.$} {#nomap}
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 8:34 pm   
Thanks for pointing out the export/import differences in syntax, LightBulb. I have seen similar problems with expression triggers, but only when they have a name. It seems to be the case with regex triggers, too. :(
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:46 pm   
I got everything into the settings correctly now with no syntax errors, but now when I try to map I'm having a minor problem. The room name for every room is the same and it's not changing. I tried looking at the code to figure it out for myself but I'm not the best at zMUD scripting. Any clue what's going wrong? Also I noticed that the roomexits and exitstemp variables was empty even after moving around for a bit. Sorry to be such a pain, thanks again
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:23 pm   
1. Have you changed your color scheme in Achaea at all? If so, you'll either need to change it back or figure out the pattern for your colors.

2. Did you reconfigure your automapper after loading these triggers? The automapper will need to be reconfigured to pick up on the tags set by these triggers if you want it to work well.

3. Try turning on your 'Show triggers' option in the preferences or creating a Status Window item to show your variables. Putting in a little bit of debug to help you see what's going on is always a good idea.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 11:59 pm   
I made a new character to double check my color scheme was the default and it is, so that couldn't be the problem. I also reconfigured my automapper as well.

I've been playing around with the triggers, trying to get something to work. In the trigger ^You see (.*) is there supposed to be a . before the *? I removed it and now all the variables are getting set to the right things, but it's adding a lot of strange exits on the automap even though the variable says the correct line. I'll keep playing with it. After doing that and turning on show show triggers, I think the problem is is that the You see trigger condidtion of (*) is firing right after I enter a command instead of after the You see trigger.


With trigger ^You see (*) [period removed]

945h, 900m ex-e
[(*)-> exitstemp = 945h, 900m ex-e
roomexits = %stripansi( %concat( @roomexits, " ", @exitstemp))
#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {
#tag Exit @roomexits
#state exitstrig 0
#set exitstrig -1 0

Sleeping chamber.
[\033[33m(.*)..*$-> #if (%line =~ "*It is now the *") {
#state roomtrig 0
#set roomtrig -1 0
#abort 1
#if (@roomnaming) {
roomname = %stripansi( "Sleeping chamber")
roomname = %concat( @roomname, ".")
roomexits = ""
roomnaming = 0
#tag Name @roomname]
As humble as the rest of the cottage, the priest's one concession to luxury is
the thick down comforter upon his straw-stuffed mattress. A set of scriptural
writings rests upon the end table near the head of the bed and a pad of stuffed
straw rests on the floor, for relieve of knees while praying. A small desk
takes up one corner and neat stacks of records reside there, information
regarding tithes received, and children taught as well as deaths and weddings.
Though small, this place is one of joy and comfort, the abode of a person who
loves his work and rejoices in the service he can render. To the west is the
main room of the cottage.
You see a single exit leading west.
[^You see (*)-> roomnaming = 1
roomexits = %concat( "You see ", "a single exit leading west.")
#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {#tag Exit @roomexits}]
945h, 900m ex-
[(*)-> exitstemp = 945h, 900m ex-
roomexits = %stripansi( %concat( @roomexits, " ", @exitstemp))
#if (%pos( ., @roomexits)) {
#tag Exit @roomexits
#state exitstrig 0
#set exitstrig -1 0
945h, 900m ex-


With trigger ^You see (.*) [original code]

945h, 900m ex-e

Sleeping chamber.
[\033[33m(.*)..*$-> #if (%line =~ "*It is now the *") {
#state roomtrig 0
#set roomtrig -1 0
#abort 1
#if (@roomnaming) {
roomname = %stripansi( "Sleeping chamber")
roomname = %concat( @roomname, ".")
roomexits = ""
roomnaming = 0
#tag Name @roomname]
As humble as the rest of the cottage, the priest's one concession to luxury is
the thick down comforter upon his straw-stuffed mattress. A set of scriptural
writings rests upon the end table near the head of the bed and a pad of stuffed
straw rests on the floor, for relieve of knees while praying. A small desk
takes up one corner and neat stacks of records reside there, information
regarding tithes received, and children taught as well as deaths and weddings.
Though small, this place is one of joy and comfort, the abode of a person who
loves his work and rejoices in the service he can render. To the west is the
main room of the cottage.
You see a single exit leading west.
945h, 900m ex-
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Joined: 19 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 6:07 am   
check to see if maybe your zmud client is changing the colors.. basically not only do you need to check that the achaean color scheme is default, but the client too.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:12 pm   
That first example you showed looks to me like one of your multi-state triggers started in the wrong state. Double-check the settings to make sure that they haven't gotten out of sync. Start them off in the first state with none of the states triggered and see if that helps at all.

