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Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:59 am   

Gagging from Log?
Is there a way to set certain text to be gagged only from logs?

things with lines with ooc: in them, my prompt, etc... I know I can formulate the regex and pattern matches if there's such a feature and I was told how to use it. (Though a multi-line pattern quick reference would be nice)
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:37 pm   

If you have things #GAGged and you have the option to Log after triggers are executed checked, they should not appear in your log file.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:19 pm   
But I don't want it gagged in the game, I just want them gagged from the logfile. My prompt, for instance, as wonderful as it is, is not something I need in my logs.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:07 am   
Actually, I've long wanted the other way around: gagging from the screen, but not from the log. And no, it's important that I log *after* triggers, because I want the log to reflect stuff I modify.

One use: diverting output to chat windows, but still getting in the log. And no, I don't want different logs for each chat window.
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:33 am   
There's a part of me that wants to say you can't have your cake an eat it - either you want to trigger after you've modified text on the screen, or you don't - but equally, I can think of some great uses for a command that lets you write out text to the log file. It'd be a nice feature to have.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:19 pm   
Well, I hate falling back on the simpleMU thing, but it did have an option to gag from log, so it's certainly doable. And uses there are plenty. I may not want drink spam in my log, but I may not mind seeing it (some people have some cool decanters) in the game. The prompt is another biggy, I need my prompt to play, I don't need people to see my prompt in the log. I often need to see the ooc chatter, or just like talking in it, but it doesn't need to be in my log either, etc...
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:46 pm   
It's actually an interesting suggestion. I'll add a #GAGLOG command to the wish-list for a future version. It might actually be pretty easy to implement given the way that CMUD handles the log file. But I'm not going to get into complex substitute commands or anything like that. Just a command to prevent a particular line from being written to the log file is all that I'll probably do.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:21 pm   
How about adding a #WRITELOG while your adding #GAGLOG?
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:34 pm   
Good idea :)

Edited: Love easy stuff like this. Both #gaglog and #writelog are in v2.29. Took about 5 minutes.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:57 pm   
hahaha, awesome. But it would be neat to look into more complex log stuff in the future. However, this is awesome enough. Now I just need to figure out how to match my two-line prompt to be gagged. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:01 pm   
put $^ between the lines
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:01 pm   
Also, it's probably obvious, but in order to use the new #GAGLOG command, you need to make sure you have the preference enabled to Log *after* Triggers (since your #GAGLOG runs in the trigger).

And with #WRITELOG you should be able to do any complex stuff that you want now, especially given the power of the %subregex function for modifying text.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:02 pm   
Toxic wrote:
put $^ between the lines

Ah, hmmm, I thought I would need a carriage return character, like \r or something.

So... when is 2.29 coming out??
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:03 pm   
um, its out. and I guess it depends on if your writing it in zscript or regex
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:11 pm   
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:00 pm   
Personally, I'd prefer to use a multistate trigger than a two-line pattern. It looks like:

#trig {line 1} {#gaglog} "" {regex}
#cond {line 2} {#gaglog} {regex|within|param=1}

Also, anyone know whether #gaglog leaves a blank line in the log file or not? I haven't had time to test that yet.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:48 pm   
No, it doesn't. It would be nice if it did, but it wouldn't be nice in all instances. For instance, in my two line prompt I would only want 1 blank line. Maybe if it took an argument so you could tell it whether or not you wanted a blank line left behind.

Also, Fiang, I'm not confident enough with multi-state triggers. I'm sure there's ample reading on them?
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:50 am   
Yes, there is.

