meddlesome Wanderer
Joined: 24 Aug 2012 Posts: 70
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:14 pm
Can someone tell me why I get this line feed? [FIXED] |
I built this calculator which calculates the combination codes for using what is known as a FaeOrb in the mud that I play. The output looks like this...
The current system time is Thu Oct 18 10:08:06 2012
Medievia restart time was Tue Oct 9 17:46:12 2012
It is 10:19 pm, on the Day of Valor.
The 5th Day of the Month of Winter Night, Year 548.
The Medievia day rolls over Thu Oct 18 11:10:46 2012 Earth time.
[Medievia Star] [ EARTH TIME ]
Gets Light: Wed Oct 17 23:18:00 2012 Fog Starts
Sun Rises: Wed Oct 17 23:56:00 2012
Sun Sets: Thu Oct 18 09:18:00 2012 Fog Starts
Gets Dark: Thu Oct 18 09:56:00 2012
[Medievia Moon] [ EARTH TIME ]
Next New Moon: Mon Oct 22 20:10:46 2012 Fae Clams making Frae
Next Full Moon: Tue Oct 30 08:10:46 2012
Eclipse Start: Tue Oct 23 14:55:46 2012 Fae Clams making Stae
Eclipse End: Tue Oct 23 22:22:14 2012
Medievia has 7 days a week, 5 weeks a month, 35 days a month, 17 months a year, and 595 days per year. One Medievia day equals 15 Earth hours.
XP COMBO: Power:7 Duration:6 Frequency:2 Fae needed: 1,000,000
LOCATE SERPENTS: Power:6 Duration:6 Frequency:79 Fae needed: 36,000
CREATE RAINSTORM: Power:8 Duration:5 Frequency:63 Fae needed: 40,000
REMOVE STORM: Power:8 Duration:10 Frequency:90 Fae needed: 100,000
ROAD INTERSECTION FARSIGHT: Power:5 Duration:5 Frequency:5 Fae needed: 25,000
For some reason I get a line feed after I do the XP COMBO: line and I just can't find it. Any ideas?
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="FaeOrbCalculation" copy="yes">
<trigger priority="233730" copy="yes">
<pattern>Next New Moon: %w (%w) (%d) (%d):(%d):(%d) (%d)</pattern>
<value>;%1 = Month
#IF (%1=%time(mmm)) {#VAR MoonMonth %time(m)} {#MATH MoonMonth (%time(m)+1)}
;%2 = Day
#VAR MoonDay %2
;%3 = Hours
#VAR MoonHours %3
;%4 = Minutes
#VAR MoonMinutes %4
;%5 = Seconds
#VAR MoonSeconds %5
;%6 = Year
#VAR MoonYear %6
#MATH OnMoon (((((@MoonMonth-1-%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2))/2))*30) + ((((@MoonMonth-1-%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2))/2))*31) + (%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2)*31)+(@MoonDay -1))
;Are we past Feb, if so there are only 28 days in that month not 30
;But are we in a leap year? There could be 29 days in Feb
#VAR LeapYear 0
#IF ((%mod(@MoonYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@MoonYear,100)!=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((%mod(@MoonYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@MoonYear,100)=0) || (%mod(@MoonYear,400)=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((((@MoonMonth-1-%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2))/2))>1) {#IF (@LeapYear) {#ADD OnMoon -1} {#ADD OnMoon -2}}
#UNVAR LeapYear
;#SHOW We Are on day @OnMoon
;Ok, So now I know how many days have passed, now the fun job of
;converting the remaining hours and Minutes into seconds, and adding
;the additional seconds to have a total number of seconds that
;have passed since the beginning of the year.
#MATH SecondsPassedMoon ((@OnMoon *24 *60 *60)+(@MoonHours *60 *60)+(@MoonMinutes*60)+@MoonSeconds)
;#SHOW There have been @SecondsPassedMoon seconds since JAN 1.
<trigger priority="233920" copy="yes">
<pattern><![CDATA[Eclipse Start: %w (%w) (&%dSunDay) (&%dSunHours):(&%dSunMinutes):(&%dSunSeconds) (&%dSunYear)]]></pattern>
<value>;%1 = Month
#IF (%1=%time(mmm)) {#VAR SunMonth %time(m)} {#MATH SunMonth (%time(m)+1)}
#MATH OnSun (((((@SunMonth-1-%mod((@SunMonth-1),2))/2))*30) + ((((@SunMonth-1-%mod((@SunMonth-1),2))/2))*31) + (%mod((@SunMonth-1),2)*31)+(@SunDay -1))
;Are we past Feb, if so there are only 28 days in that month not 30
;But are we in a leap year? There could be 29 days in Feb
#VAR LeapYear 0
#IF ((%mod(@SunYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@SunYear,100)!=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((%mod(@SunYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@SunYear,100)=0) || (%mod(@SunYear,400)=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((((@SunMonth-1-%mod((@SunMonth-1),2))/2))>1) {#IF (@LeapYear) {#ADD OnSun -1} {#ADD OnSun -2}}
#UNVAR LeapYear
;#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)We Are on day @OnSun}
;Ok, So now I know how many days have passed, now the fun job of
;converting the remaining hours and Minutes into seconds, and adding
;the additional seconds to have a total number of seconds that
;have passed since the beginning of the year.
