barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:45 am
Cmud Automapper |
I have been trying (without any success at all) to get Cmud or Zmud to correctly detect my automapping configuration settings.
No matter how I change the settings for line/paragraph numbers, it still detects it the exact same way (wrong). I'm hoping someone can help me configure the settings to properly detect the room name and room description. It appears to be detecting exits properly, so that's not an issue.
Here is a cut/paste:
Vertic Avenue / N \
------------------------------------------------------- W ---(+)--- E
\ S /
While traversing the busy, cobbled streets of Darkhaven, you notice
a particularly dark alley to the west which citizens commonly avoid.
Grinning, you imagine the cloaked thief lurking in the shadows. Rising
out of the ground to the east is a large building. Voices and commotion
can be heard coming from the inside and the auctioneer's calls are the
most distinguished. Vertic Avenue extends to the north and south.
Exits: north east south west
<Syndy 105/105hp 16/16B 55/250mv evil Align>
<New Darkhaven 35,169G 49,024TNL Style S >
I can't tell if it's detecting my prompt properly or not... as no matter how I configure the settings it detects the room name and labels it the description instead of the room name.... and it can't find the room name at all.
I'm getting supper frustrated and haven't found any recent help online, everything appears to be years old and outdated. |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 4:47 am |
for some reason the forum post is changing the spaces on the compass in the top right of the room description.... the / N \ and \ S / should be above/below the (+)
ins0mnia Novice
Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 42 Location: United States
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:15 am |
Looks like RoD? Here's my class for fixing the mapper, Reconfigure and it should start to detect properly. Copy/paste this to a text, rename as .xml, import xml if you've never done that before..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="Map">
<trigger param="500" priority="370">
<value>#TAG name {%trim(%1)}
//#PRINT RoomName: %trim(%1)</value>
<alias name="onroomcreate">
<value>#LOOP 1,%numwords(@ExitLine) {#IF (%item(%word(@ExitLine,%i),2)) {#DOOR %item(%word(@ExitLine,%i),1) %leftback(%item(%word(@ExitLine,%i),2),1)}}</value>
<trigger priority="390">
<pattern>^Exits: (*)$</pattern>
<value>#VAR ExitLine {%replace("%1","[","|")};#IF (%version<653) {#ALARM {+1} {onroomcreate}}</value>
<var name="ExitLine" type="String">%1</var>
<trigger priority="500" enabled="false">
<value>#TEMP {>} {#SUB {>%cr}}</value>
<class name="Nodirs">
<trigger priority="530">
<pattern>^Alas, you cannot go that way.</pattern>
<trigger priority="540">
<pattern>^You start to climb... but lose your grip and fall!</pattern>
<trigger priority="550">
<pattern>^Nah... You feel too relaxed...</pattern>
<trigger priority="560">
<pattern>^It is pitch black ...</pattern>
<trigger priority="570">
<pattern>^No way! You are still fighting!</pattern>
<trigger priority="580">
<pattern>^You recite {recall scroll|a scroll of escape.}</pattern>
<trigger priority="590">
<trigger priority="600">
<pattern>^You can't do that sitting down.</pattern>
<trigger priority="610">
<pattern>^Your mount is too exhausted.</pattern>
<trigger priority="620">
<pattern>^You'd need a boat to go there.</pattern>
<trigger priority="630">
<pattern>^You are too exhausted.</pattern>
<trigger priority="640">
<pattern>^You'd need to fly to go there.</pattern>
<trigger priority="650">
<pattern>..Everything begins to fade to black.</pattern>
<value>#TE 15 "New Darkhaven"</value>
<trigger priority="3860">
<pattern>^It's locked.</pattern>
<trigger priority="3870">
<pattern>^It's closed</pattern>
<trigger priority="10060">
<pattern>^(*) is closed.</pattern>
</cmud> |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:32 pm |
Yes this is RoD. Thanks for the help, I will import the .xml later this evening after work.
Will this also work for zmud 7.21?
I use zmud on my desktop, but I was going to use cmud on my laptop (I like how it works better with windows 7 than zmud seems to). I might switch over to cmud completely, but for now I'm still using zmud. |
ins0mnia Novice
Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 42 Location: United States
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:21 pm |
I haven't used zmud in years so I'm not sure. The most important trigger is the first which detects the roomname along with the compass directions and tells the mapper, after that the autoconfigure can reason things out.
Exits 'mostly' work without using #TAG but brackets around doors will be missed without it.
To be honest I've had nothing but problems getting the mapper to work completely on RoD, but this should get you started. |
MattLofton GURU
Joined: 23 Dec 2000 Posts: 4834 Location: USA
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:14 am |
It should work with ZMud, but keep in mind two very important things:
1)ZMud doesn't do XML, so all that code you will have to hand-edit to an importable text version or simply recreate manually via the command line or Settings Editor GUI.
