Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:29 am
[2.33] #UNTRIGGER bugs - one in events, other in aliases w/ classes |
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The second trigger -- the longest one -- won't untrigger properly, but the first and third untrigger fine. Here are the triggers:
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#VAR voclock 1;#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#VAR voclock 0;#EXECUTE {queue hum scales}}
#TRIGGER {^You finish humming} {#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
And the untriggers:
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}}
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}}
#UNTRIGGER {^You finish humming}
I made the untriggers by copying and pasting the triggers. They show up in the script just how they do there, one right after the other. All three trigger fine, but when it gets to the point of untriggering the middle untrigger does not untrigger, only the one before and after it untrigger. That's the end of the script and there is nothing that reinstates the second trigger or anything, and I don't even get the echo back that it's ever been untriggered when the other two are untriggered. Furthermore, if I try giving the second trigger a name and untriggering it by name instead of the pattern, it still does not work.
And the kicker is that if I copy and paste the second untrigger into the command line, it untriggers the trigger fine. Why can I do it manually and it does not work in the script? This is driving me batty, thanks for any help. :( |
Last edited by Nattie on Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total |
Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 am |
Okay, here's an interesting thing...
I had this as an event. If I ran the end of the event a second time, it would untrigger that trigger properly. (The other two were already untriggered.) On the whole it was behaving oddly.
So I copy and pasted the entire thing to an alias. I didn't change a single character. Instead of raising the event, I executed the alias. It works perfectly.
Do I not understand something important about events? :-/ |
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:19 am |
You should name triggers if you want to refer to them later.
#TRIGGER blah {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#VAR voclock 1;#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
I think that's the syntax anyway, I don't have CMUD installed anywhere atm |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
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Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:39 pm |
You can untrigger using the pattern or a name. But like I said, neither works, and for some reason it works perfectly as an alias but not an event.
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:06 pm |
Ah sorry, I must've started writing my reply before I saw your 2nd post.
You may have found a bug by the look of it if #EVENT doesn't let you untrigger something. |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
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Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:40 pm |
I think it must be an event thing, because, come to think of it, I had a similar problem untriggering something a few days ago. I found a different way to write that event so I didn't post then.
Here's the full text of the stuff that works fine as an alias, but not as an event. It's a shame, too, because I'd really much rather this be an event... I have to run the event with a variable twice to get it to untrigger the trigger, i.e. to execute the "else" so it unvars and untriggers everything. (The first time, it unvars untriggers everything but the second trigger. The second time, it untriggers only the remaining second trigger.)
One interesting thing to note is that, while I was tinkering with it, I discovered I could change which trigger would not untrigger properly by making slight changes to the triggers above, and anything else that moved the line numbers around. So, for example, if I changed one of the triggers to have a #VAR assignment in it, and it was long enough to go wrap over a line, sometimes the second trigger would untrigger properly and then the first or last one wouldn't. I ensured that it was wrapping and there weren't any carriage returns or anything. Seems really weird.
#IF (%1=="") {#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#EXECUTE {queue hum scales}}
#TRIGGER {^You finish humming} {#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}
} {#EXECUTE {queue stop hum}
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}}
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}}
#UNTRIGGER {^You finish humming}
As an event, I would use "#RAISE vocals", and "#RAISE vocals end" to clear everything out. Buggy. As an alias, I use "vocals", or "vocals end", or "#EXECUTE {vocals}", or "#EXECUTE {vocals end}" and it works just fine. Except, of course, that it's not an event like I want it to be. :( |
Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:08 am |
Okay, there is a bug with this as an alias as well. The next-to-last trigger will not untrigger if I put the triggers in a class and then untrigger it specifying the class. All the other triggers will untrigger, but not that one. It just sits in the class.
What doesn't work:
- Unlike with the event, running the section of the script that untriggers everything a second time will not remove that remaining untrigger.
- Unlike with the event, copying and pasting the #UNTRIGGER {pattern} class and executing it manually from the command line does not work properly.
What works:
- If I remove the class specification from that one trigger, it will untrigger it. So #UNTRIGGER {pattern} class does not work, but #UNTRIGGER {pattern} works.
- Unlike with the event bug, naming the trigger does make a difference here. I can #UNTRIGGER triggername class and it will work. This is the only way to untrigger the trigger specifying its class.
The alias is named vocals.
