Versions of zMUD (v5.30-5.55)

[current] [v5.30-5.55] [v5.0-5.22] [v4.x] [v3.x] [v2.x] [v1.x]

Here is a list of changes made to each version of zMUD. The most current version of zMUD is listed first.

5.55 30-Jun-99 (Public version)
  • Fixed bug that prevented reg codes from being upgraded automatically
5.54 3-Jun-99 (Public version)
  • Fixed critical bug that causes version 5.53 to delete your settings on June 30th/July 1st
  • Fixed Y2K problem that still didn't allow new registration codes from the year 2000 to be used
  • #WALK command now accepts speedwalk names (from zone list) in addition to room short-names
  • Right-clicking on speedwalk name in zone list and selecting Walk to room now works within the same zone
  • Using reconnect should no longer cause the window to close when the first connection fails
  • Text from MUD can now be processed while a large zone map is being drawn
  • Fixed some hangs when quiting zMUD after getting a blocked/virus message
  • DB View/Export dialog title now shows Export instead of Import
  • Changing the date while zMUD is running no longer causes the Code 501 block
  • Disabling the class of a button no longer causes right-clicking on the button bar to crash
  • No longer blocks network while looking up IP address of server
  • Editing the current character (like the Notes field) now works while the character is running
  • Can no longer delete the current running character from the character database
  • Adding new characters to the character database while others are connected no longer causes crashes or corrupts character file
  • Non-direction commands are no longer saved to a path when recording a path while mapper is in Map mode
  • The 3rd argument for the #QUERY command now properly controls the echoing of the result as documented.
5.53 8-Apr-99 (Public version)
  • Removed size limit on color syntax strings
  • Fixed color syntax so it works again in editor and on command line
  • Changed %ansi so that it sends just the foreground info if the background color is not specified.  So, %ansi(red) returns <ESC>[31m instead of setting background to black.  Also, %ansi(,red) properly sets background color without disturbing foreground.
  • Fixed #LMAP command
  • Slow walking no longer issues a double step when a step times out (and is set to confirm on timeout)
  • Pasting text into editor when ANSI color is turned off strips the ansi color codes (same with #CAPTURE)
  • Clicking the New button in the Buttons settings multiple times no longer crashes
  • Removed crash in settings editor when using #UNBUTTON on command line
  • Added database menus to #MENU command
  • Fixed the #DBLOAD command
  • Fixed the %roomportal function
5.52 5-Apr-99 (BETA version)
  • Fixed #UNBUTTON command
  • Paths now expand with <TAB> again (if the . character is at the start of the path name)
  • Deleting a class while the Class settings are open properly updates the class list
  • Exit lines that contain hypens (-) or other special characters like # now work properly in mapper
  • Improved operation of DNS lookup for IP addresses, especially on slow DNS servers
  • Fixed "Error opening wav file" problem when playing sound while previous sound has not finished
  • No longer allows you to create blank aliases, paths, triggers, etc in settings editor
  • The Use String> prompt mapper option now works with just > and no string on the prompt line.
  • Fixed crash when quitting zMUD and character selection window still open
5.51 29-Mar-99 (Public version)
  • Fixed memory leak with {@List} trigger pattern
  • Fixed multiple {} patterns in a single trigger
  • Tildes are properly imported again
  • Relative alarms (#ALARM +nnn) are no longer saved to export or settings files
  • #ALARM command displays the time remaining for relative alarms
  • Relative alarms now support any number of seconds (#ALARM +1000 for example) instead of just +hh:mm:ss format
  • #VAR properly wordwraps long variable values
  • Defaults for IP Lookup changed to 1,16,5 to make it better for slow AOL servers
  • Moving rooms to a different level on map now makes new level visible
  • Map centered on rooms that are moved
  • Confirmation displayed if moving rooms more than a certain number of levels
  • Moving rooms to new zone de-selects any rooms selected already in new zone
  • Fixed "List index out of bounds" when clicking various Alias, Variable, Button buttons along the top
  • Clicking Close from settings editor after a setting has been modified now properly saves the changes made.
5.50 24-Mar-99 (Public version)
  • Removed code to turn scroll light on/off since it was hanging with certain keyboards
  • Fixed speed problem with {x|y|z} trigger pattern
  • Fixed bug with MSP downloads going to wrong directory
  • Saving master map when first creating a map for a new character now properly saves
  • %roomcol now properly takes a numeric argument
  • Room colors only displayed for rooms on current level of map
  • Relinking new link in Room properties now properly updates properties
  • Problem with not using both short and long exits in mapping fixed
  • Plugins that use ParseMUDLine and set the Update flag no longer causes new line to trigger plugins again
  • Null string now properly evaluates to false
  • Adding multiple "other" exits to a room now works properly
  • Merging rooms now updates links from other zones properly
  • Fixed problem with it skipping some alarms when busy
  • If no "other" direction is assigned to a link, it no longer moves with any inputted text
  • fixed bug in database causing crash when switching views in Records mode
  • Deleting a view in database now properly removes it from the tab list
  • Added Daisy Chain option to macros to work like previous tilde at beginning of command
  • Clicking on a zone link now properly highlights the link in the properties
  • Clicking on Chars when char window in the background now brings it to the foreground
  • New toggle buttons now created in Off state instead of On state
  • Fixed crash when deleting variables with UNVAR
  • Fixed Import of buttons with variables in caption
  • Fixed Action/Execute script so it works like #READ instead of like Import/Ascii
  • Fixed display of default trigger class in Settings editor
  • Fixed #MENU command to work with mapper in Off mode
  • Fixed Settings editor so that changing the properties of a class does not cause the list of classes to scroll improperly
  • Door name and Door command are now global map properties instead of zone-specific
  • Switching to an empty zone properly updates mapper
  • #RESET updates status bar and buttons properly
  • Added more Function examples to online help (Thanks Sildaren!)