And, yes, the (.*) is correct for the regular expression pattern. If you want, go ahead and uncheck the Perl regular expression check box and put in a zMUD pattern instead.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:19 pm   
I found the problem. The exitstrig trigger didn't have Perl regular expression checked in both states, so I put a checkmark there in state 0 and state 1 and now the trigger is firing. However now a new problem arises that I'm working on. When I move into a room, the trigger is staying in state 1 and not going back to state 0. I'm trying to use #set and #state to get it to change back to state 0 automatically when I enter a room but it's not working. I'll keep at it though, hopefully figure something out
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:00 pm   
I am completely new to the mapping process of zmud, but I found what I wanted. In this post above is a section that I apparently need for my mapper. I am wondering, where do I paste that in at? Thanks.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:45 pm   
The scripts in this topic are intended for entry/pasting at the COMMAND LINE. That's the box at the bottom of your screen which you use all the time to send commands to the MUD.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 9:27 pm   
I'm new to mudding and Achaea and zmud, and the above looks like it would be very useful but i'm confused about one thing. I want to modify the script but keep my colors...So in this:

#TRIGGER "roomtrig" {\033[33m(.*)..*$}

The color code would be the \033 ? Or...? :) Also I don't know much about regexp (I suppose I need to read up on that) but I think I get the idea there :)
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Joined: 21 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 10:28 pm   
What effect would brief room descriptions have on Larkin's mapping script?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:10 pm   
Also, I have found that after I move rooms around on the mapper, the automapper no longer recognizes the rooms and doesn't follow me around when I travel to the rooms that I have moved. Has anyone ever had a similar problem?

I also tried reconfiguring the mapper, and it started not recognizing the room names.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 1:59 am   
The color code would appear to be \033[33m.

I have no idea what effect brief room descriptions would have. However, this kind of thing is usually fairly easy to find out by just trying it.

Please don't try to divert someone else's topic. If you have off-topic questions, start a new topic.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:26 am   
I've tried using the script here, which seems to work find when first mapping, aside from leaving items listed in the roomdesc which seems to be part of the cause of the automapper not following into certain rooms? i'm fairly a novice at using mapping scripts, so i'm only really guessing.. but does anyone know a trigger to go along with this script or something that would prevent the items in the room from being recorded as part of the roomdesc? here's a sample of the mud if needed

Ivy-covered archway to Minia (road).
Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant 
clouds. A weathered stone archway strewn with vibrant green ivy is here. A 
small plaque on the top of the archway reads, "Welcome to Minia! All newbies, 
make yourselves at home." Vellis, the butterfly collector potters about nearby.
A small wooden sign is nailed crookedly to a post here. A clockwork toy soldier
stands sternly at attention. A canvas backpack lies face-down here. A large fat
pet pig with a curly tail waddles about here. A shot glass is on the ground 
nearby. Serinia, Viperas Novicius is here. She wields a steel shortsword in her
left hand. Vero, Viperas Novicius is here. He wields a steel shortsword in his 
right hand. Rubber Ducky Masina, Squire to Lord Mallard is here, sprawled on 
the floor. She wields a steel shortsword in her left hand and a butterfly net 
in her right. Cub Hennan, Special Edition is here. Torquil, Viperas Novicius is
here, sprawled on the floor.
You see exits leading northeast, east (open door), southeast, and south.
485h, 470m, 1325e, 1550w ex-
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:58 am   
Make sure that you configure your automapper to match room name for speedwalking and NOT the first line of the room description.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:31 pm   
well i managed to get it the automapper to follow properly by setting speedwalking to safe mode and disabling automatic step confirmation, but it would be nice if someone could figure out or post a trigger if they already have it for roomdesc or something so the automapper doesn't load up items, mobs and people as part of the description, there's just too many rooms to try to go and fix that manually
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Joined: 01 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:14 pm   
Kjata wrote:
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Heard a lot of bugs with it.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Coincidentally, I heard from someone over at Micro something that Windows is the most secure operating system ever created. I guess it must be true.

Indeed. They are constantly issuing free security patches in an effort to maintain that reputation.
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