The #gaglog command doesn't leave blank lines, so you can gag whatever you want. If you want a blank line, you can use #writelog to print a space or something. Using Toxic's idea with a multiline pattern won't work anyway because only the most recent line is removed from the log, same as with #gag. You can't just use #gaglog;#gaglog to mimic the same behaviour as #gag, either.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:03 am   
I'm not sure how write log works. Can I put an argument after it and have it write to the log?
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:41 am   
Yes, that's the whole point. You do #writelog Hello! and Hello! appears in the log file.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:03 pm   
Yeah, that's what I thought at first, then I thought it was using Zhiroc's idea. Which is, you take a pattern that is gagged, and have #writelog and it writes it to the log, even though it's gagged.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:04 pm   
You can do that with #WRITELOG %trigger
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:07 pm   
Hmm, writelog didn't add the %cr I asked it to


<trigger name="Gag Prompt1" priority="3060" regex="true" id="306">
  <pattern>^\<\d+/\d+hp \d+/\d+m \d+/\d+mv \d+(tnl|cp) \d+(pq|qp) \d+/\d+w \d+g/\d+s $</pattern>
  <value>#GAGLOG;#WRITELOG %cr</value>

Also, the condition was never attacked, they were both sent at the same time...

#REGEX "Gag Prompt1" {^\<\d+/\d+hp \d+/\d+m \d+/\d+mv \d+(tnl|cp) \d+(pq|qp) \d+/\d+w \d+g/\d+s $} {#GAGLOG;#WRITELOG %cr} {General Triggers}
#COND "Gag Prompt2" {^ \[^\]]+\] \[[^\]]+\] \d+:\d+(am|pm) \[[^\]]+\] \[[^\]]+\]\>$} {#GAGLOG} {General Trigger}

This is my prompt:

<618/618hp 1714/1714m 406/406mv 15818tnl 665pq 118/425w 406g/82s
[Wall Road] [NSW] 4:00pm [Day Time] [Common]>

This is some of the log...


Crown Street
This part of crown street is filled with tourists and some amateur
pickpockets. A few cityguards and soldiers march to and fro. The street is
busy with activity, aside from that, nothing very interesting.
[Exits: east west ]
[Crown Street] [EW] 2:00pm [Day Time] [Common]>
Crown Street
Crown street is busy with people. To the west stands the castle fortress
and the Althainian Royal Palace. This part of the street has a lot of
patrons going about their business not paying much attention to anything
[Exits: east west ]
[Crown Street] [EW] 2:00pm [Day Time] [Common]>
Wall Road
Just south of you is an intersection with a crowded street. The eastern
wall of Althainia is beside you, and to the north you can see the northeast
corner of the city wall. To the west is the famed crown street.
[Exits: north south west ]
[Wall Road] [NSW] 2:00pm [Day Time] [Common]>
Wall Road
Here, wall road meets up with a busy street heading off towards the west,
and the far wall of the city. You can smell spices, perfume, freshly cured
hide, and other strange scents, all mingle together in one heady aroma.
Wall road continues to the north and south.
[Exits: north south west ]
[Wall Road] [NSW] 2:00pm [Day Time] [Common]>
You say softly 'Test.'
[Wall Road] [NSW] 2:00pm [Day Time] [Common]>
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Joined: 27 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:13 pm   

#REGEX "Gag Prompt1" {^\<\d+/\d+hp \d+/\d+m \d+/\d+mv \d+(tnl|cp) \d+(pq|qp) \d+/\d+w \d+g/\d+s $} {#GAGLOG;#WRITELOG %cr} {General Triggers}
#COND "Gag Prompt2" {^ \[^\]]+\] \[[^\]]+\] \d+:\d+(am|pm) \[[^\]]+\] \[[^\]]+\]\>$} {#GAGLOG} {General Trigger}

Your class identifier for you #COND is mispelled, it should be General Triggers, since that is what the #REGEX class Identifier is. Also you shouldn't have to provide a class identifier at all for your #COND.

Should look like this


#REGEX "Gag Prompt1" {^\<\d+/\d+hp \d+/\d+m \d+/\d+mv \d+(tnl|cp) \d+(pq|qp) \d+/\d+w \d+g/\d+s $} {#GAGLOG;#WRITELOG %cr} {General Triggers}
#COND "Gag Prompt2" {^ \[^\]]+\] \[[^\]]+\] \d+:\d+(am|pm) \[[^\]]+\] \[[^\]]+\]\>$} {#GAGLOG} {regex|within|param=1}
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Fang Xianfu

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:27 pm   
Giving a separate ID for a trigger state is pointless, as well. You might find that #writelog " " or something works better, too - I'm not sure how or if #writelog handles %cr. It's something to try, anyway.
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