2)CMud is faster and has more bugfixes. Identical code brought into ZMud might work differently because of these two fundamental differences. |
_________________ EDIT: I didn't like my old signature |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:37 am |
Okay well the mapper now auto detects everything properly... but it's not auto mapping as I walk around. I'm not sure if you need to do something different than with Zmud's auto mapper...
I was in "follow" mode, and it didn't work, I was in "Map" mode and it didn't work. Is there another mode or something? |
ins0mnia Novice
Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 42 Location: United States
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:19 am |
So it's following properly but not creating new rooms?
The only trigger I didn't give you is where I #TAG my prompt, but Auto Prompt detect should handle that..
Sometimes restarting CMUD fixes things with mapper for me. Other than that I'm out of ideas |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:33 am |
While we're talking about triggers for Cmud and RoD, do you happen to have a working auto roller trigger?
ins0mnia Novice
Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 42 Location: United States
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:22 pm |
I have a session with 8 different windows, each window has its own @char, @reqRoll, @tempRoll variables so I can roll different classes per window
@char looks like sex=, password=, race=, name=tempName, class=
@reqRoll has mins for str=,dex= etc
I capture rolled stats with a couple triggers like these:
Code: |
<trigger priority="1880" id="14">
</trigger> |
Then on the Luck stat (the last):
Code: |
<trigger priority="1950" id="13">
$msg = %concat("Rolled: Str[",@tempRoll.str,"/",@reqRoll.str,"]")
$msg = %concat($msg," Dex[",@tempRoll.dex,"/",@reqRoll.dex,"]")
$msg = %concat($msg," Int[",@tempRoll.int,"/",@reqRoll.int,"]")
$msg = %concat($msg," Wis[",@tempRoll.wis,"/",@reqRoll.wis,"]")
$msg = %concat($msg," Cha[",@tempRoll.cha,"/",@reqRoll.cha,"]")
$msg = %concat($msg," Con[",@tempRoll.con,"/",@reqRoll.con,"]")
$msg = %concat($msg," Lck[",@tempRoll.lck,"/",@reqRoll.lck,"]")
#SAY $msg
#IF ( (@tempRoll.str >= @reqRoll.str) AND (@tempRoll.dex >= @reqRoll.dex) AND (@tempRoll.int >= @reqRoll.int) AND (@tempRoll.wis >= @reqRoll.wis) AND (@tempRoll.cha >= @reqRoll.cha) AND (@tempRoll.con >= @reqRoll.con) AND (@tempRoll.lck >= @reqRoll.lck) ) {
#SAY Success!
#ALARM *20 {sco;look;#BEEP;#ECHO %ansi(red,hi)Success on %window}
} {#SAY Fail!;gold}]]></value>
</trigger> |
I also #GAG my gold line and my prompt, I think it looks cleaner. I don't like to pull cord, I do that by hand after setting the actual name I want and double-checking stats, but it wouldn't be hard to script in the 'success' |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:37 pm |
I got my auto-roll trigger working properly before you had responded. but I appreciate the help anyways :) I did something similar, but used variables to store the min/max of all my stats, then used the actual trigger for the #IF statement.
I set the variables with a button then start the trigger, that way I can use the same trigger for all my classes, I just have to set what stats I want first. |
ins0mnia Novice
Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 42 Location: United States
Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:58 pm |
That works fine. The reason I save the sex/password/class/race is so it's automated from the point it connects. Not necessary, but speeds things up when running 8 windows or restarting after reboot etc.
I also save my min stats per class in a database so it can just look them up and not have to remember/write them down. |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:33 am |
Well I thought I had my code working, but it just loops endlessly rerolling forever :(
I'm trying to muddle my way through testing out your code now ;) |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:42 am |
I can't figure out how to import your xml code properly, I keep getting errors. I admit I'm not very good with zmud or cmud triggers and all the code, so I'm just trying to figure it out as I go, and not being very successful at it, even when I read the help files.
Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:10 am |
Just copy it all, from <trigger> to </trigger>, then open the Package Editor and go to Edit -> Paste (or just hit Ctrl+V).
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:34 am |
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I got it all copied into triggers, the triggers fire but the code doesn't compile... (according to cmud errors)
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:36 am |
Oh, I forgot to say I made variables for all the reqRoll.int .etc and assigned them the stats I wanted (my minimums)... but perhaps I missed something?
Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:04 am |
Which trigger do you get the error on? I just copied in both the triggers posted above (using the method I explained earlier) and there were no compilation errors...
ins0mnia Novice
Joined: 23 Jan 2011 Posts: 42 Location: United States
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:05 am |
You could use your own code, if you still have it, it's probably an easy fix in the big #IF expression.
