Like in traditional programming languages, Variables are containers that hold a value. For example, just typing:
a = 123
will assign the number 123 to the variable named "a".
To access the value of a variable, precede its name with the @ character. Note that this is different than in PHP or TINTIN where variables start with a $ character. (CMUD uses the $ character for local variables). For example:
#SHOW @a
You can also use the #VARIABLE command to assign a variable:
#VAR a 123
This is an older syntax, but it supports several advanced features such as Indirect variable assignment.
Expressions and functions can be used within the variable assignment. For example:
b = @a+1
would assign the number 124 to the @b variable. To force an expression to be evaluated, you can enclose the expression in () parenthesis. To assign a literal string value, enclose the string in " quotes. To perform variable expansion but *not* expression evaluation, enclose the value in {} braces. Here are several examples:
Code: |
b = @a+1 // 124 assigned to @b
b = (@a+1) // same as above
b = "@a+1" // assigns the literal string "@a+1" to @b
b = {@a+1} // assigns the string "123+1" to @b |
In the first two cases, the @b variable is set to Auto-typed. In the 3rd line using " the @b variable is set to a "literal string" type. In the 4th line using the {} the @b variable is set to a "string (expanded)" type to show that variable expansion is allowed.
In general, be sure to put " quotes around literal strings. If you want a string value that allows variable expansion, use {} instead of " quotes. This is similar to PHP in which variable expansion is allowed within " quotes but not within ' single quotes. CMUD " quotes are like the PHP ' single quotes. CMUD {} braces are like the PHP " double quotes. |