jabpotter Newbie
Joined: 13 Feb 2022 Posts: 4
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:05 pm
Problems with aarget |
THe autoquester gives quests where you have to take each letter of the word and find an item within a certain level of you and return them to you. For example "great" you would need to find items that begin with "g", "r", "e", "a", "t" and return them to the autoquestor. I am storing items in the donation room. So the idea is to go there, cycle through the word getting the items and return. I am having trouble with %arrget not returning a value.
Code: |
#loop %len(@Spelling),1 {
#VAR mm %lower(%copy(@Spelling,%{i},1))
#VAR SpellNum -96
#ADD SpellNum %ascii(@mm)
#VAR SpellItem %arrget(Spellings, @SpellNum)
get @SpellItem
#T- Spelling
jabpotter Newbie
Joined: 13 Feb 2022 Posts: 4
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2022 8:09 pm |
Here is the Spellings variable array. It goes all the way to 26 "z"
hpoonis2010 Adept

Joined: 18 Jun 2019 Posts: 279
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:45 am |
I don't think that spellings data is correct, or your idea of what will be in there is correct.
Your word search will search every word of every item for matches?
real star dragon SWORD true night
excalibur SWORD might
You could just add them to a string list variable then do a %POS test |
jabpotter Newbie
Joined: 13 Feb 2022 Posts: 4
Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 11:38 am |
Code: |
#loop %len(@Spelling),1 { // sets the loop through the word
#VAR mm %lower(%copy(@Spelling,%{i},1)) // stores current letter
#VAR SpellNum -96 // Accounts for ASCII
#ADD SpellNum %ascii(@mm) // For example stores 1 for a
#VAR SpellItem %arrget(Spellings, @SpellNum) // for Spellings, 1 it should store ~'Leg Plates of Avalon~' for a
get @SpellItem // should result in get ~'Leg Plates of Avalon~'
#T- Spelling
jabpotter Newbie
Joined: 13 Feb 2022 Posts: 4
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:34 am |
I figured it out. I started it as an array. CMud changed it from an array to a String List. So %arrget wasn't able to get the information. It worked perfectly with %item.
Code: |
#loop %len(@Spelling),1 { // sets the loop through the word
#VAR mm %lower(%copy(@Spelling,%{i},1)) // stores current letter
#VAR SpellNum -96 // Accounts for ASCII
#ADD SpellNum %ascii(@mm) // For example stores 1 for "a"
get %item(Spellings, @SpellNum) // gets ~'Leg Plates of Avalon~' for letter "a"
#T- Spelling