Like Daern said, I can't really help much without more info.. |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:42 pm |
I'm using code someone else put together awhile ago, and it was made for zmud. So it might just have some slight errors (from the changes in Cmud). I will cut and paste it and see if you guys can figure out where it's going wrong. I ended up deleting it and then cmud wouldn't let me put it back in (because it has errors). I had been testing it on zmud before I switched to cmud.
#TRIGGER {^Strength%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR str %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {^Dexterity%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR dex %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {^Intelligence%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR int %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {^Wisdom%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR wis %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {^Charisma%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR cha %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {^Constitution%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR con %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {^Luck%s(%n)%s%n} {#VAR lck %1} "reroll"
#TRIGGER {You have (%n) gold pieces on hand.} {#AD rollCounter 1;#say;#say %ansi( 15)Checking stat roll..;#IF (@str < @strMin) {#math strDif @strMin-@str;#say %ansi( 12) STR check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@strDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@str > @strMax) {#math strDif @str-@strMax;#say %ansi( 12) STR check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@strDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) STR check PASSED!}};#IF (@dex < @dexMin) {#math dexDif @dexMin-@dex;#say %ansi( 12) DEX check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@dexDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@dex > @dexMax) {#math dexDif @dex-@dexMax;#say %ansi( 12) DEX check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@dexDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) DEX check PASSED!}};#IF (@int < @intMin) {#math intDif @intMin-@int;#say %ansi( 12) INT check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@intDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@int > @intMax) {#math intDif @int-@intMax;#say %ansi( 12) INT check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@intDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) INT check PASSED!}};#IF (@wis < @wisMin) {#math wisDif @wisMin-@wis;#say %ansi( 12) WIS check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@wisDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@wis > @wisMax) {#math wisDif @wis-@wisMax;#say %ansi( 12) WIS check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@wisDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) WIS check PASSED!}};#IF (@cha < @chaMin) {#math chaDif @chaMin-@cha;#say %ansi( 12) CHA check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@chaDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@cha > @chaMax) {#math chaDif @cha-@chaMax;#say %ansi( 12) CHA check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@chaDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) CHA check PASSED!}};#IF (@con < @conMin) {#math conDif @conMin-@con;#say %ansi( 12) CON check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@conDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@con > @conMax) {#math conDif @con-@conMax;#say %ansi( 12) CON check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@conDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) CON check PASSED!}};#IF (@lck < @lckMin) {#math lckDif @lckMin-@lck;#say %ansi( 12) LCK check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)-@lckDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#IF (@lck > @lckMax) {#math lckDif @lck-@lckMax;#say %ansi( 12) LCK check FAILED, by %ansi( 15)+@lckDif %ansi( 12)point(s)!} {#say %ansi( 10) LCK check PASSED!}};#say;#IF (@str >= @strMin)AND(@str <= @strMax)AND(@dex >= @dexMin)AND(@dex <= @dexMax)AND(@int >= @intMin)AND(@int <= @intMax)AND(@wis >= @wisMin)AND(@wis <= @wisMax)AND(@cha >= @chaMin)AND(@cha <= @chaMax)AND(@con >= @conMin)AND(@con <= @conMax)AND(@lck >= @lckMin)AND(@lck <= @lckMax) {#beep;#echo REROLL MATCHES DESIRED STATS!;#SA Reroll complete.;#SA It took @rollCounter to get these stats.;#IF (@touch = 1) {touch orb;save}} {#say %ansi( 15)Stat roll is undesirable.;#say %ansi( 15)Rerolling..;reroll;gold}} {reroll}
#BUTTON 1 {Setup} {#va rollCounter 0;strMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable STRENGTH");strMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable STRENGTH");dexMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable DEXTERITY");dexMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable DEXTERITY");intMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable INTELLIGENCE");intMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable INTELLIGENCE");wisMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable WISDOM");wisMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable WISDOM");chaMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable CHARISMA");chaMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable CHARISMA");conMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable CONSTITUTION");conMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable CONSTITUTION");lckMin=%prompt(9,"Enter MINIMUM acceptable LUCK");lckMax=%prompt(18,"Enter MAXIMUM acceptable LUCK")}
#BUTTON 2 {Start} {experienced;n;say I desire to walk the path of the peaceful;ne;score;reroll;gold}
#BUTTON 3 {Roll Count} {#SA @rollCounter rolls for these stats so far.}
#BUTTON 4 {Req Stats} {#sa;#sa;#sa You are rolling for:;#sa STR between @strMin and @strMax.;#sa DEX between @dexMin and @dexMax.;#sa INT between @intMin and @intMax.;#sa WIS between @wisMin and @wisMax.;#sa CHA between @chaMin and @chaMax.;#sa CON between @conMin and @conMax.;#sa LCK between @lckMin and @lckMax.;#sa;#sa Minimum of [@strMin+@dexMin+@intMin+@wisMin+@chaMin+@conMin+@lckMin] stat points needed.;#sa} |
Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:35 pm |
The only problem was having (s) in several places in the code - in CMUD, putting something in parentheses tries to evaluate it, and obviously s is not a valid expression. You'll want to put string literals in quotes now anyway. Changing all the (s)'s to "(s)" is enough to get it to work, but I rewrote the code for you anyway, cleaning it up considerably. None of this is tested, but it should work:
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="StatRoller" copy="yes">
<class name="reroll" copy="yes">
<trigger priority="32700" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats str %1</value>
<trigger priority="32710" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats dex %1</value>
<trigger priority="32720" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats int %1</value>
<trigger priority="32730" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats wis %1</value>
<trigger priority="32740" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats cha %1</value>
<trigger priority="32750" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats con %1</value>
<trigger priority="32760" copy="yes">
<value>#ADDKEY rolledStats lck %1</value>
<trigger priority="32770" copy="yes">
<pattern>You have (%n) gold pieces on hand.</pattern>
<value>#ADD rollCounter 1
#SAY ""
#SAY %concat( %ansi( 15), "Checking stat roll..")
