meddlesome Wanderer
Joined: 24 Aug 2012 Posts: 70
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:26 pm
Actually I just need input on whether or not I can get more speed. I have tried to post the code, but it doesn't post real well as I have added string list without word wrap and it tends to make those post extremely wide for some reason.
The Google Documents link is HERE.
If I copy the text say from the first post that DarkFang made here I don't have much delay, but if I copy the text from the post that I made here, I have great delay. Until I broke the list into 5 separate groups it was taking upwards to 10-20 seconds a command to process, and with 244 commands, you can see that this one page was taking around 20 minutes to process. I don't know much, but that seems a bit extreme.
So by dividing the big command String List into 5 smaller String List of no more than 50 elements, then removed each prior set from memory as I stepped through. I was able to cut that in half, so now the page only takes 10 minutes...better, but I think it could still go faster. What can you share on the subject?
EDIT APPEND:------------------------------
I guess it would help to explain what it does. It makes it so that when I post on the forums and use a #COMMAND in the zScript command language, it will tag it with the HTML link to that page in the CMUDs online manual. I thought it would be useful to use newbs that have trouble understanding the code and need a better reference. To execute it, one only needs to copy the text they want referenced into the clipboard, then go to the session command line where the alias is installed and type TAG. It will take the contents of the clipboard and rewrite it with the html tags included then put the information back into the clip board so that all I have to do is come back to the forum and just past the text back in.
EDIT APPEND #2:----------------------------
AckThpppppft! It turns out I had a bad control code at the end of my source that I had in the clipboard. I had pasted my source into notepad, and it wasn't enough I guess to remove all codes, but anyway it flies by now. |
_________________ Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 @2.66GHz
Msjet40.dll ver 4.0.9511.0 + Security Bulletin MS08-028
CMUD v237
Order number: **7829
Last edited by meddlesome on Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:50 pm; edited 1 time in total |
charneus Wizard

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 1876 Location: California
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:47 pm |
Just so you know...
If you type [ [ #command/%function ] ] (without spaces), it'll return #ABORT, which is a link to how the command works. Is that speedy enough for you? |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4722 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:11 pm |
stick a '#WAIT 0' before your code
that will shunt it into a thread so you should not hang as much, if at all. |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
meddlesome Wanderer
Joined: 24 Aug 2012 Posts: 70
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:35 pm |
Well, Charneus, don't you just take the frosting off the cake. I thought I was coming up with something useful here.
_________________ Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 @2.66GHz
Msjet40.dll ver 4.0.9511.0 + Security Bulletin MS08-028
CMUD v237
Order number: **7829 |
meddlesome Wanderer
Joined: 24 Aug 2012 Posts: 70
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:19 pm |
It looks like I am still going to find this useful after all. One of the main reasons I went down this path is because it is hell trying to read or proof read a post you trying to put up when it has several tags in it. By using this script I can write it as I normally would, try my darnest to proof it correctly, then add the tags. If after I post, I need to make a change, I can just copy the post before I click edit, then make my changes, run it through the script and post.
***I did change all the URLs though to the format that Charneus presented before me. Where do you find such information Charneus?
That brought it down from about 5 pages to around 3. Here is the new copy of the source. |
_________________ Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450 @2.66GHz
Msjet40.dll ver 4.0.9511.0 + Security Bulletin MS08-028
CMUD v237
Order number: **7829 |
charneus Wizard

Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 1876 Location: California
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:16 pm |
I should have been clearer.
[ [ #COMMAND ] ] or [ [ %function ] ], not [ [ #COMMAND/%function ] ] like you have it listed.
As for where to find this information, I got it by asking. ;) |
Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:15 pm |
You don't even need a list with this method, just a simple %subregex should take care of it all.