#MATH SecondsPassedSun ((@OnSun *24 *60 *60)+(@SunHours *60 *60)+(@SunMinutes*60)+@SunSeconds)
;#SHOW There have been @SecondsPassedSun seconds since JAN 1.
#UNVAR OnSun</value>
<trigger priority="234070" repeat="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>Medievia has 7 days a week, 5 weeks a month, 35 days a month</pattern>
<value><![CDATA[#MATH OnDay (((((%time(m)-1-%mod((%time(m)-1),2))/2))*30) + ((((%time(m)-1-%mod((%time(m)-1),2))/2))*31) + (%mod((%time(m)-1),2)*31)+(%time(d) -1))
;Are we past Feb, if so there are only 28 days in that month not 30
;But are we in a leap year? There could be 29 days in Feb
#VAR LeapYear 0
#IF ((%mod(%time(yyyy),4)=0) || (%mod(%time(yyyy),100)!=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1}
#IF ((%mod(%time(yyyy),4)=0) || (%mod(%time(yyyy),100)=0) || (%mod(%time(yyyy),400)=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1}
#IF ((((%time(m)-1-%mod((%time(m)-1),2))/2))>1) {#IF (@LeapYear) {#ADD OnDay -1} {#ADD OnDay -2}}
#UNVAR LeapYear
;#SHOW We Are on day @OnDay
;Ok, So now I know how many days have passed, now the fun job of
;converting the remaining hours and Minutes into seconds, and adding
;the additional seconds to have a total number of seconds that
;have passed since the beginning of the year.
#MATH SecondsPassed ((@OnDay *24 *60 *60)+(@curHours *60 *60)+(@curMins*60)+@curSecs)
;#SHOW There have been @SecondsPassed seconds since JAN 1.
;That wasn't so hard, but this next part may just take it's time.
;I now have to calculate this back til the beginning of Medievia time.
;Well, how much time are we talking about.
;Medievia has 7 days a week, 5 weeks a month, 35 days a month, 17 months a year, and 595 days per year. One Medievia day equals 15 Earth hours.
;The key is that One Medievia day = 15 Earth hours.
#MATH Power (2+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (2+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"XP COMBO: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"2"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",1000000)}
#MATH Power (1+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (2+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"LOCATE SERPENTS: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration %ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"79"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",%eval(@Power * @Duration *1000))}
#MATH Power (3+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (1+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"CREATE RAINSTORM: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"63"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",%eval(@Power * @Duration *1000))}
#MATH Power (3+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (6+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"REMOVE STORM: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"90"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",100000)}
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"ROAD INTERSECTION FARSIGHT:" %ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)5%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)"5"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"5"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",25000)%char(10)}
#UNVAR Power
#UNVAR Duration
#UNVAR MoonDay
#UNVAR MoonHours
#UNVAR MoonMinutes
#UNVAR MoonSeconds
#UNVAR MoonMonth
#UNVAR MoonYear
#UNVAR SecondsPassed
#UNVAR SecondsPassedMoon
#UNVAR SecondsPassedSun
#UNVAR SunHours
#UNVAR SunMinutes
#UNVAR SunMonth
#UNVAR SunSeconds
#UNVAR SunYear
#UNVAR curHours
#UNVAR curMins
#UNVAR curSecs]]></value>
<trigger priority="234110" copy="yes">
<pattern>The current system time is %w %w %d (&%dcurHours):(&%dcurMins):(&%dcurSecs) %d</pattern>
<value>;This trigger is only used to capture the current system time, not the date.</value>
_________________ Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 @2.66GHz
Msjet40.dll ver 4.0.9511.0 + Security Bulletin MS08-028
CMUD v237
Order number: **7829
Last edited by meddlesome on Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total |
meddlesome Wanderer
Joined: 24 Aug 2012 Posts: 70
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:15 pm |
Well, for some reason it just started working...All I did was modify the Moon section which doesn't make sense cause if it was that then it should have been doing it 3 more times.
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="FaeOrbCalculation" copy="yes">
<trigger priority="233730" copy="yes">
<pattern><![CDATA[Next New Moon: %w (%w) (&%dMoonDay) (&%dMoonHours):(&%dMoonMinutes):(&%dMoonSeconds) (&%dMoonYear)]]></pattern>
<value>;%1 = Month
#IF (%1=%time(mmm)) {#VAR MoonMonth %time(m)} {#MATH MoonMonth (%time(m)+1)}
#MATH OnMoon (((((@MoonMonth-1-%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2))/2))*30) + ((((@MoonMonth-1-%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2))/2))*31) + (%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2)*31)+(@MoonDay -1))
#VAR LeapYear 0
#IF ((%mod(@MoonYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@MoonYear,100)!=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((%mod(@MoonYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@MoonYear,100)=0) || (%mod(@MoonYear,400)=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((((@MoonMonth-1-%mod((@MoonMonth-1),2))/2))>1) {#IF (@LeapYear) {#ADD OnMoon -1} {#ADD OnMoon -2}}
#UNVAR LeapYear
#SHOW We Are on day @OnMoon
#MATH SecondsPassedMoon ((@OnMoon *24 *60 *60)+(@MoonHours *60 *60)+(@MoonMinutes*60)+@MoonSeconds)
#SHOW There have been @SecondsPassedMoon seconds since JAN 1.
