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Joined: 04 Aug 2004
Posts: 82
Location: Philadelphia

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:53 pm   

[3.34] Disappearing Data in a String List or Database Variable
I found what I think it a serious bug that erases data in a string list or database variable.

I can try to test further when I get home (I didn't try in an untitled session or run the script debugger before I had to leave), but so far the steps below are 100% reproducable in my session across different packages.

1) Create a new variable, and add some dummy test data
#VAR Test
#ADDITEM Test Test1
#ADDITEM Test Test2

2) Open the Package Editor
3) Find the Test variable in the class tree on the left, and select it (You should see a variable of type string list with 2 items Test1 and Test2 as expected)
4) Click on either the JSON or Compiled Code tabs towards the bottom of the editor window
5) Click on the other tab of either JSON or Compiled Code tabs towards the bottom of the editor window (i.e. if you clicked on JSON in step 4, then click on Compiled Code now)
6) Click on the Text/Script Text (can't remmber what it's called, but its the tab on the left) towards the bottom of the editor window (your data is still there as expected)
7) In the Tree Window on the left side of the Package Editor select another setting
8) In the Tree Window on the left side of the Package Editors elect the Test variable

Your data is no longer there. Checking #VAR Test from the command line verifies this. This also works if the variable is of type Database Variable.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2007
Posts: 821
Location: California

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:49 pm   
I posted this problem here. My thought is that somehow CMUD is not saving the values properly. I've inspected the package database and found that the mismatch is reflected there. That is, the value is what you expect, but both the JSON and XML tabs show either nothing if it is a newly created variable or the previous value. The "true" value of the setting is whatever the COMPILE tab says it is, though.
An easy way to test this is to create a variable which has a default value. Let's say it is a string variable, if one places text in both the value box and the default value box and saves the setting one will find the string in the value box has disappeared (that is, it has been replaced with an empty string) after one exits (after saving) the setting. What I normally do now to avoid this is to just place the default value and then save the setting, exit the setting then come back and fill in the value box. You can try doing this to your stringlist variable even if you are not using default values. Create variable, save it, exit, come back and fill in the value. That should hold you while this bug is investigated. Don't be surprised if you are accused of having a corrupt package :)
Sic itur ad astra.
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