5.49 16-Mar-99 (BETA version)
  • A *lot* of changes were made to the mapper to improve it's operation on many MUDs.  Most of the changes are listed here, but there were a lot of internal tweaks to the AI that are not mentioned.   The mapper was tested on over 40 different MUDs to ensure that it is working as well as possible.
  • Pasting from MUD output window properly handles multiline input
  • Newline no longer added to end of lines pasted to command line
  • Added option to use Capitalization of Room Names to help the mapper.   The autoconfigure wizard doesn't use it, but you can turn it on manually in the config settings to try it if you want to.  It isn't fine-tuned yet.
  • Fixed &{@varname} syntax for indirect database field references
  • #TAG command arguments now accept variable references
  • %n fixed to accept +nnn
  • Expanding variables in secondary windows now works properly
  • Fixed a bug in processing newlines in multi-line command window
  • System variables %line, %line2, %line3 are now effected by blank lines
  • Status line and windows now properly exported and imported with class names
  • Fixed importing so that <> and [] are not parsed.
  • Fixed access violation when exporting just buttons or macros
  • Fixed crash when disabling a button via a variable reference
  • Show Icon in Taskbar for Map window now saved properly
  • Macros now work even when Mapper has the keyboard focus
  • Aborting an Append Log operation no longer adds icon to command line.
  • #RESET can now take a class name.
  • Fixed crashes if selecting No to save main window, but then Cancel when saving secondary windows
  • Toolbars with Both,Icon,Text modes now all work properly
  • Clicking New in Class list when there are no settings in the class no longer crashes
  • Pressing down-arrow when at the start of the last line of a multi-line command now properly saves it to the command history
  • Using the Automapper wizard when there is no room name, properly copies first line of room description to the name of the initial room, just like during normal mapping.
  • #MAKEROOM properly sets Reload flags for data not provided (name, desc, etc)
  • Adding a room manually or with the keyboard creation properly sets all reload flags for the room
  • Manually entering information into Room Properties properly resets the reload flags
  • #KILLALL when buttons have been removed no longer crashes
  • Added flag to room Advanced Properties to Force Entry into room without looking at MUD output
  • #MAKEROOM without any arguments will use the direction currently on the mapper command queue and create a room with as much information as it has currently captured.
  • The %walkmode function has been added to query and set the current mapper speedwalk mode (fast,safe,slow)
  • Fixed several problems with Classes that are set to be removed at loading not really being removed
  • Using non-standard exits now works in Map mode
  • Non-standard exits forced using the >command>direction commands now work properly
  • ESC properly clears multiline command and resets command line size
  • Cross-zone speedwalking now works in Slow mode
  • #NODIR in Follow mode properly clears the mapper command queue
  • Deleting a zone properly updates displays
  • Selecting properties from right-clicking the zone list will display the zone script preferences
  • The Door name in Map Properties is now saved properly
  • The #TAG prompt command is now fixed
  • Added configuration page for MUD Prompt in mapper
  • Prompts that start with numbers are now recognized
  • Simple prompts like > and * are now recognized
  • MUDs with no prompts (like MOO and MUSH types) set the No Prompt option which causes the mapper to look for a room after a 1 second delay since the last text was received from the MUD.
  • Fixed several problems with the Keyword in Exit and Exits after Keyword mapper options
  • Fixed problems with room names ending in a period
  • Added mode for MUDs that use a period at the end of a room name so that the mapper better handles it
  • Exits in room descriptions no longer mess up the mapper if there is a better exit line
  • Fixed major problem in mapper that did not handle room information split across different TCP/IP packets
  • Short lines in room description that contain a : no longer mess up the room name detection
  • When multiline exits are used and there is a - or : in the exit line, only information before the punctuation is used to detect the exits
  • Double clicking name of zone in map opens the zone
  • Manual configuration changed to Offline configuration, and now works with TAG commands
  • Autoconfigure wizard now highlights the detected MUD prompt
  • Scrolllock light kept in synch on Win95 and Win98 systems (but not on WinNT)
  • Selecting New line in room properties then selection other, then relink now works
  • Fixed {^xxx|yyy} triggers once and for all
  • Fixed {a|aa|aaa} trigger to work like {aaa|aa|a}.  Order of items no longer matters
  • Added zone scripts, executed when you enter a zone
  • Added map scripts which are executed when you load the map
  • Zone list properly restored to size after switching modes
  • Automapper wizard now prompts user to select which parts of room to detect (name,desc,exits)
  • Selecting Try Again from reconnect window no longer gives zsock error
  • Teleport to different levels now works again and updates map window properly
  • Task bar icon in Window preferences now takes effect without restarting program
  • Using tab-completion when single-line command line is scrolled to the right no longer unscrolls the line
  • Added message to show when sound driver is initializing (to detect crashes from sound cards)
  • Turning off the sound flag now prevents zMUD from accessing the sound card at startup
  • Sort control in speedwalk dialog now moves with the window size
  • Fixed several Windows so that their default location and size work on low-resolution systems
  • Fixed problem with New button and tabs changes in Triggers or Buttons settings not displaying properly on Large Font systems
  • Fixed several dialogs to resize properly on Large Font systems
  • Shift-Ins now properly pastes ANSI info in Trigger pattern field
  • Fixed problems with reload Name flag on configurations without room name
  • Added second reconnect timer and increased reconnect attempts to 40.  
