Pueblo is an older MUD client that was the first to add HTML support. Originally developed by Chaco Communications, they went out of business and it is now an open-source MUD client. While it has some multimedia support, such an VMRL that few MUDs have implemented, many of it's regular HTML features were implemented by MUDs.
Since the Pueblo client is lacking many of the features of CMUD, and since the Pueblo protocol was made public, Zugg Software has added some Pueblo emulation to both zMUD and CMUD. This Pueblo support is actually implemented as a subset of the more widely adopted MXP protocol standard.
MUD coders are encouraged to convert their Pueblo code over to MXP to provide greater MUD client compatibility, flexibility, and security.
For documentation on the Pueblo protocol, see the Pueblo pages at SourceForge. Here are the features of Pueblo emulation supported in CMUD:
- Autodetection
- CMUD will auto detect the "This world is Pueblo x.xx enhanced." where x.xx is the Pueblo version supported. CMUD will respond with the PUEBLOCLIENT 2.01 command to notify the MUD that Pueblo emulation is supported.
- HTML Color
- Both color names and #RRGGBB color values are supported
- HTML Dialogs and <FORM>
- Pueblo Plugins
- Standard HTML elements
- Most of the standard HTML elements are supported. CMUD supports the "fgcolor" and "bgcolor" attributes of the <FONT> tag, which differ from MXP. CMUD also supports the <IMG> tag (see details below). As noted, <FORM> is not supported, and several of the heading tags, such as <h1>, <h2> ... and list tags <ul> <ol> <li> <dir> are ignored. Also, in general, font sizes that cause the line to be taller should not be used in CMUD since the screen will not refresh the font outside the line correctly.
- <IMG> tag
- Inline images are fully supported. The ISMAP attribute for image maps is also supported. The xch_mode attribute is supported for changing the type of text stream to turn off HTML parsing. The xch_sound attribute is supported and the sound command is converted to an MSP sound command within CMUD.
- <xch_mudtext> tag
- Supported for changing the text mode.
- xch_hint
- This attribute of the <A> tag is supported for specifying the mouseover hint
- xch_cmd
- This attribute of the <A> tag is supported and converted to an MXP <SEND> tag. Image maps within the <SEND> and <A> tags are fully supported. The user can suppress the display of the image map command when they click on an image via the CMUD preferences.
- <xch_page>
- This tag is fully supported
- <xch_pane>
- This tag is supported and is converted to the MXP <FRAME> command. The Open, Close, and Redirect options are supported. If HREF is used, only a referenced image will be displayed in the window when it is opened. You cannot display a web page in a window using this option. Also, the BROWSER option is not supported, so you cannot open a web browser window with this command. INTERNAL is supported and will cause the window to be docked to the parent MUD window. The following options are NOT supported: nonsizeable, noclose, small_title, fit, viewbottom, webtracker.
Tags or attributes not mentioned in the list above are generally not supported. |