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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:19 pm   

Help Setting up Automapper
I can't seem to get the automapper to work correctly. Here's a sample of what mud output looks like:

The rolling hills <e w n s>.
You are on the southern edge of the great hilly land of the north, which
stretches miles around you. The hills are mostly quiet and uninhabited. A
dark and narrow road leads off to the south, where you can see the steeple of
the village church in the distance. To the north lies the last remnant of the
Old Wood.
The morning sun is up and shining in the east.
There are four obvious exits: east, west, north and south.
$ Encrypt 0% 0% 0% 0% 2159174 69 2226288 117492 good: n
The Old Wood <e w n s>.
You are in the Old Wood. It is a dark and mysterious place, where ancient
powers sleep and dream of their past might. You are standing in a small glade
surrounded by high and old trees.
There are four obvious exits: east, west, north and south.
$ Encrypt 0% 0% 0% 0% 2159174 69 2226288 117492 good: n
The rolling hills <e w n s sw>.
You are in some rolling hills. They continue in all directions, but get
steeper to the north. To the south you can see the old wood.
The morning sun is up and shining in the east.
You see a pass leading north into the mountains.
To the southwest you see a strange blue palace up on a hill.
There are five obvious exits: east, west, north, south and southwest.
The Bifrost.
$ Encrypt 0% 0% 0% 0% 2159174 69 2226288 117492 good: n
A small mountain pass <e n s>.
You are standing in a small mountain pass leading up from the foothills to
the south. A cold wind is blowing down into the pass from a valley above you
and to the north. The sides of the pass are smooth, wind-scoured granite,
steep and unforgiving.
A path leads east down into the foothills.
You can see a large tower rising into the sky to the north.
There are three obvious exits: east, north and south.
A strange door.
A large sign has been pounded into the ground here.
$ Encrypt 0% 0% 0% 0% 2159174 69 2226288 117492 good:

Please help, thanks!
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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Location: Bucharest

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:13 am   
Glad to see someone here that plays NannyMUD!

This type of LPMud should work without problems.
I use brief mode. I see you use the verbose mode. In verbose mode there are 2 different ways in which exits are shown.
Try the brief mode and then use "Config/New Configuration" in the Mapper menu.

But I see your prompt is rather elaborate. I simply use ">". I think it may be related to your prompt. Otherwise I'm out of guesses as to where your issue is.

If you still don't get it to work, we could try the following: send me (Frodo/Gelu/Turanion in Nanny) the command to set that kind of prompt, and I will try to figure it out how to set the automapper in your case. Then I will send you the mapper configuration file.

And after your map is fixed, we can take care of the other question you asked about multiplaying using the same map ;)
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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:20 pm   
bothkill wrote:
Glad to see someone here that plays NannyMUD!

This type of LPMud should work without problems.
I use brief mode. I see you use the verbose mode. In verbose mode there are 2 different ways in which exits are shown.
Try the brief mode and then use "Config/New Configuration" in the Mapper menu.

But I see your prompt is rather elaborate. I simply use ">". I think it may be related to your prompt. Otherwise I'm out of guesses as to where your issue is.

If you still don't get it to work, we could try the following: send me (Frodo/Gelu/Turanion in Nanny) the command to set that kind of prompt, and I will try to figure it out how to set the automapper in your case. Then I will send you the mapper configuration file.

And after your map is fixed, we can take care of the other question you asked about multiplaying using the same map ;)

Hey Frodo :)

Thanks for taking a stab at it. I'll play around some more. I played nanny for years using TinTin, but eventually it ran out of features and couldn't do what I wanted it to ... last november I purchased a copy of cmud ... couldn't get the automapper to work and promptly quit trying, then got frusterated with tintin, then just stopped playing nanny (mostly cause I was busy taking care of a baby). :)

Normally I play with brief mode as well, but I enabled verbose because it looks like - when cmud gets "lost" it does a look and parses the full room description to try to find its location. If I use brief mode and it stores the short description as the room description, then that feature wouldn't work ... right? Or is there a better way to get that working? :)
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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Location: Bucharest

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:32 pm   
So, I get it you use the Slow or Safe walkmode.
I quitted that a long time ago. I use Fast walkmode and when it happens that my position is no in synch, (like beeing stopped by Aldaron ;) ) I do a manual correction on the map.

