albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:22 pm
Firing but not compling..? |
Code: |
<trigger priority="20500" id="2050">
<pattern>Return to the questmaster before your time runs out!</pattern>
<value>#t- Kore
#t- koremobquests
#t- koregemquests
#t- retainer
#t- squadman
#t- koremobwalk
#t- koregemwalk
#t- soldier
#t- locallord
#t- horsekore
#t- opalkore
#t- diamondkore
#t- sapphirekore
#t- rubykore
#t- emeraldkore
#t- Illian
#t- illianmobquests
#t- illiangemquests
#t- merchantguard
#t- streetsweeper
#t- illianmobwalk
#t- illiangemwalk
#t- sluaghterhouseworker
#t- opalillian
#t- diamondillian
#t- sapphireillian
#t- rubyillian
#t- emeraldillian
#t- Lugard
#t- lugardmobquests
#t- lugardgemquests
#t- roughriders
#t- skeletonlug
#t- militia
#t- brawler
#t- toughguy
#t- lugardmobwalk
#t- lugardgemwalk
#t- opallugard
#t- diamondlugard
#t- sapphirelugard
#t- rubylugard
#t- emeraldlugard
#t- Kaneland
#t- kanelandmobquests
#t- kanelandgemquests
#t- pisseddrone
#t- largedrone
#t- drone
#t- kanelandmobwalk
#t- kanelandgemwalk
#t- veryfastdrone
#t- opalkaneland
#t- diamondkaneland
#t- sapphirekaneland
#t- rubykaneland
#t- emeraldkaneland
#t- Fistcamp
#t- fistcampmobquests
#t- fistcampgemquests
#t- fistofkobal
#t- thatguard
#t- thatguardquest
#t- fistcampmobwalk
#t- fistcampgemwalk
#t- opalfistcamp
#t- sapphirefistcamp
#t- diamondfistcamp
#t- emeraldfistcamp
#t- rubyfistcamp
#t- thatguardgem
#t- thatguardmob
#t- thatguardquest
#t- Blight
#t- blightmobquests
#t- blightgemquests
#t- draghkar
#t- fadeb
#t- trollocwarrior
#t- trollocsoldier
#t- blightmobwalk
#t- trolloc
#t- blightgemwalk
#t- opalblight
#t- sapphireblight
#t- diamondblight
#t- emeraldblight
#t- rubyblight
#t- Aringill
#t- aringillmobquests
#t- aringillgemquests
#t- guard
#t- aringillmobwalk
#t- aringillgemwalk
#t- opalaringill
#t- sapphirearingill
#t- diamondaringill
#t- emeraldaringill
#t- rubyaringill
#t- mercenaryaringill
#t- Waste
#t- wastemobquests
#t- wastegemquests
#t- gleemanwaste
#t- wastemobwalk
#t- wastegemwalk
#t- opalwaste
#t- sapphirewaste
#t- diamondwaste
#t- emeraldwaste
#t- rubywaste
#t- Caemlyn
#t- caemlynmobquests
#t- caemlyngemquests
#t- gleemanc
#t- caemlynmobwalk
#t- caemlyngemwalk
#t- opalcaemlyn
#t- sapphirecaemlyn
#t- diamondcaemlyn
#t- emeraldcaemlyn
#t- rubycaemlyn
#t- guestc
#t- ogierc
#t- lordc
#t- Northwestcaemlyn
#t- nwcaemlynmobquests
#t- nwcaemlyngemquests
#t- cow
#t- trollocnwc
#t- nwcaemlynmobwalk
#t- nwcaemlyngemwalk
#t- opalnwcaemlyn
#t- sapphirenwcaemlyn
#t- diamondnwcaemlyn
#t- emeraldnwcaemlyn
#t- rubynwcaemlyn
#t- Tear
#t- tearmobquests
#t- teargemguests
#t- guestt
#t- 1stguest
#t- 2ndguest
#t- keepgoing
#t- bubble
#t- mercenarytear
#t- barkeept
#t- tearmobwalk
#t- teargemwalk
#t- opaltear
#t- diamondtear
#t- sapphiretear
#t- emeraldtear
#t- rubytear
#t- Fadecamp
#t- fadecampgemquests
#t- fadecampgemwalk
#t- opalfadecamp
#t- diamondfadecamp
#t- sapphirefadecamp
#t- rubyfadecamp
#t- emeraldfadecamp
#t- Whitebridge
#t- wbmobquests
#t- wbgemquests
#t- guardwb
#t- wbmobwalk
#t- wbgemwalk
#t- opalwb
#t- diamondwb
#t- sapphirewb
#t- rubywb
#t- emeraldwb
#t- Starwars
#t- starwarsmobquests
#t- starwarsgemquests
#t- starwarsmobwalk
#t- starwarsgemwalk
#t- opalstarwars
#t- diamondstarwars
#t- sapphirestarwars
#t- rubystarwars
#t- emeraldstarwars
#t- Mountainsofmist
#t- mommobquests
#t- mommobwalk
#t- rockslide
#t- captaininaringill}
#t- capmobquests
#t- capmobwalk
#t- captainaringill
#t+ goquestchild
</trigger> |
I'm not sure why it wouldn't be working. It worked in zmud, and I changed it to use the #t- and #t+ features upon putting it into cmud. Also some of the classes used to have spaces in their names, but I went through and got rid of all the spaces. Perhaps I forgot to remove the spaces from some of the class folders and this is causing the problem?[/code] |
Progonoi Magician
Joined: 28 Jan 2007 Posts: 430
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:33 pm |
There's a lone curly brace by "captaininaringill". That's your culprit right there.
_________________ The Proud new owner of CMud.
Intel Core i5-650 3,2GHz
GTX 460 768MB
Win 7 Home Premium 64x
-------------------------------- |
albo Apprentice
Joined: 27 Mar 2008 Posts: 106
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:41 pm thanks |
I didn't notice it until I posted the code there. That was indeed the problem.