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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:25 pm   

Sometimes it triggers, sometimes it doesnt....
I wish I could be a bit more specific. But it seems that I can only get the triggers to fire, after manually recreating them. Here is what I've got.

This class holds the triggers, and mobs specific to a certain area (not working - wlc):
<class name="area_wlc" enabled="false" id="574">
  <var name="gob_list" type="Record" id="605">!natives are carrying building supplies to the temple site.=builder|foremen make the workers into a smoothly flowing machine.=foreman|strong paladins throw off sparks as they duel.=strong|missionaries travel among the natives trying to teach their religion.=missionary|guards silently patrol all over the camp of the White Lion.=guard|soldiers are quietly reading and conversing about their religious beliefs.=sleeping|!builders pore over the building plans of the new temple.=builde|natives discuss with much fervor, the despicable traitorous natives.=warrio|cavalrymen cause a small earthquake with their horses.=cavalryman|shaman are quietly casting spells, attempting to thwart the invaders.=shaman|seasoned warriors carefully inspect the fighters around them.=warri|native women gather roots and berries.=woman|natives listen to the foreman, with complete bewilderment.=worker|native warriors move with the ease born through years of battle.=warrior|natives are watchful for their zealous brothers.=wary</var>
  <var name="sob_list" type="Record" id="606">This paladin sits quietly, completely enveloped in meditation.=meditating|This shaman is heavily painted and tattooed, he casts a spell showing the camp.=shaman|This native peers about the hills, looking for a sign of the enemy.=warrior|This seasoned warrior supervises the training of the newer paladins.=warri|This guard silently walks his post, patrolling the edges of the camp.=guard|Looking everywhere at once, this native quietly observes the camp.=wary|This cavalryman on a giant horse causes a small rumble with its hooves.=cavalryman|This soldier sits quietly in his tent, reading about spiritual enlightenment.=reading|This strong paladin practices his sword fighting form.=strong|!This paladin points to the half-built temple, giving instructions to workers=builde|This zealous warrior paces, furious with the natives at the camp.=warrio|!This native is helping to build the new temple by carrying his load of stone.=builder|This native quietly listens to the instructions of the foreman.=worker|This foreman roars instructions at the native workers.=foreman|This missionary is trying to spread their religion to the natives.=missionary|Just getting off shift, this soldier is laying in his cot, totally asleep.=sleeping|A native woman stalks through the hills, searching for food=woman</var>
  <alias name="resetmobs" id="609">
    <value>#addkey mob_list {warrior=0|shaman=0|woman=0|builder=0|missionary=0|warrio=0|foreman=0|worker=0|wary=0|builde=0|guard=0|sleeping=0|reading=0|meditating=0|strong=0|cavalryman=0|warri=0}</value>
  <var name="mob_list" type="Record" id="610">strong=0|builder=0|cavalryman=0|guard=0|warrio=0|sleeping=0|warrior=0|woman=0|meditating=0|builde=0|shaman=0|worker=0|reading=0|wary=0|warri=0|foreman=0|missionary=0</var>

This class holds the triggers, and mobs specific to a certain area (not working - jungle):
<class name="area_jungle" id="514">
  <var name="mob_list" type="Record" id="617">female=0|warrior=2|berzerker=0|leader=0|hunter=2|therax=0|scout=2|lion=2|pup=1|ape=1|priest=0|golem=0</var>
  <alias name="resetmobs" id="618">
    <value>#addkey mob_list {berzerker=0|pup=0|scout=0|ape=0|hunter=0|female=0|priest=0|warrior=0|lion=0|golem=0|leader=0|therax=0}</value>
  <var name="gob_list" type="Record" id="619">wolfen scouts race through the jungle.=scout|Thari priests mumble incantations.=priest|!huge wolfen eye one another cautiously.=leader|Thari hunters stalk unseen prey.=hunter|wolfen berzerkers gnash their teeth.=berzerker|wolfen fighters watch you fiercely.=warrior|wolfen young fight over a carcass=pup|Thari women are here talking and foraging for fruits.=female|shadow apes cavort in furious madness.=ape|dark lions pad silently past like shadows.=lion</var>
  <var name="sob_list" type="Record" id="620">A Thari hunter moves silently through the jungle.=hunter|!This massive and grizzled wolfen is the leader of a pack.=leader|Crowned by a wreath of brambles, a Thari priest stands here.=priest|A wolfen berzerker snarls angrily.=berzerker|This shadow ape stares at you with blood red eyes.=ape|Larger than a normal lion, this beast's fur is pitch black.=lion|Lean and swift, a wolfen snarls menacingly.=scout|A large, hulking wolfen guards his territory.=warrior|This wolfen is smaller than the others=pup|A female Thari is here, holding an armful of berries.=female</var>

