Getting Started

The very first time you start zMUD, you will need to read and accept the licensing terms. After accepting the licensing terms, you are presented with zMUD�s main welcome dialog. The first time you view this main window, a Getting Started message will be displayed.


Follow the instructions and click the New button to create a new character, or the OK button to go to the normal startup screen where you can manage your MUD characters.

The steps in getting started with zMUD are:

What is a MUD?
Network Setup
Quick Start
Create a new character
Character Database
Basic usage
User Interface
Introduction to Macros
Introduction to Aliases
Introduction to Variables
Defining and Using Paths/Speedwalking
Introduction to Triggers
Introduction to Buttons
Introduction to Multiplaying
Debugging Scripts
Introduction to the Database
Introduction to Mapping
Using Sounds

Contents MUDs