This is the code without any classes involved, and everything works:
Code: |
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#EXECUTE {queue hum @vocplay}}
#TRIGGER {^You finish humming} {#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}}
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}}
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}}
#UNTRIGGER {^You finish humming} |
This is the code with everything put in the "crikey" class, does not untrigger the next-to-last trigger:
Code: |
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}} crikey
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#EXECUTE {queue hum @vocplay}} crikey
#TRIGGER {^You finish humming} {#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER {^You finish humming} crikey |
In the crikey class again. Taking the class specification off that one untrigger works, though the class specification works fine for the other untriggers:
Code: |
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}} crikey
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#EXECUTE {queue hum @vocplay}} crikey
#TRIGGER {^You finish humming} {#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}}
#UNTRIGGER {^You finish humming} crikey |
In the crikey class again. Naming the one trigger ("chowumba") and untriggering it by name and class works, although this is not necessary for the other triggers:
Code: |
#TRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#WAIT 200000;#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}} crikey
#TRIGGER chowumba {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#EXECUTE {queue hum @vocplay}} crikey
#TRIGGER {^You finish humming} {#EXECUTE {queue exp skill vocals}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER {{Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Vocals:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} crikey
#UNTRIGGER chowumba crikey
#UNTRIGGER {^You finish humming} crikey |
Has anyone else had similar problems? :( I mean, I can name it as a workaround, but it seems buggy that only that one trigger needs to be treated that way. Also, if you can't tell, I'm terrible at naming triggers and I'd rather not do it aside from the few times it makes sense for me. I thought it might be because the trigger is particularly long, but I've managed to create this for even very short triggers. Also, I don't like things to be inconsistent, so if I don't name triggers and untrigger everything else by pattern, it grates on me a bit to have to untrigger one thing by name for a relatively arbitrary reason.
This not working in events is what's really inconveniencing me, though. I would really, really rather this be an event. For this particular thing, it's not the end of the world because it's short enough that I don't care the threads are going at the same time, but for some stuff I've yet to code I really need it to execute and finish the event thread, then come back to the script's thread. I've had this bug happen with enough events now that I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to use them. :-/ |
Guinn Wizard
Joined: 03 Mar 2001 Posts: 1127 Location: London
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:24 am |
At the moment the title doesn't read like a bug report, to try and get Zugg's attention I'd suggest renaming the thread to
[2.33] Cannot #UNTRIGGER from within an #EVENT
or similar
(I'm assuming you're using the latest version btw) |
_________________ CMUD Pro, Windows Vista x64
Core2 Q6600, 4GB RAM, GeForce 8800GT
Because you need it for text... ;) |
Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:41 am |
Thanks, I changed the title. :-) I think I've got another example of the alias in classes things to post in a moment, it seems to happen to me frequently.
Nattie Apprentice
Joined: 24 Jul 2008 Posts: 109
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:49 pm |
Yeah, here we go again, haha. Some #UNTRIGGER {pattern} class commands work properly while others randomly don't. Manually executing them from the command line does not work. Giving them names and then using #UNTRIGGER name class works.
In this script, the triggers that would not untrigger properly are the ones given names: lame1, lame2, and lame3. Below the #UNTRIGGER name class for these buggy triggers I have commented out the #UNTRIGGER {pattern} class that, inexplicably, did not work.
The triggers are all near the top and the untriggers are all near the bottom. I included the rest in case I screwed something strange up and that's what's causing the bug.
Code: |
#EXECUTE {zvocals}
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/climblock 0
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/swimlock 0
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/uptree 0
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/climbthis tree
#TRIGGER {{Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/climblock 1} arthedale
#TRIGGER lame3 {{Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/climblock 0} arthedale
#TRIGGER lame1 {^All this climbing back and forth is getting a bit tiresome. You need to rest a bit before you continue.$} {#EXECUTE {queue power};#WAIT 20000; #EXECUTE {queue climb @./ranger/arthedale/climbthis}} arthedale
#TRIGGER {{Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/swimlock 1} arthedale
#TRIGGER lame2 {{Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/swimlock 0} arthedale
#TRIGGER {Arthe Dale, Tree House} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/uptree 1} arthedale
#TRIGGER {^Stand up first.$} {#EXECUTE {queue stand}} arthedale
#WHILE (@./ranger/arthedale/climblock==0 | @./ranger/arthedale/swimlock==0) {
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/climbthis tree
#EXECUTE {queue exp skill climb}
#WAITFOR {Overall state of mind}
#IF (@./ranger/arthedale/climblock==0) {
#WHILE (@./ranger/arthedale/uptree==0) {
#EXECUTE {queue climb @./ranger/arthedale/climbthis}
#WAITFOR {{Arthe Dale, Tree House|Stand up first.|You are already standing.|You start up the tree, but slip after a few feet and fall to the ground! You are unharmed but feel foolish.|You approach the tree, but the steepness is intimidating.|You pick your way up the tree, but reach a point where your footing is questionable. Reluctantly, you climb back down.|You make your way up the tree. Partway up, you make the mistake of looking down. Struck by vertigo, you cling to the tree for a few moments, then slowly climb back down.}}
#EXECUTE {queue go ramp}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue dive hole}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}} {#EXECUTE {queue dive hole};#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}}
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/climbthis embankment
#EXECUTE {queue exp skill swim}
#WAITFOR {Overall state of mind}
#WAIT 1000
#IF (@./ranger/arthedale/swimlock==0) {
#EXECUTE {queue swim south}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue swim west}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue swim north}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue swim east}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue climb @./ranger/arthedale/climbthis}
#WAITFOR {Arthe Dale, Greensward}} {#EXECUTE {queue climb @./ranger/arthedale/climbthis}; #WAITFOR {Arthe Dale, Greensward}}
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/uptree 0
#WAIT 1000
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/climblock
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/swimlock
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/uptree
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/climbthis
#UNTRIGGER {{Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER lame3 arthedale
//#UNTRIGGER {{Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Climbing:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} arthedale
//#UNTRIGGER {^All this climbing back and forth is getting a bit tiresome. You need to rest a bit before you continue.$} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER lame1 arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {{Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}}
//#UNTRIGGER {{Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% clear|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% learning|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% thoughtful|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% pondering|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% concentrating|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% muddled|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% very|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% perplex|Swimming:%s%d %d.%d~% bewilder}} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER lame2 arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {Arthe Dale, Tree House} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {^Stand up first.$} arthedale
#EXECUTE {zscarecrow}
Here's yet another script that has the same problem with one trigger, which I had to name lame1. Again, lame1 is declared early in the script, and untriggered right near the end. The rest is there in case it matters.
