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Joined: 04 Oct 2012
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:40 pm   

need help to replace mud text and track mem
Hello guys , i need some assistance for two things

is it possible to replace the following text i receive from mud

Zugg utters some strange words.
Zugg's hands send forth blinding rays of sunlight!
"X1" withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Zugg engulfs him!
"X2" withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Zugg engulfs him!

"X2" seems to be blinded!
"X3" withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Zugg engulfs him!
"X4" withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Zugg engulfs him!
"X5" withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Zugg engulfs him!

"X5" seems to be blinded!


Zugg casts Sunray >>> "X1" , "X2" , "X3" , "X4" , "X5"
"X2" seems to be blinded!
"X5" seems to be blinded!

X1 X2 etc are char names or mobs and targets varies
also if that helps spell causes dmg (text is withers as a ray of sunlight sent by Zugg engulfs him!) and there is a % to be blinded (text is seems to be blinded!)

also i need to make a gauge and track some of my spells memed

lets say magic bolt i have maximum 8

every time i cast
You utter the words, 'magic bolt'
so after that i ll have 7 need the gauge show me magic bolt 7/8

need that to reset to 8 every time i am done with mem, lets say
you close your book and finish your studies

but there is a % clearcasting and memed spells dont wasted while casting
everything becomes clear
You utter the words, 'magic bolt'

Any help is welcome
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
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Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:28 pm   
The first one will be a bit tougher, since all the data is displayed after the original like you want to keep and it looks like the number of targets is variable.
It's not impossible though.
Would require #GAG ing most of it and re-displaying it later, which could end up changing the color.

The other one is far easier.
gauges are a type of #BUTTON, best made via the GUI.
would need 2 variables for each spell, one for current, one for max
and you would need a means of knowing weather clearcasting was active, a boolean variable will suffice
the following assumes it is only good for one casting

#IF (@clearCasting=0) {magicBoltCurrent=(@magicBoltCurrent-1)} {clearCasting=0}
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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