You can use the Tab key within the CMUD Command line to perform "Tab Completion". When the Tab key is pressed, the MUD output window and your list of tab completion words is scanned, and any word that begins with the characters typed so far on the command line will be expanded within the command line.
For example, if the MUD recently displayed the line:
ZuggTheLongName tells you 'hi'
and you then enter "zu" on the command line and press Tab, then the command line will expand to show "ZuggTheLongName". This is useful for replying to people with names that are long and hard to type.
You can edit your list of tab completion words using the View/Tab Completion menu. You can also add words to the list using the #TAB command.
For example, if the word "Zugg" is in your tab completion list, then when you type the letter 'z' on the command line and then press the Tab key, the command line will expand to show "Zugg".
If you hold down the Shift key when pressing the Tab key, then only the words in the MUD Output window will be used as your tab completion list - your defined Tab Completion words will be ignored.
Each word in the tab completion list can also have an optional "Value". The Value is used as a substitution when the entire word is entered into the command line and the Tab key is pressed. For example, if the Value field for the "Zugg" word was "tell zugg" then when you type "zugg" into the command line and press Tab, it will be expanded into "tell zugg"
Note that you can enter just 'z', then press Tab to expand it to "zugg" and then press Tab again to expand to the "tell zugg" value.
Aliases can also be expanded with the Tab key. If you enter the name of an Alias on the command line and then press Tab, CMUD will replace the command line with the script value of the alias. If there is a tab completion word with the same name as an alias, then the tab completion word will be used instead.
You can also expand previous commands entered on the command line using the command line history. Enter the first few letters of a previous command and press the Up-Arrow key to recall the full command that started with those letters.
See the Basic Usage topic for more information about the command line. |