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Joined: 26 Aug 2009
Posts: 141

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:50 pm   

Multi session and windows
This is a new post as I still can't get 3 session to open one with 4 chat windows and just do something normal ..Like hold their relative position.
Has anyone got a step by step guide , As I re-read the previous post and I have done all that . YET it does not work!!
In the last fours of tying to get this to work I have sent off three bug reports.

This is what is happening . Main window opens with 4 chat tabs, all good. Then add other session .. all good , then add third session . ALL bad.
As soon as a add my third session the First session with it's chat tabs is stuffed. The chat tabs move to the right , some inside some left, just all over the place.
I then spend another more time so trying to re-positioning, the chat windows. I then save the layout via the lay out tab. Close and reload. And start loading session one by one.......
And then it stuffs up again.
Please why ?

EDIT... had to try one more time, just loaded my session in reverse order. and all the windows and the chats are where they should be .. is this weird or what.
truly how many player start out with a full-head of hair.. This stuff drives me mad, so if ever you have this problem, of windows (session) not holding their position. Try mixing up the session you open first ( connect ) see it that works for you.
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