  • Reconfig no longer resets the exit keyword option
  • Reconfig now keeps mapper queue in synch
  • Paths with spaces in names exported properly
  • Fixed crash in database when clicking New in Records view
  • Open Door command sent properly in Safe walk mode
  • "North" no longer displayed in command queue on startup
  • Added code to automatically upgrade registration codes via the net when reg code expire this summer
  • If Multi-line exit flag is set, #TAG exits tells mapper to look at following line for more exit info
  • No longer crashes if MSP sound is being played when zMUD exits
  • Lines that are #tagged are ignored by other autodetection routines
  • Fixed Look Command in Map Properties so it isn't blank at startup
  • Fixed invalid index error when switching zones in mapper
  • Rooms with no description are handled better
  • Removed default mapping triggers from DEFAULT.MUD file
  • Changed macro settings so that ~ is no longer used for special options and added option checkboxes instead
  • Added export and import map configuration commands for files and clipboard
  • Chat commands now expand parameters
  • Error when closing zMUD while editor was open is fixed
  • Modifying the Command character now works with Exporting settings
  • Fixed Font preferences so clicking on box sets proper font
  • Local echo in character mode now works and can be turned off
  • Fixed autoconnect options in mapper to automatically connect adjacent rooms when mapping
  • Clicking on Chars button works if character dialog was minimized
  • Getting Blocked status no longer causes a zMUD crash
  • Add To Room command in database no longer crashed when no room is selected in mapper
  • Fixed the .. command
5.48 28-Jan-99 (Public release version)
  • Added Remove command to Edit menu in Automapper to remove a room but leave the Links intact
  • Added Try Name Again button to the error dialog displayed when it can't connect to a MUD.
  • Speedwalking in SLOW mode now works offline with mapper description printing
  • Added option to paste multiple lines into the command line as a single line with ; seperators as in the older versions
  • #FILE command now displays all open filenames when used without arguments
  • Added Hints property to fields in the database to display help while inputting data
  • Added #DESCRIBE command to display the room name, description and exits
  • Added ability to change the command line font for zChat
  • Added %handle function to return the Window handle of a named zmud window
  • Added sample Mob and Character databases
  • Expanded the set of fields in the supplied template for the Quick Add command
  • Added a Boolean field type to the database
  • Updated Advanced Mapping section of the help file to remove obsolete info and document the NOMAP and NODIR triggers
  • #FIND now works properly if no current room position is defined
  • {^@List} trigger pattern now works
  • Fixed bug with custom directions not overriding system default directions in mapper
  • #TELEPORT and #RECALL no longer redraw the entire map when not necessary
  • Spaces allowed again in Tab Words
  • Shift-Enter now works as normal Enter key again
  • Line-by-line scrolling keys are now Ctrl-Up/Ctrl-Down
  • The keys to force command history recall are now Alt-Up/Alt-Down
  • The command line in zChat works the same as the new command line in zMUD
  • Speedwalking in SLOW mode across rooms with same description now works
  • Fixed crashes with ZCHATAFK.DLL
  • Added AFK Detect option to zChat to turn off zchatafk.dll if necessary
  • Adding new records with #NEW while in Records mode now updated record number properly
  • New Button displayed in Records mode properly when database first opened in that mode
  • Added Delete button to Records mode
  • Fixed several problems with deleting fields in the database
  • Fixed several problems with multistate buttons and toggle buttons not displaying their state properly
  • Fixed multiple #WAIT commands in the same command line
  • If "Close zChat when zMUD exits" flag is set in zChat, it only takes effect if zMUD was the application that loaded zChat.
  • Making first field in the database a Single Option or Option List field no longer crashes
  • Keypad can now be used in Room Properties dialog when in Keyboard Creation mode to quickly create a map and enter room names
  • Fixed crash in Feedback if another tab had been selected and the window was re-opened
  • Fixed crash with Command/Function wizard when command line was blank
  • Fixed crash when using Quit on Evaluation or Blocked windows
  • Fixed error when closing zMUD with editor window open
  • Edit, View, and Action menus now disabled when no database is open
  • Improved the sample files shipped with zMUD to include a sample map and database
  • Ctrl-Enter works in Editor to send text
  • Fixed crash when using Reload button in Settings editor while in Categorize by Class mode
  • Fixed various problems with the expandable command line when using different fonts
  • Clicking on Record Number column in Records view now selects correct record
  • Changing default values in Option lists in Fields display now displays Save button properly
  • Fixed problem with the split-screen when the command line expands
  • Loading Colors now works properly again in Preferences window
  • #PICK command will evaluate its argument if only one argument is given
  • Changing background color no longer checks the Inherit colors flag by mistake
  • A blank caption in a multistate button now uses the default caption properly
  • Added Execute Script command to right-click menu for a room.
  • Added Help button to database screen
  • A period (.) followed by a space and text is sent to the MUD verbatim instead of try to do a speedwalk
  • #NEW "" Name now properly sets the first column to Name
  • Speeded up selection/copy of large blocks of text from the MUD
  • #LOOK command fixed so that "look" is not captured as part of the room description
  • Fixed several bugs in speedwalking on the mapper with non-standard exits
  • Fixed #SLOW command so that it accepts non-standard exits correctly
  • Added Function examples to help file (thanks to Sildaren!)
