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Joined: 21 May 2002
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 5:25 am   

Help with making a moblist
okay, its me again, I need help with making a moblist, I want it to get 1 mob at a time. say there is like 5 mobs I want to run, and I want it to check 1 at a time, it if isnt there I want it to move to the next. Any help with making this would be helpful!!! Thanks in advance.

"Its only after you've lost everything, that you are truley happy"
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Joined: 23 Dec 2000
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Location: USA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2002 10:26 pm   

okay, its me again, I need help with making a moblist, I want it to get 1 mob at a time. say there is like 5 mobs I want to run, and I want it to check 1 at a time, it if isnt there I want it to move to the next. Any help with making this would be helpful!!! Thanks in advance.

"Its only after you've lost everything, that you are truley happy"

To create a moblist, follow these simple instructions:

1)connect to the MUD
2)click on the Settings button
3)in the Settings Window, click on the New button and select Variable
4)in the Editor pane in the Settings Window that should appear when step #3 is completed, click on the Value text area and enter in the names of the mobs you want to list.

Tada! You now are the proud owner of one moblist. If you want something a bit more programmatic, we'll need details about your mobs (entrance/exit lines, how the appear in the room description, what it looks like if you can see others fighting a critter, etc).

I'm not a very good mind-reader (though I try), and I'm probably not a player on your MUD (or type of), so anything I give you at the moment likely wouldn't work and it'd only confuse you all the more, ya know?.

li'l shmoe of Dragon's Gate MUD
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