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Joined: 23 Sep 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:16 am   

Zmapper configuration noob question
Hi all. It pains me to ask for help with all the information in the forum and documentation, but I can't get the mapper to work. Below is an example of the mud output in an area.

pppprryyy A vast expanse of grassland spreads out as far as the eye can
pppppprry see. Lavish waves of light-green grass, about thigh high on a
\ppp*yyyr human, sway to and fro at the wind's command, scratching together
p\ppyyyyr in a soothing sort of whisper. Inflorescences of flora offer
pp\pyyyyr bursts of color to a sea otherwise dominated by green. Insects
sprinkle the air as they jump from flower to flower in a tireless effort.
Small paths cut through the long grasses, evidence of habitual animal use.
It's mostly clear, hot, and calm.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se

I can get it to consistently find the room name (in this example Plains), but the automatic configuration wouldn't get the room description(probably because of the map) or the exits. So I wrote a trigger to tag the exit line as shown below.

<trigger priority="9300" id="930">
<pattern>Obvious exits: (*)</pattern>
<value>#TAG exit %1
#VAR exits {%replace(%replace(%replace( %trim( %1), " ", "|"),"(closed",""),")","")}</value>

The documentation suggested writing a trigger to tag the prompt line, so I did. Now, I try to run the autoconfiguration tool and the mapper doesn't generate the exits and still goofs up the room description capture. I'd appreciate any help I could get in getting the mapper running.
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Joined: 23 Sep 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:38 am   
I figured out the direction issue which helped some. The exits started being generated on their own. I'm still having challenges with getting the full description and now the room titles are occasionally failing to capture. Also, are there ways to build triggers to build the non directional exits?
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4733
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:42 pm   
Non-cardinal direction exits have to be added manually.
I tend to map them to one of the unused cardinal exits for ease of movement.
The Name field on the Exits tab of the Room Properties Window is where you put the special command to use such exits.

#TAG is a great tool, just make sure to reconfigure the mapper after making triggers that use it.
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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