  • Fixed a problem with PROMPT.DLL not displaying its window
  • Fixed hang with Edit/Preferences from main character window
  • Fixed various window size and position problems
5.47 18-Jan-99 (Public release version)
  • Fixed zChat crashes when no network is running
  • Fixed #CHATCONNECT so it doesn't connect to yourself
  • Added %names to return string list of all open windows
  • Added option to User Interface preferences to turn on or off the command line word-wrap option
  • Added SetThread API call to Developer's Kit to allow developer's to set the MUD Window thread for the next N API calls
  • #MAKEROOM now moves you to the room you just created
  • #TELEPORT changed to use user VNum
  • All %room functions changed to use user VNum (instead of internal zMUD room number)
  • Spreadsheet mapper mode now uses VNum
  • Find Room now allows you to find a room by number (VNum)
  • Fixed bug with precedence of operators (specifically the AND OR, and = < > >= <= <> operators).
  • SMTP connection properly closed after sending Feedback
  • #DELCLASS and #UNCLASS now properly update status bar and buttons
  • Fixed bug with Expand Vars option taking effect other than when user is entering text
  • Fixed problem with Command Wizard not recognizing commands with a non-space character after them (like {#BEEP})
  • Added feature to Command Wizard to properly parse arguments for functions and commands
  • Command Wizard can be opened in "read only" mode by pressing F1 in Settings Editor command window
  • Clicking Class button now properly displays class list again
  • Buttons can be imported again with Settings/Import/Settings
  • %btnimage can now return the current bitmap name without setting it
  • %btncol can now return current button color without setting it.   It can also set the color given a color attribute numeric value
  • %number("+123") now properly returns 123
  • Using ..path now reverses speedwalk path again
  • Added #PAUSE command to stop a speedwalk but confirm the previous direction.  Updated help examples for #STOP and #PAUSE
  • %random no longer returns the same number when used more than once in the same command line
  • Deleting a class from the command line no longer causes access violations in settings editor
  • Proper window tab is set when a window is closed now
  • #MAKEROOM now takes VNum argument
  • Closing zMUD when Find window is open no longer crashes
  • Fixed several access violations when zMUD is closed with some windows open
  • Selecting Cancel when prompted to save your settings now prevents window from being closed
  • Having two characters that both open a database window no longer crashes when they are closed
  • Editor hotkey changed to Ctrl-Shift-Enter
  • Hotkey to exit editor can be Ctrl-Enter, Ctrl-Shift-Enter, or Shift-Enter
  • Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down now force the command history to be cycled no matter what line of the multiline command line you are on
  • Command line now adds a scrollbar if too many lines are entered
  • %btncol now works properly with multistate buttons
  • #RETRACE can now take speedwalk directions
  • Arguments of functions now work when variable character changed to something like '/'
  • Expressions can now handle quote character properly
  • Setting the ANSI Trigger option immediately allows pasting of ansi characters into the pattern
  • Setting a new trigger now now properly updates Enable/Disable class buttons
  • Fixed problem with =~ operator not expanding variables properly
  • Fixed problem with @{xxx} expanding variables too many levels
  • Up-Arrow now works properly when at the end of a word-wrapped line in the multiline command box
  • Fixed #NEW command so that examples work properly (and updated Help example)
  • Fixed "Create task bar icon for Automapper" option in Preferences
  • Fixed #SUB command so that it handles variables in the pattern properly (see new SUB example in help)
  • Reversed syntax of #COLOR and #CW commands for creating trigger patterns (see help)
  • Fixed #SAY command so that it doesn't strip too many delimiters
  • Speedwalking through a door in Fast mode no longer send the "open door" command twice.
  • Speedwalking in Fast mode no longer executes room scripts in intermediate rooms
  • Closing a window while a script is still running no longer crashes
  • Fixed problems parsing telnet://host:port/ command line
  • Clicking on a telnet link or desktop shortcut when zMUD is already running now properly opens a new window within the running zMUD
  • Fixed #CLASS 0 problem not setting <None> class as default
  • Fixed several zChat crashes when connections are disconnected
  • New MUD list now properly loaded when it is updated/downloaded
  • Added Buy button to registration expiration window
  • zChat now properly hides when minimized
5.46 11-Jan-99 (BETA version)
  • zChat handles connections to yourself better (without crashing)
  • Added #TAG command to override automapper behavior
  • Can change the color of the current location circle in the mapper
  • Fixed problems with the Download component used to download sounds and the mud list
  • Putting a ~ at the end of a line no longer supresses the CR/LF.   Instead, use SENDPROMPT, SHOWPROMPT, SAYPROMPT, or ECHOPROMPT to send text without a newline.
  • Updated the Settings/Import/Settings dialog to handle menus, directions, status bars, and tab completion words
  • Settings/Import/Settings can now import an entire Class of settings from another settings file
  • Fixed the %roomnum function
  • Improved the Room Command and changed it to the "Room Script".  Added it to the main properly page.  Items defined in a room script are assigned to a temporary class which is removed when the room is exited.   So you can have room specific aliases, buttons, triggers, etc.
  • Added a RoomFlags field (and function) to allow you to set/retrieve a user-defined string containing various room flags
  • Added code to prevent more than one copy of zMUD and zChat from running
  • Added option to Windows Option and preferences to turn off MUD Output section of the window.  Useful for tool-bar only windows
  • Added a "Contents" page to the room properties.  Items in the database can be added to this page using the Add To Room command in the database Action menu.  %roomcontents can be used to set/retrieve this string list of database record numbers.
  • Added Multistate buttons (buttons with pull-down menus)
  • Modified #MENU command to allow it to create speed menu items under script control
  • Changed expression parser so that AND, OR, XOR, and NOT are Logical and not bitwise operations.
