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Joined: 25 Sep 2000
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Location: Colorado, USA

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:51 pm   

New #GAGSPACE command in v2.06
I have added a new command to v2.06 that several people should get really excited about. It is called #GAGSPACE.

Basically, #GAGSPACE works like #GAG and deletes the current line from the screen. But it *also* deletes any following blank lines. If you use "#GAGSPACE 0" then it will delete the following blank lines without actually deleting the current line.

The blank lines will still cause any other triggers to fire.

This new command is useful on those MUDs (such as Aardwolf) that add blank lines after some of their chat spam. By using #GAGSPACE instead of #GAG, the extra blank lines are removed.
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Joined: 12 Jul 2004
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Location: Canada

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:06 pm   
Hehe... thanks Zugg... now I just have to go remove the #COND {^$} {#GAG} {within|param=1} conditionals from all my capture triggers... :P

BTW, the extra blank line is toggleable with the 'compact' command.
If you're ever around Aardwolf, I'm that invisible guy you can never see. Wizi ftw! :)
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Joined: 09 Sep 2007
Posts: 605

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:19 pm   
Nice one. :) I wish it can handle those MUDs that gives chat spam + blank line + prompt. In any way a screen with prompt on each line will looks much better than prompt + empty line + prompt + empty line + ... Laughing
My personal bug|wish list:
-Wrong Priority when copy-paste setting
-1 prompt trigger for Mapper, Session and General Options, not 3 different!
-#SECTION can terminate threads
-Buttons can't start threads
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Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 190
Location: Canada

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:27 pm   
Is your prompt standardized?

A conditional not unlike what I listed above could remove the prompt lines from your screen when you gag... It'd probably be too much to implement into gagspace to handle, but assuming your prompt can be captured to a trigger, say: "[35/40 50/50 27/34" or something, just use a conditional after your channel cap/gag trigger:

#TR {my channel capture stuff} {#CAP somewhere;#GAGSPACE}
#COND {[%d/%d %d/%d %d/%d} {#GAGSPACE} {within|param=1}

I know it's not as elegant as #GAGSPACE, but it ought to remove those extra prompts.
If you're ever around Aardwolf, I'm that invisible guy you can never see. Wizi ftw! :)
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Fang Xianfu

Joined: 26 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:31 pm   
On the MUDs I play, blank lines aren't added and I can just do #gag 2 to gag a line and the prompt that follows it, or #gag -1;#gag to gag a line and the prompt before it.
Rorso's syntax colouriser.

- Happy bunny is happy! (1/25)
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Joined: 09 Sep 2007
Posts: 605

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:57 pm   
Hmm... While reading your suggestions I'd think that I play MUD that implements continuous hp/ma/... regen, not by ticks, so it is better to keep last prompt with fresh data and remove previous one... Think combo of #GAG -1;#GAGSPACE will be useful for me.
My personal bug|wish list:
-Wrong Priority when copy-paste setting
-1 prompt trigger for Mapper, Session and General Options, not 3 different!
-#SECTION can terminate threads
-Buttons can't start threads
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Joined: 14 Aug 2004
Posts: 1269

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:42 pm   
Useful. Smile I'd use Arde's combo on my MUD too if I were to use gagging (which I might try now).
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