These commands and functions work with string lists:
- #ADDITEM listname item
- Adds a new item to a string list variable
- #DELITEM listname item
- Removes an item from a string list variable
- #DELNITEM listname n
- Removes the nth item from the string list variable
- %additem(item,stringlist)
- Add an item to a string list and return the new string list
- %countlist(stringlist)
- Returns a record with keys corresponding to the items and
- values of the count of times each item occurs in the list
- %delitem(item,stringlist)
- Remove an item from a string list and return the new string list
- %delnitem(stringlist,n)
- Remove the nth item from a string list and return the new string list
- %dups(stringlist)
- Returns the string list with the duplicates removed
- %expandlist(stringlist,delim)
- Returns the string list with the normal | delimiters replaced with delim
- %ismember(item,stringlist)
- Returns the position of item in the string list
- %item(stringlist, n)
- Returns the nth item of a string list
- %numitems(stringlist)
- Returns the number of items in a string list
- %pop(listname)
- Returns the first item of a string list variable and removes the item from the variable.
- %push(item,stringlist)
- Returns a new string list with item added to the beginning
- %replaceitem(item,n,stringlist)
- Returns a new string list with the nth item replaced with item
- %sort(stringlist,dir)
- Returns a sorted string list