  • Added functions %bitand, %bitor, %bitxor, %bitnot for performing bitwise arithmetic
  • Added "Do Not Enter" flag for rooms on the mapper to prevent speedwalking into these rooms
  • Modified the toolbar menu for displaying Text and Icons so that it has a Both option.
  • Modified command line in zMUD to work like the command line in zChat.   The zMUD command line is now multi-line and auto-expands and contracts as you type.   You can also paste multiple lines into the zMUD command line now.
  • Spaces are now allowed in Path names.  To speedwalk to a path name with a space in it, use the syntax: .{Path Name}
  • Non-alphanumeric characters are now allows in aliases again.   Aliases can still not contain spaces though.
  • Added %window function to return true if the named window is currently open
  • Added #GAGON and #GAGOFF commands to toggle gagging of text
  • Added #GAGBLOCK command to gag a block of text from the MUD
  • #BUTTON 0 can be used to append a new button to the button bar
  • Added wordwrap to Feedback form
  • Fixed: v1="<test>";#ADD v1 "abc" so that <> is not stripped from string
  • Fixed non-standard direction creation in the mapper so that it doesn't set the opposite link with a standard direction.  For example, >enter>east;>exit>west now works properly
  • Rooms with non-standard directions that are moved to another zone keep the non-standard direction properly now
  • Selecting New in database no longer gets confused with field names of previous database
  • If another application plays a sound when zMUD tries to play a sound, it no longer hangs the zMUD sound driver
  • WAV file formats that cannot be mixed (8-bit mono) are now played normally again, although you can't play another sound while a non-standard or compressed sound is playing
  • Clicking New in settings, then clicking on blank entry in lower-left box no longer crashes
  • ParseMUDLine can now properly replace text being sent form the MUD
  • Cancelling from character Password prompt no longer says invalid password
  • Running a character using command line parameters no longer bypasses character password
  • Adding new records to database while in Records view no longer messes up database
  • Several bugs regarding Records view have been fixed
  • Added ToolTip field for buttons to provide fly-over mouse hints
  • Added %roomcol function to set/retrieve color of a room
  • Added option to #input command to highlight the text in the command line
  • Added option for Shift-Tab completion for force text to lowercase
  • Added option to automapper to turn off the automatic door creation for exits that were not detected
  • Added option to display clock in military (24hr) mode instead of am/pm (12hr) mode.
  • Added option for Local Echo when in Character Mode for telnet emulation
  • Added option to display mapper output (name, description, exits, contents) when moving between rooms with numeric-keypad while offline
  • Individual triggers can now be enabled and disabled again
  • Added default door name for door command to mapper
  • Added right-click menu to Ctrl-S speedwalk list
  • Chat commands now parse variables and functions properly without needing the <> syntax
  • Save shortcut in editor is now 'S' instead of assigning it to Send
  • Shortcut for editor changed from Ctrl-Enter to Shift-Enter to allow Ctrl-Enter to force a newline in the new multiline command line
  • Tick Margin parameter added to #TIMER command
  • Added room numbers to Link Properties and popup mouse hints on mapper
  • Added option to a room to prevent the automatic #OK command being sent when the description is detected
  • Added option to %sort to specify sort direction
  • Added parameter to #ABORT to abort the entire script
  • Fixed #ABORT so that it only aborts current program block
  • Added #DELNITEM command to delete the nth item in a string list
  • Position of PICK window now saved and restored
  • Fixed Disable Sound flag to work properly
  • Button commands are now executed *after* the state of the button is saved to the variable
  • Ctrl-Plus is now shortcut for ZoomIn and Ctrl-Minus (on keypad) is shortcut for ZoomOut in mapper
  • Added option to mapper to turn off auto prompt detection (for when using TAG command)
  • Fixed L=-1 MSP option
  • Fixed obscure problem with ABORT being disabled when a plugin is unloaded
  • Fixed #CASE command so that a value of zero selects last command in list
  • Fixed bug with multiple ANSI triggers interferring with each other
  • Added Menus, Directions, Status Bars to Export command
  • #CLASS command can now set a Default class used when a setting is defined without a classname specified
  • Fixed #UNCLASS so that it doesn't delete all settings
  • Added #DELCLASS command to delete a class and all of its settings
  • Added #DIR command to create speedwalk directions under script control
5.45 18-Dec-98 (BETA version)
  • Function wizard now matches partial function names in command line
  • ~< now works properly in a trigger pattern to place a literal < in the pattern
  • ~%1 now works in an alias
  • Selecting the "Use last selected item as default" in Speed Menu settings now works and saves/restores properly
  • #teleport command now properly sets current room location
  • Position of split between status line and horizontal scrollbar now saves again properly
  • Sounds with the * wildcard now play properly
  • Map window now restored properly when Follow or Map is selected after Map is turned Off.
  • Modified various dialogs in zMUD and zChat to handle Large Font settings
  • Find Room command in mapper no longer modifies current room position unless Set is clicked.  Close button keeps the map displayed with the found room selected, but doesn't change current map position.  Cancel button cancels find operation and re-centers map on current room position.  Find button added to perform a second Find operation.
  • Expand Vars option no longer effects scripts (only effects commands typed on command line)
  • ESC should now properly abort any Link adding operation in mapper
  • Fixed various problems with clicking Command button from Function wizard
  • Fixed %1..%9 in trigger patterns so that TinTin syntax works again
  • Fixed access violation in Settings display when Show by Class is selected
  • Fixed bug in #IF (%1 =~ "pattern") not returning false.
