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Joined: 20 Aug 2008
Posts: 24
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:30 pm   

CMUD still not usable for "serious" playing!!!!!
Nearly each movement causes access violation error in TCacheNode.Execute. (unit PrefDat line 11300)

That is independend of if i start new session from scratch or if i use imported settings from zMUD.

Playng isnt possible this way. Very strange if you enter a room with strong and aggresive monster but CMUD is showing an stupid error Message Shocked

An other issue occurs if i try to switch to zMapper, zMapper shows "Error connecting to current zmud Map"

You like to earn more money? please make it more stable first.
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Joined: 27 May 2008
Posts: 299

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:22 pm   
First off, Cmud is Stable enough to play with. I use it everyday. You seem to be having one issue that if you asked (or searched) for help could certainly be fixed.

But next time I would suggest not being such an ass or you will probably never receive help.
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Joined: 18 Oct 2000
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:26 pm   
Merilix it sounds like you're having a lot of issues with CMUD, but I can assure it's being used for a lot of serious playing. Since I know that offers little comfort, lets try and figure out exactly what issues your having and what we can do to resolve them. To start to get an idea of what's happening, I'm going to ask a few questions.

First things, first. What version of CMUD are you running?
If you ran a previous version of CMUD, did you do a clean install of the latest version?
What version of zMUD were you running previously?
What OS are you using?
How are you creating the new session?
Have you run the compatibility report and verified you have addressed all the identified issues?
You mention zMapper, are you referring to the Mapper module in CMUD or the stand-alone zMapper application?
Do you get the TCacheNode.Execute errors when the mapper is closed? What about if the mapper is open, but you're not moving?
Is the mapper window docked or undocked?
Have you tried resetting the layout (i.e. holding down the Shift while you open the MUD session)?
When you receive the access violations are you submitting a bugreport? They provide key details to Zugg on what code was running to better resolve the bug.

That should be it for now. Based on your answers we'll be able to ask more specific questions to help get to the root of the problem(s) you're seeing.
Asati di tempari!
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Joined: 20 Aug 2008
Posts: 24
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:32 pm   
first: please forgive me if my english is too bad ;)

Ok, some details:

I used zMud for long time (since 2004) and was very happy with it.
Currently i'm still using the latest version 7.21 for real playing on my favor mud.
Until now it was stable, stable enough for playing in dangerous areas ;o)
Since some time it also becomed instable specially with room scripts containing triggers and zone scripts...

From time to time i tried CMUD but before this year it was absolutely not useful (dont ask me, i had many issues with it)
I noticed since Zugg started again working on it it bocomed more stable but not enough for me for real playing.

OS-Version is Windows XP SP2 (German)
Self-evident i always tried the latest version of CMUD, latest CMUDPro 2.36 just now installed via updater.
I tried with fresh created sessions, with different muds, with imported zmud sessions with huge amount
of rooms (about 15000), with and without explicitely starting the zMapper application before. its always the same

two things i had done: 1) the mapper window is undocked because i also want to see the room-properties and until now i wasnt able to dock the properties underneath the mapper. 2) I changed directios to german needs because german muds are using o/osten for east directions. But this should not cause such errors^^

zMapper means the standalone Application. I like it because i bougt it ;) and it has some nice features like creating several room and link kinds. The standalone App can be called direct from zmud/CMUD internal mapper window.
But... i can live with the issue zMapper has connecting to CMUD^^ and it has nothing to do with the serious issue i have when i walk from room to room.
Hmm... one hint could be helpful: i noticed that the issue only occurs if the mapper is in follow mode not map mode.editing mode.

And of couse, i sent bugreport to Zugg.
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:43 pm   
First, try to avoid using zMapper if you can. I am currently in the middle of rewriting the mapper to work better with CMUD, but it's going to take a while. You can still use zMapper as a standalone program, but don't use the Edit button in the CMUD mapper to open zMapper or else you'll start getting a variety of problems.

The TCacheNode error comes from one of your scripts that it trying to run. You need to open the Script Debugger window and see what scripts are running when you move between rooms on your map. Check any Room Scripts or Zone Scripts too.

One way to track down the problem is to disable all of your triggers and then enable them one by one to determine which one is causing the problems.

I play MUDs on a daily basis here and use the mapper in CMUD extensively and I also don't have this problem you are talking about, so it is something specific to either your map file or your scripts.

One other thing to try is to download the MDAC Repair tool at http://www.zuggsoft.com/data and run that on your *.MDB map database in case it is corrupted somehow.

Also, since you have used previous versions, it might be time for a totally clean install. This means uninstalling CMUD and deleting your CMUD directory (after making a backup of your current files). Then add your german directions package and see if you still have trouble. Try it first without using the mapper. If you get errors when moving when the mapper isn't open then it's more of a problem with your directions package.

Also, make sure you didn't just edit the English Directions package since this is overwritten when you upgrade CMUD. You should copy the English Directions package to something like "German Directions" and then edit the directions in that package.

But if you are having this error on fresh sessions even with no mapper open, then my guess is that either the DEFAULT.PKG or one of the other packages that are being loaded are corrupted from a past beta version.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2008
Posts: 24
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:50 pm   
regarding zMapper, normally i only open it if i need a new room / link type.
Also its not a big issue to open it from the mapper view when i perfor a "compact database" after im finished ;).
By the way, the last official zMapper release (prvious the 130 beta) was much much faster than the 130 beta. specially for huge maps > 15000 rooms.

regarding directions: i created my own german package the same way as you suggested then disabled the english one.
Its working fine.

the The TCacheNode error seems to be raised by internal Triggers (autmaticly crreated #OK Triggers)

a FinalFro |Der Himmel ueber der Kuppel ist bedeckt.
h FinalFro |<ESC>[0SDer Himmel ueber der Kuppel ist bedeckt.<ESC>[0m
a FinalFro | Ausgaenge: Sueden und Norden.
h FinalFro |<ESC>[0S Ausgaenge: Sueden und Norden.<ESC>[0m
a FinalFro |[Auf dem Taralring]
h FinalFro |<ESC>[0S[<ESC>[1;37mAuf dem Taralring<ESC>[0S]<ESC>[0m
f FinalFro | Pattern: Auf dem Taralring
c FinalFro | exec : Pattern "Auf dem Taralring" : #OK
n FinalFro | Exec Trigger "Auf dem Taralring"

"Auf dem Taralring" is the room-name, sent by mud (in this case within the prompt but thats not the case in my favor mud ;),
the Error raised just after "Exec Trigger "Auf dem Taralring"" was shown.
For same reasons that doesnt happen all the time but almost if a room has a room name (in the map)

Map database and the session are new crreated and not infected in any way with old "zMud" stuff ;)

Ok, at least i will try a realy fresh and clean installation on a virtual machine and look what happens.
But for some reasons I cannot easily switch off zMud. Some of my triggers are not working in CMUD as expected^^

-- edit
when i switch off automatic confirmation in the mapper config but use these event s its working fine.

#class System
#event onRoomEnter {#untr trgOk}
#event onRoomWalk {#temp trgOK %roomname(%destroom) {#OK} {temp}}
#class 0

But i think automatic triggers should work the same way^^
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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
Posts: 23379
Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:42 pm   
Yes, this is the way the automatic triggers are supposed to work. It's obviously some sort of timing issue since I can't get it to fail here. But the problem with the #OK triggers sometimes causing problems (especially when crossing zone boundaries) is on the bug list and is one of the things that I'm working on with the new mapper rewrite.

Some of my triggers are not working in CMUD as expected

You should create a separate topic and show the exact triggers that are not working. They may indicate a problem that you have in your scripts.
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