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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:18 pm   

Triggers grabbing local echo, causing pattern mismatches [solved]
So, the basic problem I have is that there are several multi-line triggers, like this:

Line 1$^Line 2$^Line 3$^Line 4$

Now what happens, is I have another trigger that will occasionally write information to the screen via #say or #echo (doesn't matter which I use), and that information is written im the middle of the MUD output, causing the trigger to not match the mud output the the pattern, and thus not fire.

So the mud sends something like this:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

.. which would normally cause the aforementioned trigger to fire. However, when my #say interrupt that MUD output, what I get on screen looks like this:

Line 1
Message from #say
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4


Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Message from #say
Line 4

etc. So the #say/#echo interrupts the multiple lines of output that always come from the mud one after another, but it could interrupt it anywhere. It could come between line 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, or 2 and 3, etc. And sometimes the #say/#echo that triggers on screen can also send multiple lines of #say/#echo to the screen, like this:

Line 1
Line 2
Message from #say 1
Message from #say 2
Message from #say 3
Line 3
Line 4

So it's not like I can just make a couple new triggers in case _something_ comes between lines 1/2/3/4, as several lines of stuff could come. There doesn't seem to be any option to tell a trigger to ignore local echoes, and the only other option is to just turn off display of local echos on screen, which would defeat the purpose of displaying this information.

So, is there either:

A) A way to local echo something without it being 'grabbed' for trigger pattern matching
B) A way to tell a trigger to ignore local echos


I consider myself a pretty competent Zmud/Cmud script writer, but this just has me perplexed.

Last edited by Torin on Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:26 pm   
#PRINT should echo the text locally without firing triggers. I assume that means that even if it prints in the middle of lines from the MUD that it won't prevent the matching of a multiline trigger also, but I haven't tried it myself.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:52 pm   
calesta wrote:
#PRINT should echo the text locally without firing triggers. I assume that means that even if it prints in the middle of lines from the MUD that it won't prevent the matching of a multiline trigger also, but I haven't tried it myself.

I tried it and nope, #print causes the same issue. The issue isn't so much that I don't want a trigger to not fire on a #say/#echo/#print, I want it to act like that local echo never even happened. #print can't be triggered on, but it can still interrupt a multi-line trigger.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:15 pm   
I think this is related to some of the same problems I have been having. It only happens when you are connected to the MUD right?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:21 pm   
Well, I can't honestly say I've tried to do it without being connected to the mud, since it depends on MUD output to actually occur.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:28 pm   
have you thought of instead using #WIN to send all your local echos to another window so they dont get in the way?
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:47 pm   
Well, I could, but it would defeat the purpose of the local echoes. Basically, the echoes are there to show the net change in hitpoints and mana every time I see a new prompt, so I can see I gained 432 mana, and I lost 2342 hitpoints and whatnot. If I move them to another window, they lose all context.

Also, this issue isn't just related to these local echoes, it also happens on commands sent to the mud, either manual or trigger. If I have a trigger that sends "kick" to the mud every 15 seconds, stuff like this will happen:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4

It interrupts it the same. I can type commands from the prompt and have the local echo of those commands also interrupt the trigger in the same fashion. Now for these, I _could_ disable local echoes, but to be honest, that would really suck. So, I would need to both stop my usage of the #say/#echo/#print command AND disable local echoes of commands in order to fix this problem, but if you ask me, that is more of an unacceptable workaround that any kind of actual solution.

I figure the whole local echo issue, being the most prominent, would help best explain the problem I'm having. Any solution for any aspect of this problem would probably solve the problem all together, I just don't know what that is, or if there is even a solution.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:11 pm   
you could use #SAYPROMPT, then the next line would concatinate onto it... unless your multiline trigger is anchored to the front of the line... or #SAYADD to put yours at the end of the line instead of beginning

you could also set up a status window/line and have your settings change the value of variables therein for display purposes
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:14 pm   
An alternative solution would be to use a multistate trigger instead of a multiline trigger. Have each line caught by a successive state of the trigger, and have every state after the first be of type 'Within Lines', say 2 or 3 lines. Then it will still match as long as not too many extraneous lines are inserted.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:29 pm   
Hmmm, both do seem in theory to be good solution. The first solution, if I change all of my prompt based #say commands to be #sayprompt instead, would resolve the issue if I changed my triggers to NOT be anchored to the beginning of the line. (as they would be if they came as uninterrupted MUD output), but doesn't solve the problem if the local echo of a command send to the MUD interrupted that output.. since local echo of commands do always add a carriage return.

I've not used a multi-state trigger before, but as with anything, how hard can it be to figure out. I'm going to try to convert my multi-line to a multi-state trigger and see if that fixes things, although I imagine it should, as at most 3 lines of data could come between said MUD output.

Thanks for the feedback guys, here goes nothing.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:50 pm   
Multistate trigger will be good solution. I even think that you'll have no need to use "within lines" option because your #SAYs will not interfere with your trigger states.

