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Joined: 25 Sep 2002
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Location: Spain

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 12:08 am   

Using Data records - what functions?
Hi all,

may any help me just telling me about how using datarecords?
must i do some funtions for getting the items from the string_list and after that analize the X=value ?

I havent found any about at predefined functions, just only for string list and alone strigns.

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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 2:48 am   

Hi all,

may any help me just telling me about how using datarecords?
must i do some funtions for getting the items from the string_list and after that analize the X=value ?

I havent found any about at predefined functions, just only for string list and alone strigns.


Ok, first, there are a few methods that work (or won't work, depending on what you're trying to do):

@Variable.field notation -- if you've ever used an object-oriented programming language, you probably already know what this is or have seen it in use. In ZMud, it's limited to one level of fields and so @Variable.field.field would never work. The drawback to this notation is that @Variable.@Field does not work.

Using ZMud commands/functions -- Remember when I said the @Variable.@Field doesn't work? Well, the way around this limitation is to use #ADDKEY or a similar function/command. #ADDKEY will allow you to specify a variable fieldname and will either add that field to the data record if it doesn't exist, or replace the contents with those specified in the #ADDKEY command.

li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD
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Joined: 25 Sep 2002
Posts: 8
Location: Spain

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2002 7:58 pm   


Hi all,

may any help me just telling me about how using datarecords?
must i do some funtions for getting the items from the string_list and after that analize the X=value ?

I havent found any about at predefined functions, just only for string list and alone strigns.


Ok, first, there are a few methods that work (or won't work, depending on what you're trying to do):

@Variable.field notation -- if you've ever used an object-oriented programming language, you probably already know what this is or have seen it in use. In ZMud, it's limited to one level of fields and so @Variable.field.field would never work. The drawback to this notation is that @Variable.@Field does not work.

Using ZMud commands/functions -- Remember when I said the @Variable.@Field doesn't work? Well, the way around this limitation is to use #ADDKEY or a similar function/command. #ADDKEY will allow you to specify a variable fieldname and will either add that field to the data record if it doesn't exist, or replace the contents with those specified in the #ADDKEY command.

li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD

Thanks :) %db() and rest of functions was the solution.
Thanks for the perfect clue :)
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