<trigger priority="233920" copy="yes">
<pattern><![CDATA[Eclipse Start: %w (%w) (&%dSunDay) (&%dSunHours):(&%dSunMinutes):(&%dSunSeconds) (&%dSunYear)]]></pattern>
<value>;%1 = Month
#IF (%1=%time(mmm)) {#VAR SunMonth %time(m)} {#MATH SunMonth (%time(m)+1)}
#MATH OnSun (((((@SunMonth-1-%mod((@SunMonth-1),2))/2))*30) + ((((@SunMonth-1-%mod((@SunMonth-1),2))/2))*31) + (%mod((@SunMonth-1),2)*31)+(@SunDay -1))
#VAR LeapYear 0
#IF ((%mod(@SunYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@SunYear,100)!=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((%mod(@SunYear,4)=0) || (%mod(@SunYear,100)=0) || (%mod(@SunYear,400)=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1};
#IF ((((@SunMonth-1-%mod((@SunMonth-1),2))/2))>1) {#IF (@LeapYear) {#ADD OnSun -1} {#ADD OnSun -2}}
#MATH SecondsPassedSun ((@OnSun *24 *60 *60)+(@SunHours *60 *60)+(@SunMinutes*60)+@SunSeconds)
#UNVAR OnSun</value>
<trigger priority="234070" repeat="true" copy="yes">
<pattern>Medievia has 7 days a week, 5 weeks a month, 35 days a month</pattern>
<value><![CDATA[#MATH OnDay (((((%time(m)-1-%mod((%time(m)-1),2))/2))*30) + ((((%time(m)-1-%mod((%time(m)-1),2))/2))*31) + (%mod((%time(m)-1),2)*31)+(%time(d) -1))
#VAR LeapYear 0
#IF ((%mod(%time(yyyy),4)=0) || (%mod(%time(yyyy),100)!=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1}
#IF ((%mod(%time(yyyy),4)=0) || (%mod(%time(yyyy),100)=0) || (%mod(%time(yyyy),400)=0)) {#VAR LeapYear 1}
#IF ((((%time(m)-1-%mod((%time(m)-1),2))/2))>1) {#IF (@LeapYear) {#ADD OnDay -1} {#ADD OnDay -2}}
#MATH SecondsPassed ((@OnDay *24 *60 *60)+(@curHours *60 *60)+(@curMins*60)+@curSecs)
#MATH Power (2+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (2+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"XP COMBO: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"2"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",1000000)}
#MATH Power (1+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (2+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"LOCATE SERPENTS: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration %ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"79"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",%eval(@Power * @Duration *1000))}
#MATH Power (3+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (1+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"CREATE RAINSTORM: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"63"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",%eval(@Power * @Duration *1000))}
#MATH Power (3+((@SecondsPassedSun - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#MATH Duration (6+((@SecondsPassedMoon - @SecondsPassed)/60/60/24))
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"REMOVE STORM: "%ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)@Power%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)@Duration%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"90"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",100000)}
#SHOW {%ansi(bold,Magenta)"ROAD INTERSECTION FARSIGHT:" %ansi(bold,cyan)"Power:"%ansi(bold,red)5%ansi(bold,cyan)" Duration:"%ansi(bold,red)"5"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Frequency:"%ansi(bold,red)"5"%ansi(bold,cyan)" Fae needed: "%ansi(bold,yellow)%format("&9.0n",25000)%char(10)}
#UNVAR Power
#UNVAR Duration
#UNVAR MoonDay
#UNVAR MoonHours
#UNVAR MoonMinutes
#UNVAR MoonSeconds
#UNVAR MoonMonth
#UNVAR MoonYear
#UNVAR SecondsPassed
#UNVAR SecondsPassedMoon
#UNVAR SecondsPassedSun
#UNVAR SunHours
#UNVAR SunMinutes
#UNVAR SunMonth
#UNVAR SunSeconds
#UNVAR SunYear
#UNVAR curHours
#UNVAR curMins
#UNVAR curSecs
#UNVAR LeapYear]]></value>
<trigger priority="234110" copy="yes">
<pattern>The current system time is %w %w %d (&%dcurHours):(&%dcurMins):(&%dcurSecs) %d</pattern>
<value>;This trigger is only used to capture the current system time, not the date.</value>
_________________ Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 @2.66GHz
Msjet40.dll ver 4.0.9511.0 + Security Bulletin MS08-028
CMUD v237
Order number: **7829 |
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