Code: |
//Heads to track the scarecrow.
#EXECUTE {queue north}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue east}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue east}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
//Finds the scarecrow.
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracking 0
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracklock 0
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/direction east
#TRIGGER {{Scouting:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Scouting:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracklock 1} arthedale
#TRIGGER lame1 {^You determine to track the scarecrow wherever it goes, noting the details about it that will help in tracking the thing.$} {
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracking 1
#UNTRIGGER {a scarecrow}} arthedale
#TRIGGER {^You refocus on tracking the scarecrow.$} {
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracking 1
#UNTRIGGER {a scarecrow}} arthedale
#TRIGGER {^But the scarecrow is already here with you!$} {
#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracking 1
#EXECUTE {queue @./ranger/arthedale/direction}
#EXECUTE {queue track}} arthedale
#TRIGGER {^But you are not tracking anything!$} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracking 0} arthedale
#TRIGGER {a scarecrow} {#EXECUTE {queue track scarecrow}} arthedale
#EXECUTE {queue exp skill scouting}
#EXECUTE {queue go path}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#WHILE (@./ranger/arthedale/tracklock==0) {
#TRIGGER {a scarecrow} {#EXECUTE {queue track scarecrow}} arthedale
#TRIGGER {^You can't go there.$} {
#IF (@./ranger/arthedale/direction==east) {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/direction west} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/direction east}
} arthedale
#WHILE (@./ranger/arthedale/tracking==0) {
#WAIT 3000
#EXECUTE {queue @./ranger/arthedale/direction}
#WAITFOR {{Arthe Dale, Community Garden|You can't go there.}}
#UNTRIGGER {a scarecrow} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {^You can't go there.$} arthedale
#TRIGGER {^You can't go there.$} {
#IF (@./ranger/arthedale/direction==east) {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/direction west} {#VAR ./ranger/arthedale/direction east}
#EXECUTE {queue @./ranger/arthedale/direction}
#EXECUTE {queue track}
} arthedale
#WHILE (@./ranger/arthedale/tracking==1 & @./ranger/arthedale/tracklock==0) {
#EXECUTE {queue track}
#WAITFOR {{T IS SET.|Realizing you have lost the trail|Racing heedlessly through the backcountry|Exhilarated by the cool rush of wind against your face|Unable to find signs of the trail to follow|Employing the keen observation skills of a veteran scout|As your journey ends, you gaze out at your new surroundings.|But you are not tracking anything!}}
#EXECUTE {queue exp skill scouting}
#WAITFOR {Overall state of mind}
#WAIT 1000
#UNTRIGGER {^You can't go there.$} arthedale
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracking
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/tracklock
#UNVAR ./ranger/arthedale/direction
#UNTRIGGER {{Scouting:%s%d %d.%d~% mind lock|Scouting:%s%d %d.%d~% dazed}} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {a scarecrow} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER lame1 arthedale
//#UNTRIGGER {^You determine to track the scarecrow wherever it goes, noting the details about it that will help in tracking the thing.$} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {^You refocus on tracking the scarecrow.$} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {^But the scarecrow is already here with you!$} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {^But you are not tracking anything!$} arthedale
#UNTRIGGER {^You can't go there.$} arthedale
//Heads back to the tree.
#EXECUTE {queue west}
#EXECUTE {queue west}
#EXECUTE {queue go path}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue west}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue west}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {queue south}
#WAITFOR {^~[*~]$}
#EXECUTE {zvocals end}
#PLAY C:\WINDOWS\Media\notify.wav |
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