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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
Posts: 93
Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:41 am   

automapper location getting stuck
So I have a room named 'Darkhaven Square', rather common on certain codebases. There is a myriad of exits from the room, n,e,s,w,nw,ne,u.
When I am using the mapper to travel around town, if I pass through the Darkhaven Square, the blue dot representing my location stops and gets
stuck there. I have deleted the room, recreated it and the links to and from it. But no dice, the process still gets stuck. This happens in one other room occasionally as well, but this room for some reason does it 100% of the time.

Any ideas?
Mumra the Everliving, Realms of Despair Port 4000
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:54 am   
Knowing that you're using 2.37, I would say first run your map through the mapconvert utility to repair it. I assume the repair button also works on ADO-format databases, but if not you could always first convert it, then repair it, then convert back. There's really no way to tell other than by noticing weird problems like this that your mapfile is possibly "corrupted" (using the term loosely here, since some problems are actual bugs rather than malformed data).

If that doesn't fix it, check the Debug window with all the messages turned on VERY carefully. The problem you're having could potentially be a very obscure mudside formatting issue, causing CMud to be unable to verify the room data (perhaps due to you noticing it was wrong and fixing it, causing it to no longer match what is actually being sent). I had such an issue with about 6 rooms in Dragonrealms, couldn't even walk through one room in map mode because CMud would always create a new room (the mapper does not handle multiline room names well at all, even in version 3).
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:42 am   
Ok, I ran it through the mapconvert utility to repair the Map. I ran past a couple times, and still got stuck there. I ran a few more runs, and noticed sometimes it never even moved my location from the original room. I turned on the debug window as suggested (and man is there a lot of stuff in there, so I went along turning off trigger and trigger until I got (what I assume) is the actual debug information from the speedwalking issued by the map. In this tons of scroll, I found

0.0021 | f 1Mumra | Pattern: Walking down the cobbled roads of Vertic
0.0028 | c 1Mumra | exec : Pattern "Walking down the cobbled roads of Vertic" : #OK

In most of the rooms. Interesting and something I had not thought about.. was it always happened when going to a certain direction FROM the square. I just tested essentially by going cross town west to east then north to south. In the room 1 south of the Darkhaven Square, there was a line skipped in the description. Not sure how or why this happened, but turning the mapper on Map mode, then running south and north back into the room did not seem to fix it. So I went into the room, hit 'reconfigure' and instead of a direction, I had it 'look' and it seems to have resolved the issue.

Thanks for the assistance again sir :)
Mumra the Everliving, Realms of Despair Port 4000
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Joined: 08 Dec 2005
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Location: Sweden

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:26 am   
Hi Mumra!

You can also double check that the automatic read of DH square is correct. If it gets the room title or desc wrong when you auto read it that can cause trouble too.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2003
Posts: 93
Location: USA

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:02 pm   
No Sir, it wasn't DH, it was the room 1 south as I said :)
Mumra the Everliving, Realms of Despair Port 4000
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