Additionaly, consider the following workarounds:
1) Dock a toolbar to the bottom of your window. Place large button there and change its caption instead of printing messages
3) Think, whether really it is necessary for you to see these messages "in place"? Wink May be it is only a habit?
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:06 pm   
Well, the messages being in place do help for me to spot whether I saved mana on a spell, or a particular mob hit me for 3000 damage, or I spent a ton of mana on a group spell, etc. When not in place, they lose their context, as these messages are coming constantly in and out of combat.

Multi-state triggers do seem to be a good idea, except I'm now having to replace 5 different multi-line triggers with 1 single multi-state trigger, and it is turning into hell. And since the starting pattern is the same for each multiline trigger, I can't just create 5 different multi-state triggers with different pattern matching "paths".

Well, after all this trying to convert my multi-line triggers to multi-state triggers without contemplating how it shoudl work before I began to edit, I've royally screwed this particular system of triggers and have scrapped it and are starting over. :)

I think the multi-state system has merit, and I should be able to build around it, I just can't approach things how I use to with my multi-line trigger.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:25 pm   
Torin wrote:
Multi-state triggers do seem to be a good idea, except I'm now having to replace 5 different multi-line triggers with 1 single multi-state trigger, and it is turning into hell. And since the starting pattern is the same for each multiline trigger, I can't just create 5 different multi-state triggers with different pattern matching "paths".

Take second patterns from each of your old multiline triggers and add them to your multistate trigger after its initial pattern and turn the ReParse option on except for the last one. In this case at the second state your multistate trigger will test all 4 variants one by one at once. Repeat this step for all 3rd patterns, then for all 4th patterns...

Here how the states in your new trigger should look like:
-initial pattern
-Second pattern from old trigger 1 + ReParse
-Second pattern from old trigger 2 + ReParse
-Second pattern from old trigger 3 + ReParse
-Second pattern from old trigger 4
-Third pattern from old trigger 1 + ReParse
-Third pattern from old trigger 2 + ReParse
-Third pattern from old trigger 3 + ReParse
-Third pattern from old trigger 4
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:48 pm   
Well, one thing that complicates the equation is that of my old multi-line triggers, 1 of them was 2 lines, 2 of them were 3 lines, and 2 of them were 4 lines.

And the last line of every multi-line trigger was ^(*)$ where the value of %1 was checked to be something in particular, and if it was somethign in particular, a specifc action was taken.

So converting that to a multi-state trigger was a mess, because I essentially had the trigger sequence being able to end at state 1, 2 or 3. Also, since lines 2 and 3 (if they weren't this something in particular message) could be the same, I ended up having the pattern for state 1 and 2 being exactly the same, which as we all know, you can't have 2 triggers with the same pattern.

Currently, and this is less than what I had hoped for, my solution is just to collect all the possible responses that would be captured by the last line of the pattern.. ^(*)$ .. and replaced it with 2 states.. the first line (which is always the same) and the last line, skipping all the different possible lines in between. The only problem is, that there is not always a message associated with the last line captured by ^(*)$, so I have to omit certain events from this new trigger.

This all sounds very ambiguous now that I haven't gone into detail about what exactly these triggers do, but suffice it to say, I think with my understanding of multi-state triggers, the only feasible solution that could have equaled my old multi-line triggers in flexibility, isenabling some option for triggers to ignore local echoes. As it stands, the only functional multi-state trigger trigger doesn't have all the flexibility that my old triggers had, but I guess that's life. If Zugg adds some new functionality to triggers to be able to ignore local echoes, I'll probably go back and redo my trigger system, but for now, That is all She Wrote.

Thanks for the help guys.
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Joined: 01 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:59 pm   
the #message workaround mentioned by Arde isnt practical? it would allow you to use your old triggers...
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:07 pm   
If anyone is curious, this is what I'm trying to do... Whenever I go to cast a spell, I put the name of that spell and the target of that spell into a variable. When the spell is cast, the first line is always "Ok."

The second line could be one of five things: (we'll assume for this example I am casting the "ray of freezing" spell)
A) You managed to conserve some magical energy!
B) Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.
C) Due to your masterful knowledge of the ray of freezing spell, you manage to save X mana casting it.
C) Due to your masterful knowledge of the ray of freezing spell, you manage to cast for greater damage than normal.
D) Icy waves spew forth from your hands and envelop Monster in a misty freezing cloud!
E) You lost your concentration!

Option D is a successful casting of the spell, and option E is a failed casting. If I suceed in casting, I merely want to execute an alias I have (called shiftqueue) to clear out the #1 spell in the queue (what I'm casting now). If Option E is true however, I want to recast that spell with the information stores into variables.

However, if Option A, B or C occurs, then it needs to keep processing, and the same options are there..
A) You managed to conserve some magical energy!
B) Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.
C) Due to your masterful knowledge of the ray of freezing spell, you manage to save X mana casting it.
C) Due to your masterful knowledge of the ray of freezing spell, you manage to cast for greater damage than normal.
D) Icy waves spew forth from your hands and envelop Monster in a misty freezing cloud!
E) You lost your concentration!

