Mumra Wanderer
Joined: 12 Feb 2003 Posts: 93 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:24 am
New Window for capturing? |
I have this vision of what I like zmud/cmud to look like when I multiplay, and it is glorious (to me). I used to have this glorious vision work for me when I mudded many years ago and it worked pretty well, when it worked. Anyway, here is a picture of a basic Idea of what I want to happen, perhaps you guys can figure out how to make this work for me. I use cmud 2.37 pro.
Now, I made the Mumra character session first. Managed to use #MAKEW to get a window size/etc that I liked for 'Comms' up top. This layout is beautiful to me. Now, I log another session. It ends up being Tabbed and taking the full window. I drag it out of the tab, and down into the Mumra section, voila! It tabbed in perfectly! I try again hoping it isn't a fluke. Voila! Alysa tabbed in. I was ecstatic for a minute. I logged the two extra characters out. Tried to relog one of them again. Bam. Error! Here is the appropriate error stuff:
Code: |
date/time : 2012-08-21, 01:07:52, 681ms
computer name : ***********
user name : ********
registered owner : Microsoft / Microsoft
operating system : Windows NT New Tablet PC x64 build 7600
system language : English
system up time : 12 hours 11 minutes
program up time : 1 hour 52 minutes
processors : 2x AMD Turion(tm) X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-74
physical memory : 2008/3837 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 20.72 GB (S:) 3.88 GB
display mode : 1280x800, 32 bit
process id : $f28
allocated memory : 93.15 MB
executable : cMUDPro.exe
exec. date/time : 2012-08-19 13:23
version :
compiled with : BCB 2006/07
madExcept version : 3.0h
contact name : ****************
contact email : ****************************
callstack crc : $83929a16, $0c2df1da, $0c2df1da
exception number : 2
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 00E1B40E in module 'cMUDPro.exe'. Read of address 09000018.
Main ($5f4):
00e1b40e +086 cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 9789 +10 PrefRec.InternalGetCaption
00e1a388 +010 cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 9478 +1 TrigNode.GetExpandPat
00e1cd8f +02b cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 10373 +3 TriggerRec.GetExpandPat
00e147df +06f cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 7409 +8 TriggerRec.SetTimer
00e14a8e +082 cMUDPro.exe PrefDat 7458 +7 TriggerRec.InitEnable
00d6c9ff +237 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 7135 +55 TMUDForm.InitConnection
00d23ffa +27e cMUDPro.exe PARENT 4093 +75 TParentForm.InitMudWindow
00d245f4 +4cc cMUDPro.exe PARENT 4182 +68 TParentForm.NewMUD
00da0d68 +0a0 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 20292 +12 TMUDForm.ExecCommand
00d185a1 +0e1 cMUDPro.exe CodeThread 1231 +12 TRunCodeThread.DoExecCommand
0047a68d +0fd cMUDPro.exe Classes 9835 +22 CheckSynchronize
00d17509 +0ed cMUDPro.exe CodeThread 508 +28 MsgWaitForSingleObject
00d1762c +024 cMUDPro.exe CodeThread 580 +4 WaitForThread
00d6a950 +244 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 6580 +52 TMUDForm.ExecComThread
00d6b892 +46a cMUDPro.exe MAIN 6826 +47 TMUDForm.NewProcessStr
00d6a379 +009 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 6447 +2 TMUDForm.ProcessStr
00d69e13 +03b cMUDPro.exe MAIN 6322 +10 TMUDForm.ParseCommand
00d7cfc9 +23d cMUDPro.exe MAIN 12709 +34 TMUDForm.Command
00da81a3 +013 cMUDPro.exe MAIN 22207 +1 TMUDForm.UserInKeyDown
004c4af0 +020 cMUDPro.exe Controls 8096 +1 TWinControl.KeyDown
0097edf3 +013 cMUDPro.exe RVScroll 568 +1 TRVScroller.KeyDown
00922868 +014 cMUDPro.exe RichView 1970 +1 TCustomRichView.KeyDown
008f1c64 +044 cMUDPro.exe RVEdit 1768 +6 TCustomRichViewEdit.KeyDown
004c4b8c +090 cMUDPro.exe Controls 8125 +22 TWinControl.DoKeyDown
004c4bae +00a cMUDPro.exe Controls 8134 +1 TWinControl.WMKeyDown
008f1b86 +206 cMUDPro.exe RVEdit 1742 +41 TCustomRichViewEdit.WMKeyDown
004bf29b +2bb cMUDPro.exe Controls 5146 +83 TControl.WndProc
004c329f +4fb cMUDPro.exe Controls 7304 +111 TWinControl.WndProc
004c29c8 +02c cMUDPro.exe Controls 7073 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0047c4f0 +014 cMUDPro.exe Classes 11583 +8 StdWndProc
74c7810d +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA
004ad974 +0fc cMUDPro.exe Forms 8105 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
004ad9ae +00a cMUDPro.exe Forms 8124 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
004adca3 +0b3 cMUDPro.exe Forms 8223 +20 TApplication.Run
00eb1a1c +088 cMUDPro.exe cMUDPro 352 +20 initialization
76683675 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk |
I would desperately love to get this working properly (in my vision). My MUD allows multiplaying up to 8 characters, and I very frequently am changing chars, having multiple sessions loaded etc. Generally all via the command line aliases I use. That's the important thing I guess. I change characters a lot. Any Help or Ideas folks?
EDIT: Oh, and see the green 'circle' next to the sessions names? Is there a bug with those? They are always green, even when nothing has changed. I liked the old function from in zmud where it only changed to green if something had happened. |
_________________ Mumra the Everliving, Realms of Despair Port 4000 |
shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4734 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:09 pm |
Are you actually creating a different session for each character (correct way)
Or trying to kludge a child window into holding char data?
There are several threads already on how to maintain a mutiplay layout. |
_________________ Discord: Shalimarwildcat |
Mumra Wanderer
Joined: 12 Feb 2003 Posts: 93 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:44 pm |
Each character is their own session, created the normal way. having their own packages, etc. The child window I want is strictly for information purposes, but that information can come from any open session. As for other threads on this the ones I checked seemed to involve me making up a Multiple character layout, and then selecting it with that icon. That would involve me not using whichever characters I want at any time I want and restrict me from swapping easy.
_________________ Mumra the Everliving, Realms of Despair Port 4000 |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:39 pm |
You can write a script (or perhaps find one) to handle character selection. Once you know who you are going to log on with, you can then load their package.
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
Mumra Wanderer
Joined: 12 Feb 2003 Posts: 93 Location: USA
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:13 pm |
I don't follow Matt. Do you mean like a session with no name or character associated with it? I think I see something like this mentioned by Zugg in a post.. since you can use like #SESSION 4000 to create a session to a mud. Then use an alias or triggers to rename said window.. and load packages? If that's what you mean, I don't see the point.. since I'd essentially be doing the same thing as just using #SESSION charactername, no?
At the moment, I have an alias: as follows.
#ALIAS log {#if %ismember(%1, %names) {} {#SESSION %1}}
Fairly straightforward, and since I named all of my windows as the characters name, it allows for fast logging right from the command line.
I also have aliases to disconnect by name, close window by name, etc. Sometimes calling multiple sessions up at once.. for say a spellbot crew. |
_________________ Mumra the Everliving, Realms of Despair Port 4000 |