$passed = 1
#LOOPDB @rolledStats {
$min = %db( @minStats, %key)
#IF (%val < $min) {
$dif = ($min - %val)
#SAY %concat( %ansi( 12), %upper( %key), " check FAILED, by ", %ansi( 15), "-", $dif , %ansi( 12), " point", %if( $dif > 1, "s"), "!")
$passed = 0
$max = %db( @maxStats, %key)
#IF (%val > $max) {
$dif = (%val - $max)
#SAY %concat( %ansi( 12), %upper( %key), " check FAILED, by ", %ansi( 15), "+", $dif , %ansi( 12) " point", %if( $dif > 1, "s"), "!")
$passed = 0
#SAY %concat( %ansi( 10), %upper( %key), " check PASSED!")
#SAY ""
#IF $passed {
#SAY "Reroll complete."
#SAY %concat( "It took ", @rollCounter, " rolls to get these stats.")
#IF (@touch = 1) {
touch orb
} {
#say %concat( %ansi( 15), "Stat roll is undesirable.")
#say %concat( %ansi( 15), "Rerolling..")
<button priority="10" copy="yes">
say I desire to walk the path of the peaceful
<button priority="12" copy="yes">
<caption>Roll Count</caption>
<value>#SAY %concat( @rollCounter, " rolls for these stats so far.")</value>
<button priority="8" copy="yes">
<caption>Req Stats</caption>
<value>#SAY ""
#SAY ""
#SAY "You are rolling for:"
$minTotal = 0
#FORALL {str|dex|int|wis|cha|con|lck} {
$min = %db( @minStats, %i)
#SAY %concat( %upper( %i), " between ", $min, " and ", %db( @maxStats, %i), ".")
$minTotal = ($minTotal + $min)
#SAY ""
#SAY %concat( "Minimum of [", $minTotal, "] stat points needed.")
#SAY ""</value>
<button priority="6" copy="yes">
<value>rollCounter = 0
#ADDKEY minStats %val %prompt( 9, %concat( "Enter MINIMUM acceptable ", %key))
#ADDKEY maxStats %val %prompt( 18, %concat( "Enter MAXIMUM acceptable ", %key))
<var name="rollCounter" type="Integer" copy="yes">0</var>
<var name="rolledStats" type="Record" copy="yes">
<var name="minStats" type="Record" copy="yes">
<var name="maxStats" type="Record" copy="yes">
<var name="touch" type="Integer" copy="yes">1</var>
</cmud> |
Let me know if you have any trouble with it! |
Last edited by Daern on Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:06 pm; edited 4 times in total |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:42 pm |
Okay I copied and pasted your code into an .xml file and went to import it, but cmud is giving me an error on line 41: invalid element name: "
Daern Sorcerer
Joined: 15 Apr 2011 Posts: 809
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:52 pm |
That's really strange, a bug in the XML export maybe? I updated the code above and it works now (I just did another export, didn't change a thing). EDIT: And once you copy/paste it from the forums, it doesn't work again...looks like the forums are altering it in some way...let me try to figure it out...
Last edited by Daern on Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total |
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:53 pm |
what version of cmud are you using? I'm in one of the beta versions, perhaps that's the issue?
barnsten Beginner
Joined: 05 Oct 2011 Posts: 20 Location: Alaska
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:54 pm |
I'm using 2.37 right now. I've tried upgrading to the newer beta but nothing happens after I click upgrade (besides closing cmud)... lucky me
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