So, I can see "Ok.", then followed by "You managed to conserve some magical energy!", then followed by "Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.", then followed by "Due to your masterful knowledge of the ray of freezing spell, you manage to cast for greater damage than normal." and finally followed by "Icy waves spew forth from your hands and envelop Monster in a misty freezing cloud!"

Before, my 5 multi-line trigger patterns were:
1) ^Ok.$^(*)$
2) ^Ok.$^You managed to conserve some magical energy!$^(*)$
3) ^Ok.$^You managed to conserve some magical energy!$^Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.$^(*)$
4) ^Ok.$^Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.$^(*)$
5) ^Ok.$^Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.$^You managed to conserve some magical energy!$^(*)$

Every trigger would check to see if the value of %1 (captured from the ^(*)$ segment) was equal to "You lost your concentration!", and if so, would recast the spell. If not, it would clear the first spell in the queue and continue on.

However, you can see the complication with attempting to make a single multi-state trigger out of a situation with so many different outcomes.

Right now, the multi-state trigger is like this:

State 0 Pattern: Ok.$
State 0 Action:
State 1 Pattern: ({@spellcastlist|You lost your concentration!})
State 1 Action: if %1 = "You lost your concentration" then recast the spell and clear the first item in the queue, otherwise clear the first item in the queue.

And @spellcastlist is a string list that contains all spell message success and failure message. The one caveat here is that not all spells have successful spell cast messages, so I have to omit some spells from this system.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:11 pm   
Why can't you keep having five separate triggers? You will have to give them unique "names", but call them foo, bar, foobar, thistrigerhasnoname, and, umsomething....
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:15 pm   
jackwest wrote:
the #message workaround mentioned by Arde isnt practical? it would allow you to use your old triggers...

No, not really, because I need the messages to appear in the mud output window, or I will have no reference for what context they are displayed in.

The messages in quest are to show any changes in hitpoints and mana from prompt to prompt. Each prompt checks to see if there is a change from the last prompt, and if so, display it. It then stores the prompt values for the next promtp to check.

I'll give you an example:

< 4990(4990) 1585(2560) 416(416) Buf:scratched Vic:bleeding >
North Wind hits you creating intense pain throughout you, nearly blinding you.(feint)
North Wind stutters a vital syllable and loses his spell.
North Wind breathes cold on you freezing your veins with a numbing intense cold
North Wind hits you creating intense pain throughout you, nearly blinding you.
Player1 makes a mystic hand position and utters the words, 'prismatic beam'
Player2 breathes on you and your wounds start to close.
< 4223(4990) 1707(2560) 416(416) Buf:battered Vic:bleeding > -767 HP +122 Mana

That -767 HP +122 Mana are the messages in question. If I display that somewhere else, I can't know that it was that particular round of combat that causes me to lose 767 hp and gain 122 mana. If I show it via #message, then I have no idea what round of combat it referred to. But, these messages aren't the problem, since I started using #sayprompt instead of #say.. the problem are triggered commands or manually entered commands, such as this:

< 4990(4990) 2355(2560) 416(416) Buf:healthy Vic:crippled > Ok.
breath fire
Your superior knowledge of magic enhances your spell.
Due to your masterful knowledge of the ray of freezing spell, you manage to cast for greater damage than normal.
A Draft is paralyzed by the freezing cold!
Icy waves spew forth from your hands and envelop A Draft in a misty freezing cloud!

You see how my "breath fire" command interrupted the multi-line trigger starting with "Ok." and ending with "Icy waves spew forth from your hands and envelop A Draft in a misty freezing cloud!". That is the main problem. Originally when I posted this message, I was using #say on those HP/Mana changes, and that could interrupt the multi-line trigger in the same way. That is no longer the issue, but the local echo of commands still is. And I really can't afford to disable local echo of commands.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:17 pm   
gamma_ray wrote:
Why can't you keep having five separate triggers? You will have to give them unique "names", but call them foo, bar, foobar, thistrigerhasnoname, and, umsomething....

I thought you couldn't have 2 triggers with the same pattern? Or are un-named triggers just named by their pattern?
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Joined: 17 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:28 pm   
That was one of the big deal things about CMud, as long as you give them separate "names"/ids they can have the same pattern (and yes, unnamed triggers simply go by the pattern).
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:31 am   
Just for the record, making 5 different multi-state triggers to replace my original 5 multi-line triggers did the trick. It works as it should now.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:42 pm   
Actually, it sounds like you don't need to pay attention to lines A, B, or C. Just take them out of the multistate trigger entirely.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:18 pm   
Well, that was an interim solution, except Line 4 can be blank, so without line 2 and 3, I can't make any assumptions on exactly what happened.

Not all spells have "success" messages, so all I have to go on is sometimes just Line 1, and possible Line 2.
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