I don't think that full room desc is the solution in ALL the cases, since there are rooms which change desc depending on time of day or year.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:38 pm   
bothkill wrote:
So, I get it you use the Slow or Safe walkmode.
I quitted that a long time ago. I use Fast walkmode and when it happens that my position is no in synch, (like beeing stopped by Aldaron ;) ) I do a manual correction on the map.

I don't think that full room desc is the solution in ALL the cases, since there are rooms which change desc depending on time of day or year.

I haven't done anything with CMUD yet except try to get the automapping feature to work (which I haven't been able to). With TinTin, I always used fastwalk mode and I plan on doing that with CMUD as well :)
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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:02 pm   
bothkill wrote:
So, I get it you use the Slow or Safe walkmode.
I quitted that a long time ago. I use Fast walkmode and when it happens that my position is no in synch, (like beeing stopped by Aldaron ;) ) I do a manual correction on the map.

I don't think that full room desc is the solution in ALL the cases, since there are rooms which change desc depending on time of day or year.

Ah, yeah. I'm hoping to automate the "manual correction" part. I.E. speedwalk to a location, then confirm the location by checking the room desc, if it's out of sync, then have it attempt to figure out where i am, then reattempt going to the desired location again.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:34 am   
This is the command to set my prompt:
set_prompt $name $hsat/$tox/$soak/$full $np $qp $gold $ral:
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:55 am   
Also, this is the way my toggle is configured:

All toggles:
Tell echo : on Shout echo : on Say echo : on
Whisper echo : on Wimpy mode : 75 hp Brief mode : off
Hpinfo : on Ansi : on MUD sounds : off
Xml : off Board join : on Shape info : on
Pluralize descriptions : off
Full room descriptions : on
Location help hints : off
Autosave hide mode : off
Reply to last tell : off
Alignment update : on
Obvious exits in short description : off
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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Location: Bucharest

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:08 am   
I use differently here:

Full room descriptions : off
Obvious exits in short description : on

But I will try with all your settings and see if I can get it to work.

One side note:
If one uses the long room description AND IF the mapper stores that info (I'm not sure if this is true or not - but I'll also try this) the map file will get huge, I think.
For example I only use short room descriptions and at 60,000+ rooms, the map file is about 75 MB.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:11 am   
bothkill wrote:
I use differently here:

Full room descriptions : off
Obvious exits in short description : on

But I will try with all your settings and see if I can get it to work.

One side note:
If one uses the long room description AND IF the mapper stores that info (I'm not sure if this is true or not - but I'll also try this) the map file will get huge, I think.
For example I only use short room descriptions and at 60,000+ rooms, the map file is about 75 MB.

Hmm, interesting.
Using brief with oshort, does it just stored the room & oexists as the name and then no desc? If it gets lost, will the find location command work to reset your position automatically?
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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Location: Bucharest

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:34 am   
oxseyn wrote:
If it gets lost, will the find location command work to reset your position automatically?

I don't know the find location command you say, but if I get lost I fix it manually.
There are 2 ways how I fix it:
1. I figure the room where I'm in and then right-click on the room and select "Set Current Position"
2. walk to green and look (I made a trigger on the green description to move to this room: #TELEPORT <room_key>)

It never happened to me to really get that lost as to not be able to fix it manually.
I would also have liked to have if fixed automatically, but due to the fact that some rooms desc changes with time of day/year, I since long abandoned this wish.
If you find a way, I would like to hear about it, but storing the whole roooms desc is not something that I would choose due to the inflation of the map file.

As to the format:

The rolling hills <e w n s>.

it's how I got used to play MUDs. I use it even when questing cause it doesn't bother me to enter 'look' or hit the 5-NumPad-Key.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:25 pm   
Bothkill--the find location command is #FIND. It executes a #LOOK and tries to match the room name/description that is returned to something in the map database. As Oxseyn says, it is intended to be an automatic way of correcting your location.

