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Joined: 21 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:49 pm   

Triggers and timers
I have a large set of personalized look back triggers.
Steve looks at you.

is triggered to:
exa steve; wink steve

I have a whole folder for tons of people.

Now, the question I have is that I am part of the PK system of my mud. I don't want steve to exa me 10 times to lag me with triggers so that he can PK me.

I want it so that the look back trig will only work once every 60 seconds.

Can anyone help, give advice?

Edwub the Mage
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 2:52 pm   
Not exactly perfect but...

%1 looks at you
#if @doretardedthings_var 1 {look steve;examine steeve}
#var doretardedthings 0
#alarm +60 {#var doretardedthings 1}

Fledeth my asseth offeth
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Joined: 21 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 3:21 pm   
First, it's not retarded :P
It gives me an easy way to examine other peoples equipment, and the social is just a courtesy, usually its a bow, smile, or a glare.

And what you submitted doesn't really work properly.

Edwub the Mage
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 3:24 pm   
Hmm, what if I do something with %ismember list?

If someone exa's me, add them to the list, do the social/look back.

If person is on list, don't commit the social/look back.

Then an alarm every 60 seconds to reset the list?

How would I go about doing this

Edwub the Mage
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 4:04 pm   
Retrovirus' script has an error. The #IF should be:
#IF (@doretardedthings) {look steve;examine steeve}

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 8:57 pm   
Since you have personalized these triggers, you won't want a wildcard in the pattern and you will want a personalized variable.
#VAR SteveLook 1
#TR {Steve looks at you} {#IF (@SteveLook = 1) {#VAR SteveLook 0;exa steve;wink steve;#ALA +60 {#VAR SteveLook 1}}}

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 11:50 pm   
The other idea is to keep all such non essential triggers to pk in a folder so you can
turn off the folder when you engage in combat.

#T- ClassFolderName

pk people then

#T+ ClassFolderName

Ton Diening
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:38 am   
Thanks for the replies, but..

to Tom, I autoturn them off when I go into PK mode, but my concern is someone using them when I am not in PK mode. Ie, relaxing in a temple when someone rushes up and does it.

To Lightbulb, that's what I'll probably end up doing, but it will require making some 80 plus vars.

Will what I said work?

If Steve exa's me, add him to the list.
If he is member of the list, not to exa

sorta like

#if %ismember{steve, lookbacklist} {}
if he's not a member, {exa steve, wink steve, (addd steve to lookbacklist)

Then make a seperate trigger in the catagory to reset lookbacklist every 60 seconds.

I don't know the member command well, but it would seem to work a lot better and smarter then making 80 different variables.

Edwub the Mage
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:26 pm   
Yes, it should work:
#TRIGGER {Steve looks at you.} {#IF (!%ismember("Steve", @lookbacklist)) {exa steve;wink steve;#ADDITEM lookbacklist Steve}}
#ALARM {*60} {#VAR lookbacklist ""}

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