This class holds the actual trigger:
<class name="detect" id="49">
  <trigger priority="500" trigontrig="false" id="50">
    <pattern>~[ (%d) ~] ({@gob_list})</pattern>
    <value>#addkey mob_list %db(@gob_list,%2) %1;#var bdetect 0
#echo bdetect @bdetect ~| mobs ~= %1</value>
  <trigger priority="510" trigontrig="false" id="51">
    <value>#addkey mob_list %db(@sob_list,%1) 1;#var bdetect 0
#echo bdetect @bdetect ~| mobs ~= 1</value>

Some various other triggers:
<class name="core" id="150">
  <trigger priority="410" id="41">
    <pattern>~[ exits</pattern>
    <value>#if (@bkill > 0) {#say bkill 1 - bdetect 1 - bcombat 1 - resetting mobs;#var bkill 1;#variable bdetect 1;#var bcombat 1;resetmobs}</value>
  <trigger name="normal_prompt" priority="430" case="true" newline="false" prompt="true" id="43">
    <pattern><![CDATA[^~[H:&%dhit_cur/&%dhit_max] ~[M:&%dman_cur/&%dman_max] ~[S:&%dspi_cur/&%dspi_max] ~[E:&%dend_cur/&%dend_max]]]></pattern>
    <value>#if (@bkill = 1) {#if (@bcombat) {#if (@bdetect = 0) {act} {move}}}</value>
  <trigger priority="1520" id="152">
    <pattern>{The aura of this place heals you.|You recuperate faster from your enhanced physical regeneration.|## The citadel is now closed!|## The citadel remains undefeated.|withers into dust.}</pattern>
    <value>#VARIABLE time_diff %mod( %ctime, 60);#IF (@bsync = 0) {#VARIABLE bsync 1;#say Tick is now officially sync'd!};#TZERO;#VARIABLE tick 60;#if (@bsleep = 10) {wake;#var bsleep 1;#var bcombat 1}</value>
  <trigger name="battle_prompt" priority="429" case="true" newline="false" prompt="true" id="292">
    <pattern><![CDATA[^~[h:&%dhit_cur/&%dhit_max] ~[m:&%dman_cur/&%dman_max] ~[s:&%dspi_cur/&%dspi_max] ~[e:&%dend_cur/&%dend_max]]]></pattern>
    <value>#if (@bkill) {#var bdetect 0}</value>
  <trigger priority="3000" ansi="true" id="300">
    <pattern>(*)%e[0S %e[1;31m($name:%w)%e[1;36m(*)</pattern>
    <value>#window shownleave %ansi( yellow) {--~[~[In Room ~= $name]]--}</value>
  <trigger priority="4990" id="499">
    <pattern>^~[Lag: &amp;%dlag_cur] ~[Align: (*)] ~[ &amp;%dexp_cur ] ~[Reply: (*)]</pattern>
    <value>#var tank_cur Tank;#var tank_cond {};#var target_cur Target;#var target_cond {}</value>
  <trigger priority="5660" id="566">
    <pattern><![CDATA[^~[Lag: &%dlag_cur] ~[&tank_cur: &tank_cond] ~[&target_cur: &target_cond]$]]></pattern>

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this one. Any help, or some direction to check would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read it! *high five*
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:14 pm   
If it fires sometimes but doesn't fire other times, the most likely explanation is that your trigger doesn't actually match those times that it doesn't fire. Try capturing the text that it doesn't fire on and examine it to see whether there is some subtle difference from what you have in your variables.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
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Location: Chicago

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:24 pm   
Hmmm... Well, its the exact same triggers (no color, nothing fancy). And reloading them by hand kinda sucks. HOWEVER... I have noticed, that with each of these different "areas". When I load them, they work. But in order for me to use them in a different area, I have to fully close out CMUD and reopen. Kinda a PITA. What would cause/where might I check that information isn't being released properly or something? Blah! Thanks for the reply Rehab!!!
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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
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Location: Chicago

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:45 pm   
Yup. Restarting the client enables me to try a different "area". I initially thought its my 'detect' triggers; but I never have to change them to get the area to work. I have to manually recreate the database record - then it works. Or restart the client. Very odd....
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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
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Location: Chicago

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:31 pm   
Anyone ever seen this? =[ Very frustrating.....
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
Posts: 2320

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:18 am   
I'm not sure what you mean by "try a different area". What areas are are you talking about? Can you tell us exactly what is going on, and show us the text from the mud that you think should be matching the trigger but is not?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:27 am   
The only time I've had working settings stop working was when my packages were corrupted.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 23 Jul 2005
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Location: Chicago

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:45 pm   
I am printing out my configurations, and restarting from scratch. Streamline it is!!! ;D

While I could show you Rehab. It is really consistant. I think a rewrite is probably best at this point anyways. Not only to uncorrupt everything, but so I can 're-remember' everything as well. And become intimate with what I have again. Thanks again everyone. =]
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