Oxseyn, have you tested whether the #FIND command works if you only store the room name and not room location? It's quite possible that if #LOOK returns the room description but the description is not in the map db, it won't work but it is worth a try.

Here's another possibility. Is there a command to get a BRIEF description of the room that looks like what you are storing in the map? If so, you can change the command which is executed by #LOOK. The #LOOK command is set in your map configuration. That way, the #FIND command will return something that actually matches your map, and it should automatically fix your location.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2005
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Location: Bucharest

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:56 pm   
Rahab wrote:
Bothkill--the find location command is #FIND. It executes a #LOOK and tries to match the room name/description that is returned to something in the map database. As Oxseyn says, it is intended to be an automatic way of correcting your location.

Good to know that!

So, Oxseyn, I tried with your prompt and toggle-settings and it worked.

Here's the confirmation of the Automapper:

And here's the Mapper Config:

Version: 214
Name Start: 0
Desc Start: 1
Desc End: 5
Exit Start: 6
Exit End: 6
Exit in Prompt: 0
Exit in Name: 0
Exit contains key: 1
Name paragraph: 0
Desc paragraph: 0
Exit paragraph: 0
Bracket prompt: 0
Short exit names: 0
vNum in Name: 0
Exit keyword: exit
Exit after keyword: 0
Match room name mode: 1
Use Descriptions: 0
Entire exit paragraph: 0
Single char exit: 0
Autoprompt detect: 1
Complex prompt: 1
Prompt char:
Name ends in period: 1
Number prompt: 0
No MUD Prompt: 0
Room Name Propercase: 0
Prompt trigger: ^\w+ \d+\%\/\d+\%\/\d+\%\/\d+\% \d+   \w+\:\s+
Prompt Regex: 1
Description changes: 0
Use VNum: 1
Ignore room case: 0
Match partial room name: 0

To import these settings, Copy the text above, go to Mapper menu: Config/Import Config/From Clipboard.

And it's confirmed that the room description is saved in the Map file.

I hope this solves your problem so we can get to multi-playing on the same map. :)
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Joined: 26 Nov 2011
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Location: Colorado Springs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:17 am   
bothkill wrote:
Rahab wrote:
Bothkill--the find location command is #FIND. It executes a #LOOK and tries to match the room name/description that is returned to something in the map database. As Oxseyn says, it is intended to be an automatic way of correcting your location.

Good to know that!

So, Oxseyn, I tried with your prompt and toggle-settings and it worked.

Here's the confirmation of the Automapper:

And here's the Mapper Config:

Version: 214
Name Start: 0
Desc Start: 1
Desc End: 5
Exit Start: 6
Exit End: 6
Exit in Prompt: 0
Exit in Name: 0
Exit contains key: 1
Name paragraph: 0
Desc paragraph: 0
Exit paragraph: 0
Bracket prompt: 0
Short exit names: 0
vNum in Name: 0
Exit keyword: exit
Exit after keyword: 0
Match room name mode: 1
Use Descriptions: 0
Entire exit paragraph: 0
Single char exit: 0
Autoprompt detect: 1
Complex prompt: 1
Prompt char:
Name ends in period: 1
Number prompt: 0
No MUD Prompt: 0
Room Name Propercase: 0
Prompt trigger: ^\w+ \d+\%\/\d+\%\/\d+\%\/\d+\% \d+   \w+\:\s+
Prompt Regex: 1
Description changes: 0
Use VNum: 1
Ignore room case: 0
Match partial room name: 0

To import these settings, Copy the text above, go to Mapper menu: Config/Import Config/From Clipboard.

And it's confirmed that the room description is saved in the Map file.

I hope this solves your problem so we can get to multi-playing on the same map. :)

Gotcha. This is working for me now 99% of the time. When I'm mapping, I'm using it just like we talked about - however it appears to still work prefectly when I do toggle brief, toggle oshort (just like yours) which is also how I prefer to play. :) So I think it's good ...
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