  • Mapper Follow mode now uses Verbatim triggers so that special characters like [] and () in room description no longer mess up the mapper
  • In the Edit Character properties you can now turn off Proxy use on a character by character basis to handle MUDs on the local LAN.
  • Option to unsort Path list added to Ctrl-S speedwalk dialog.
  • Right-click menu for Cut/Copy/Paste/Send/etc added to Editor window.
  • Added option to Sound Preferences to use the Old Driver which allows a larger range of sound formats but does not allow multiple sounds playing at the same time
  • Added menu options in File menu of mapper for Off, Follow, and Map modes and coded #MENU command to handle these new options
  • Added button to mapper Spreadsheet view to display room or link properties
5.44 18-Nov-98 (BETA version)
  • Replaced Raize RzSplitter component with Opaque's oxSplitBar component to fix alignment and display problems in DB Field view and Settings window.
  • Fixed problem with windows set to Auto-Tile/Maximize
  • Sound files no longer cut short during playback
  • Access Violation when switching between pages in Preferences fixed
  • Added timestamps to message history in zChat
  • Fixed bug in /emote cutting off first two characters
  • Fixed bug switching to DB Records view after adding or deleting a field
5.43b 16-Nov-98 (BETA version)
  • Switching view while in Records view in DB now updates window properly
  • Quitting from a character window properly focuses any other character window loaded
  • Save button in DB Records view now works properly and updates record list on left
  • Backup files are no longer shown in Templates list
  • New button in DB Records view no updates left record list properly
  • Records view now shows first column of database properly and updates if another column is dragged to the left of the Fields grid
  • New Button in DB Records view doesn't generate an extra blank DB record anymore
  • Correct record shown in Fields DB view when switching from Records view
  • Maximize window option no longer messes up saved window position
  • IP address added to zChat window caption
  • Fixed sound player so that it sets sound card to proper sample rate of WAV file.  If playing more than one wav file at a time, all sounds are translated to sample rate of the first sound being played
  • Exit Without Saving now closes the current database properly (without saving changes)
  • Close Database no longer gives an access violation
  • Deleting a record in DB then choosing another record no longer gives access violation
  • Fixed loading custom colors in Foreground and Background preferences pages
  • Connect option (and others) in Person menu in zChat no longer causes access violation if no person is currently selected
  • The popup window to Accept a incoming chat request now brings zChat to the front of other running apps.
  • Attempted to fix the Runtime 216 error in zChat
5.43a 10-Nov-98 (BETA version)
  • Fixed I/O error when creating a New database
  • Sending a blank line properly echos newline to screen again
  • Fixed problem with changing database views not working sometimes
  • Fixed display of Level control in mapper window for Large Font users
5.43 6-Nov-98 (BETA version)
  • Fixed Code 601 block problem
  • Fixed Code 501 block problem
  • Redid copy protection to provide 30 new trials to evaluation copies
  • Fixed zChat system tray menu on Win95/98
  • Seperator buttons with fixed position no longer move when buttons are pressed
  • #sendcommands now works
  • Selecting text in lower portion of split output window no longer caused problems
  • Port box displayed properly in New Mud window
  • Button bars in child windows painted properly when child window is first opened
  • Added menu commands for zChat plugin
  • Feedback now wraps text instead of overwriting buttons
  • Can access plugin help files from plugin menu
  • Fixed keyboard focus problem when clicking on different MUD character windows
  • Incoming chat connections no longer crash when person is part of a group
  • Fixed several system problems caused by zChatAFK.DLL plugin
  • zMUD API changed to version 2...added methods to handle your own memory buffers returned from MUDInput and other routines that allowed you to change text
  • Added OpenThread, CloseThread, OnConnect, OnDisconnect plugin callbacks
  • Plugin DLLs can be moved to specific MUD directory and will only be loaded for characters in that directory (for Character- or MUD-specific plugins)
  • Ctrl-Tab now only cycles between main MUD character windows (not child windows).  Ctrl-N still cycles through all windows
  • Fixed gradient caption display problems on Win98
  • Fixed a couple StayOnTop window problems
  • Variables now allowed in name of window before : focus char, so @window:command will work
  • The * in front of the default item in a pick list is now stripped from the command sent to zmud
  • Rewrote most of the plugin API to change how global shared memory was allocated to improve API stability
  • Added option to zChat to close zChat when zMUD exits or unloads the plugin
  • Sending a Group chat to a zChat client that has the same group name defined containing a person being served will forward the message to the served connection (much like how ChatAll will forward to served connections).  Added code to prevent chat loops in these cases.  (Note that Mud Master will forward ChatAll messages, but not ChatGroup messages).
  • Fixed a couple problems accepting chats from MUD Master users
5.42 6-Oct-98 (ALPHA version)
  • Added interface to zChat plugin!
  • MSP sounds can now be queued with the Q parameter and then played back-to-back for daisy-chained sounds
  • wav sound device no longer locked...shared with other apps
  • wav volume no longer changed while zMUD is running
  • up to 8 wav sounds can play at one time
  • Fixed trigger pattern d{^aa}d (^x longer than one character)
  • Fixed trigger pattern %dH %dM (no longer things %dH is a function call)
  • timer dialog is updated by #TS command
  • Tick timer works with multiple MUD character windows
  • fixed problems in ~ quote processing and with characters > chr(128)
  • Added Autolog option to make autolog detection easier to turn off and on
  • Seperator and toggle buttons now import and export properly
  • Map font color now saved
  • If MUD List update is cancelled, previous MUD list is restored
  • Changing button size/position keeps button state preserved
  • Added Password option to characters to prompt for your password whenever you Edit, Connect, of connect offline to your character.
