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Joined: 16 Jan 2002
Posts: 12

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:10 pm   

automapper for imms

I'm a member of staff on a mud and one of my duties is to check zones before releasing them to the game. What I'd like to be able to do is run some as-yet-unwritten function in zmud, which loops throught the rooms (without going in them, ie /at 24801 /stat room, etc going upwards) and when done, creates a nice little map for me that I can open in zmud. The /stat info typically contains info like no_hide and so on that I'd like to be able to see on the map somehow (are "filters" doable?). Is all this doable - create a "true to shape" graphical map just by parsing the room exit #s and directions?

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Joined: 15 Jun 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 12:35 pm   
Hello, Nass.

We've had probably around 4 or 5 posts from WoTMUD players in the past few weeks here... I really think we're planning an invasion or something :P

This script is definitely possible...

The way I'd go about something like this would be a stack... you start with the first room number and put it on the stack.

Then the algorithm consists of peeking at the first item on the stack (not popping yet) and /statting this room. This can fill in the room name, number, description and exits. Initially these exits will be null links but if any of the VNums that the room links in the /stat output have already been put into the map, then the algorithm would create that link between the rooms. If you've connected all of the exits for a room, then pop it from the stack.

If you have exits in the room that lead to VNums that haven't been mapped yet, push those VNums onto the stack and repeat from the beginning of the last paragraph.

When the stack is empty, the map is complete (or at least you've mapped all rooms connected to the first).

Some useful functions/commands:


It strikes me that since this is on the MUD, if you did decide to actually walk around in the zone, you could let zMUD's built in mapper do the heavy lifting instead of /stat'ting each room. Of course, to do this, you need to be able to see hidden doors and unlock/open them. Also, you might lose some of the information you want. So perhaps that isn't the best idea.

I can write something up later today for this (not now, though, I'm going to bed).

 - Charbal
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Joined: 18 Nov 2001
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 12:24 am   
I started a similar project for another imm a while ago. At the time there was a bug in the #MAKEROOM command so I never got too far with the project. Since it never went far enough I don't have a backup in my archives. If you would be so kind as to post a detailed output from the mud (some before and after sending the /at /stat preferably), I can write a new script to handle it.

I will further need to know other detail about what you want to capture into the map beyond room name, description and exits. I can make it report rooms that are not accessible by walking.

If you have zMapper I can possibly delve into some of the more complex room options there to make rooms more graphically descriptive, this would allow me to display things like NO_HIDE, NO_RECALL, NO_SUMMON, etc. that are not normally part of what zMud captures. Whether I should go to that effort needs to be known beforehand, and will have to be coordinated between us, as the room types I use would have to match some you have.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2001
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 9:28 am   
Careful not to post too much, Nass. Us WotMUDders are watching....

Tee hee


Wil Hunt
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