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Joined: 12 Jun 2010
Posts: 18

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:05 am   

i just cant remeber how...
just started playing around with my favorite mud again starting again from scratch on my old triggers and i cant remember how to push text to a new line... i am having a problem with my prompt and my room name overlapping to the same line thus messing up my speed walk confirms...

ie it usually shows up like

< 325h/325H 110v/110V >
< P: std >
Before a Broken Wooden Gate
The old dirt road ends here at a broken down old wooden gate, which
noisily swings back and forth in the wind. The gate is ancient, and
looks to have been severely hacked at with an axe at some point in time,
now leaving it useless and splintered. Beyond the gate lies the
crumbling ruins of what appears to have once been a prosperous traveler's
hostel. Out of a cluster of perhaps a half-dozen ancient stone
structures, only two now stand, a rickety stable and another much larger
building. Likewise, a long, low pile of rubble marks where an
inner wall around the complex once stood. The road winds away to the
north, and the broad ruined courtyard is directly south, past the old
Exits: - North - South

but when i speed walk it occasionally stacks up and looks like

< 325h/325H 110v/110V >
< P: std > Before a Broken Wooden Gate
The old dirt road ends here at a broken down old wooden gate, which
noisily swings back and forth in the wind. The gate is ancient, and
looks to have been severely hacked at with an axe at some point in time,
now leaving it useless and splintered. Beyond the gate lies the
crumbling ruins of what appears to have once been a prosperous traveler's
hostel. Out of a cluster of perhaps a half-dozen ancient stone
structures, only two now stand, a rickety stable and another much larger
building. Likewise, a long, low pile of rubble marks where an
inner wall around the complex once stood. The road winds away to the
north, and the broad ruined courtyard is directly south, past the old
Exits: - North - South

Thanks in advance for solving this simple mystery.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2000
Posts: 873
Location: USA

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:23 am   Re: i just cant remeber how...
Zquestion wrote:

Thanks in advance for solving this simple mystery.

Have you configured a prompt trigger yet? (so that CMud regognizes the line as complete even though it doesn't have the normal end of line signal at the end of it)
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Joined: 12 Jun 2010
Posts: 18

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:09 pm   
I have configured the mapper and detected the prompt from the auto configuration, as well as i have a trigger that keeps the variables of the prompt for use in my status window... but i dont know what you mean by know that it is complete... i think that is the exact command i am looking for i remeber it being a simple solution. How do get cmud to see a line as complete and force what comes after it to a new line....
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Joined: 04 Aug 2002
Posts: 4734
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:19 pm   
you could try using
#SUB {}
to remove the prompt from the scrollback buffer.

Won't neccissarily stop it from stacking, but you wont notice it so much when it does happen.

you can also use
#TR {^$} {#GAG}
to suppress blank lines

If you just #GAG the prompt, it might end up gagging whatever stacks on it
Discord: Shalimarwildcat
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