  • Fixed missing option list in field editor in database module
  • Fixed problem with copy protection accessing the system registry and resetting the 30-trials or blocking people by mistake
  • Granted 30 new trials to users of this version
  • Extra spaces between parameters in MSP commands no longer cause crash
  • Mapper configuration now works again and configurations are properly loaded and saved
  • Cancelling from map config wizard does not mess up your mapper config
  • Problems with command echo color and default text color were the same now fixed
  • Opening view menu with empty database no longer crashed
  • The length parameter in the UserInput API is now correct
  • Down arrow to save your command to the command history now clears the command line
  • Can now use ^} in a {} trigger pattern
  • Deleting the only record in a database view no longer crashes
  • The DB field type now restricts input to the allowed field types
  • The buttons in the Speedwalk popup box now cause the dialog to close when pressed
  • Clicking New button in settings editor now properly saves the setting currently being edited
  • Attempting to overwrite a map zone file now prompts for confirmation
  • Scrollbar in room description field of room properties fixed
  • ANSI logging now works properly
  • Changing the trigger color properly flags the trigger as being modified
  • Changing window caption from top to left side redisplays window properly
  • Color profiles are saved and restored properly
  • Slowwalk strings can now be edited and deleted properly
  • Deleting multiple text labels in mapper no longer crashes
  • Cancelling from New Zone command no longer clears the current zone
  • Button bar properly removed when you select Settings/New
  • API changed to return handle to menu item being created for plugin
  • Added access to plugin help files from plugin menu
  • Added API routine to return the name and handle of the current MUD window
  • Added API routine to capture output being displayed in MUD window
  • Added API routine to load and unload plugins and plugin routines
  • Changed API for various routines to remove Pascal VAR statement to avoid having to use double pointers in C/C++
  • %n in trigger pattern now matches commas and strips them before assigning value to %n
  • ;~ is now properly parsed
  • %x works as a trigger wildcard again
  • %count no longer crashes when view is empty
5.41a 2-Sep-98 (ALPHA version)
  • Database module now creates DB subdirectory within character directory to save databases
  • New databases based on templates are now initialized properly so you can actually enter data
  • Fixed the splitter panel in the Field view so that the field list is properly displayed.
5.41 2-Sep-98 (ALPHA version)
  • Added Username/Password fields for WWW Proxy
  • Fixed main toolbar window so that garbage and scrollbar not displayed
  • Fixed Database so that View tabs are not visible when in Field mode (clicking on them caused a crash when no data was in database)
  • Redesigned Feedback form and used new SMTP component for higher reliability
5.40 1-Sep-98 (ALPHA version)
  • Added the Database Module!!!!!!  (lots and lots of stuff here...fully documented in online help..see Getting Started/Introduction to the Database for details)
  • To store command in command history without sending to MUD, you now use Down arrow instead of Ctrl-Up arrow
  • Copy protection now uses disk serial number instead of Windows serial number
  • #SUB that makes line large enough to wrap now works
  • Selecting text with mouse now autoscrolls window as you move mouse near top and bottom edge in main window, database, and editor windows
  • Cancelling Reconfigure option in mapper no longer messes up mapper config
  • Pressing w, then enter, then up arrow no longer searches command history for command that starts with w.  You have to type w, then up-arrow
  • zMUDAPI added zMUDAppHandle to return application handle
  • zMUDAPI added zMUDFilename to return a full path name for files in the current character directory
  • Pasting text from external apps into editor now works
  • All file saves are done to a temp file.  Only if save is successful is temp file renamed to the proper filename.
  • Backup files created for ALL files (MUD, MAP, ZZZ, DB, DBD, etc).   Backup files have same extension, but main filename ends in _bak
  • Creating a New MUD character properly sets icon caption
  • Multiple SUB and CW on the same line now work properly in any order
  • CW no longer colors an extra character
  • SUB no longer substitutes an extra character
  • Added mousewheel support to scroll main window and editor window.   Can also be used to increment and decrement numeric input fields
  • {^xxx} pattern for not matching a certain string now works
  • Fixed <Key>=command syntax
  • Fixed #KEY command
  • Delete in character Notes field no longer deletes entire character
  • ESC key no longer continues to show "Slow walking aborted" after using it multiple times
  • ESC no longer sends additional movement direction when aborting slow walk
  • Added flag to #UNCLASS to actually delete all settings in the class instead of just moving them to <none> class
  • Added several new ways to get blocked from using the program
  • Fixed bug in %ends...%ends("aaa","a") now returns true
  • <> expansion in aliases now works: #ALIAS dr {drink <@container>} expands @container immediately
  • Added system variables %crlf, %lf, and %tab to return various special characters
  • Added functions %dice, %dicemin, %dicemax, %diceavg, %dicedev for manipulating dice rolls
  • Updated license.txt file and forces users to read it again when you run program
  • Added &VarName syntax to triggers to automatically assign matched text to variables
  • Added @var.field syntax to access field of a database variable
  • Undefined variables return null when referenced instead of @var if the new Return Null Vars option is on (which it is by default)
  • Updated most dialogs so that various input fields now scale with the window size
  • Compiled under Delphi 4 (a big mistake, but its too late now!)
5.31 7-Jul-98 (BETA version)
  • Fixed problem with "connection reset by peer" messages
  • Fixed problem with multiple connection sockets and sessions being disconnected
  • No longer continuously prompts to upgrade to the new version
  • Fixed several problems with various trigger patterns not firing
  • Fixed problem accessing system registry that gave blocked message or reset execution trials
  • Settings now searched from last created to oldest so that it is easy to override default settings
  • Fixed Paste in command line
  • Fixed Paste in editor
  • Hotkeys no longer fire while renaming an icon in the character window
  • Fixed crash in settings editor when marking a class to be deleted on startup and then clicking another class before clicking save button
  • Fixed Bright/Dim button in Foreground color preferences
  • Fixed "Downloading x of 0 bytes" message to properly display filesize
  • #windowname command now works again
  • #VAR printout turns off all parsing so that control characters in variables does not mess up display
  • #SUB no longer substitutes an extra character
  • #CW no longer colors an extra character
  • Using the full path of a file in the MSP U= option at the same time as giving subdir path info for the sound name now works properly
  • Added option to play MSP sound after it sucessfully downloads
  • Fixed crash for playing bad sound files
5.30 2-Jul-98 (BETA version)
  • Added API for external applications and Plugin DLLs
  • Rewrote the low level memory manager to be more stable, take less resources, and to increase speed
  • PARSER CHANGE: Single quotes no longer parsed because of problems with apostrophes not matching.  If you are using 'text' anywhere in your scripts, you need to change it to "text" using the double-quotes.  To get a literal double-quote, use ~" instead of ' " '.
  • Added U=url parameter for MSP commands.  Specifies the URL to download the sound in the background.
  • Added options in MSP General to control sound downloading and default URL
  • Added download button to MSP Sounds to manually download sound files
  • Sound drivers are properly closed when a sound or music is done playing
  • Added InLine MSP option to prevent sound spamming
  • Restricted download of sound to MSP commands at beginning of line
  • MSP Downloads do not overwrite existing files
  • MSP command given with #PLAY command does not download sounds
  • Changed how volume is handled so that the volume control or mixer can be used while zMUD is running
  • No longer messes up sound or music volume on sound cards that do not support volume change
  • Added on and off parameter to #STW command to control Status Window display
  • Added CTRL-UP key to put current command line into command history without sending it to the MUD
  • Fixed various tips and help displays in Preferences
  • Temp triggers no longer exported
  • Added %linecol variable to access color attribute of first character of line
  • Added simple Line Color option to triggers to specify color of first character to trigger on
  • #STEP now reactivates slow walk properly and does not repeat previous direction command
  • Added name of MUD window to Preferences dialog
  • Prefix toolbar setting in editor now saved
  • Remembers last page of Preferences that were viewed
  • Automapper font now saved
  • Cancel from Room Label in mapper works
  • Can now rename icons in character window
  • Triggers or alarms that are deleted while settings editor is displayed properly update settings editor
  • Added Quick Tiling which repositions/sizes windows, but does not lock them in place.  Previous tiling options renamed to Auto Tiling
  • The option to save scrollback when a log file is first opened now works
  • Speedwalking on mapper through non-standard exits now works properly
  • Loading a settings file multiple times then clicking Aliases no longer crashes
  • Added %ioresult to return the status of the last I/O command
  • Fixed DNS lookup problems via proxy server
  • Fixed high attribute in main and child window %ansi function
  • Editor no longer sends blank line at end
  • Log files now properly closed when logging is toggled off
  • Logging now works properly from within triggers
  • Deleting imported character icons no longer messes up other characters
  • Default value of #VAR is now parsed, and option added to variable settings dialog to enable or disable the default value
  • Added "new" parameter to #LOG to force it to open a new file instead of appending
  • Added #ADDITEM, #DELITEM commands which do not allow duplicates in list, and autocreate the variables
  • #ADD now autocreates the variable if is doesn't exist
  • Added #ADDKEY, #DELKEY, #LOOPDB, #SHOWDB database commands
  • Added %addkey, %delkey, %iskey, %numkeys, %db, %countlist database functions
  • Added %version, %null, %secs system variables
  • Added %dups, %sort functions
  • Creating a new item in settings editor then right-clicking list no longer crashes
  • Fixed OnShow/OnHide error in mapper
  • Split Room Properties from Map Properties in mapper
  • Map Properties properly tracks changes to configuration menu
  • Color Trigger option renamed to ANSI Trigger and is properly exported and imported
  • #CLOSE windowname now works again
  • Trigger syntax [~{~[]text[~}~]] now works
  • #SEND command now sends its parameters to the MUD without echoing if the parameter doesn't match a filename
  • Cancel from New Zone menu works
  • Fixed Brief mode in mapper
  • Fixed major bug in mapper that prevented it from working on MUDs with single character exits like (n,s,e,w)
  • Current ANSI Mapping settings transferred to child windows
  • The <> expansion characters are now allowed in trigger patterns to expand the contents when the trigger is defined on the command line
  • Added %quote function to quote special characters in string
  • Added Download MUD list button and command to Edit menu.
  • Added progress bar for loading the MUD list
  • %roomlink function fixed
  • %roomdesc function fixed
  • %ismember now returns the word position of the item in the list
  • %format function now used & syntax instead of syntax
  • Added DirectionsDiag and KeypadDiag classes to DEFAULT.MUD to seperate diagonal movement
  • %char now works for any character value.  Quoting of special characters fixed
  • #ADD command no longer allows variable name without a @ as the second parameter
  • Problems with the log file and #GAG fixed
  • Various problems with matching quotes and bracket pairs fixed
  • %pick allows preexpansion of comma list
  • #YESNO command fixed
  • Fixed problem with position of common command line
  • Infinite loop problems when aliases refer to other character windows fixed

This page last updated on July 23, 2001