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Joined: 30 Jun 2013
Posts: 7

PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:06 am   

Script Help Wanted
So, I've a bit of a puzzle i've been unable to wrap my head around how to solve.

In the mud that i play, there is a mob that hands out a quest every so often. In this quest, he asks you to gather anywhere from 1-3 of 1-5 items, chosen from a list of about thirty items or so. These requests can be given in any order. Though not a complete list, many of the things he requests are listed here:

A paste of what it looks like when acquiring the quest...

<773hp 1071mn 400mv 19598tnl> say rosestone
You say, 'rosestone'
Quest 83500 "Alchemy Materials" updated!
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'Ah yes Rosestone! A very popular one that one is. I do have some stored away here.'

<773hp 1071mn 400mv 19598tnl>
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'How many of them would you like? I'm willing to hand them out 5, 10, or 25 at a time.'

<773hp 1071mn 400mv 19598tnl>
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'You should know though, that the more you ask for the more I will ask in return.'

<773hp 1071mn 400mv 19598tnl>
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'And the longer it will be till I let you return to ask for more help.'
You have completed a quest!

<773hp 1071mn 400mv 19598tnl> say 25
You say, '25'
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, '25 is it? Okay that is fair enough, now lets see, you will need to gather a few things for me as well.'
Quest 83500 "Alchemy Materials" updated!
You have completed a quest!
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'I need you to bring me 3 handfuls of pebbles.'
You have discovered a new quest!
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'I need you to bring me 3 damaged black dragonscales.'
Quest 83511 "Apprentice's black dragonscale" updated!
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'I need you to bring me 3 porcelain teacups.'
You have discovered a new quest!
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'I need you to bring me 3 maple logs.'
You have discovered a new quest!
Caldoran the apprentice tells you, 'I need you to bring me 3 gourds of water.'
You have discovered a new quest!

Note that it does not alert that the timer is up upon entry. It could have asked for these in any given order, or asked for any of the items from the previous list in any order... that is to say, it will not always list 'handful of pebbles' prior to 'damaged black dragonscales.'

What is is i'm attempting to do is work this quests completion into a long loop of gathering various items... So, somehow, it would seem to me I need to do the following.

A: Stop the loop when i arrive at caldoran and get a quest renewel upon speaking the item i seek
B: Somehow fire off the paths and commands needed to gather these items WITHOUT spamming out (40 commands).
C: Resume the loop where it was left off at the time of disabling.

For reference, i'm including the XML export of my loop, which is actually two seperate loops, triggered by dependance upon the time of day:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<class name="XLoop">
<class name="Xloopdissolve" enabled="false">
<trigger name="xloopdissolve2" priority="2954">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;c disso hat;get necklace @container;c disso necklace;get ring @container;c disso ring;get lump @container;c disso lump;get lump @container;c disso lump;get lump @container;c disso lump;get lump @container;c disso lump;get lump @container;c disso lump;get lump @container;c disso lump;get pile @container;c disso pile;get pile @container;c disso pile;get pile @container;c disso pile;get wad @container;drop all.jar;c disso wad;get candlestick @container;c disso candlestick;get candlestick @container;c disso candlestick;get candlestick @container;c disso candlestick;get candlestick @container;c disso candlestick;drop all.jar;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve3">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;get candlestick @container;c disso candlestick;get ring @container;c disso ring;get ring @container;c disso ring;get ring @container;c disso ring;get ring @container;c disso ring;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;drop all.jar;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get porcelain @container;c disso porcelain;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;drop all.jar;c disso ore;get ore @container;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve4">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get ore @container;c disso ore;get powder @container;c disso powder;get salve @container;c dissolve salve;get earring @container;c disso earring;get earring @container;c disso earring;get necklace @container;c disso necklace;drop all.jar;get sliver @container;c disso sliver;get sliver @container;c disso sliver;get pail @container;c disso pail;get pail @container;c disso pail;get pail @container;c disso pail;get pail @container;c disso pail;get sand @container;drop all.jar;c disso sand;get sand @container;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve5">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;get blob @container;c dissolve blob;get soil @container;c dissolve soil;get ring @container;c dissolve ring;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;c disso jug;drop all.jar;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;drop all.jar;get 2*sparkling @container;#2 c disso sparkling;get 2*mug @container;#2 c disso mug;get 2*nugget @container;#2 c disso nugget;drop all.jar;sleep cot;sleep @sleeper;sleep;#wait 60000;wake;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve6">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;c disso sand;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;drop all.jar;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;drop all.jar;get damaged @container;c disso damaged;sneeze;</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve7">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;get soil @container;c dissolve soil;get log @container;c disso log;get log @container;c disso log;get log @container;c disso log;get log @container;c disso log;get ring @container;c disso ring;get ring @container;drop all.jar;c disso ring;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;get blood @container;c disso blood;get blood @container;c disso blood;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve8">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly.</pattern>
<value>drop all.jar;get bracelet @container;c diss bracelet;get 4*plate @container;#4c diss plate;get 4*bowl @container;#4c diss bowl;get 6*pebbles @container;#6 c diss pebbles;get 2*brilliant @container;c disso brilliant;c disso brilliant;get 2*vibrant @container;c disso vibrant;c disso vibrant;get 2*iridescent @container;c disso iridescent;c disso iridescent;drop all.jar;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve9">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly.</pattern>
<value>get 5*log @container;#5c diss log;drop all.jar;get 4*cracked @container;#4 c disso cracked;get 3*nugget @container;#3 c disso nugget;drop all.jar; get 2*broken @container;#2 c disso broken;get tiny @container;c disso tiny;get timestone @container;c disso timestone;drop all.jar;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve10">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly</pattern>
<value>get 19*log @container;#19c diss log;drop all.jar;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve11">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly.</pattern>
<value>c 'create food;eat mushroom;c 'create food;eat mushroom;drop all.mushroom;get 6*log @container;#6c diss log;get 6*pearl @container;#4 c diss earring;#2c diss necklace;drop all.jar;get bladder @container;c diss bladder;get bladder @container;c diss bladder;get bladder @container;c diss bladder;get @drink1 @container;c 'create water' @drink1;drink @drink1;drink @drink1;drink @drink1;sneeze</value>
<trigger name="xloopdissolve12">
<pattern>You sneeze loudly.</pattern>
<value>get 4*pail @container;#4c disso pail;get sand @container;c disso sand;get sand @container;c disso sand;get sand @container;c diss sand;get sand @container;c diss sand;get 2*sliver @container;#2c diss sliver;get soil @container;c diss soil;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;get hoop @container;c disso hoop;get ring @container;c disso ring;get arrows @container;c disso arrows;drop all.jar;get all.jar @container;drop all.jar;l in chest;sleep @sleeper;#wait 180000;wake;e;l in @container;time;#wait 5000;#IF (@hours=12 AND @afternoon=am) {#ECHO Night Run;#CO goldenrod;#T+ Nightloop;#T- Dayloop;nightloop1} {#IF (7&lt;=@timescore AND @timescore&lt;19) {#echo Day Run;#CO goldenrod;#T+ Dayloop;#T- Nightloop;dayloop1} {#echo Night Run;#CO goldenrod;#T+ Nightloop;#T- Dayloop;nightloop1}}</value>
<alias name="xloopdissolve1">
<value>#STATE xloopdissolve2 0;get iridescent chest;c disso iridescent;get brilliant chest;c disso brilliant;get vibrant chest;c disso vibrant;get bamboo chest; c diss bamboo;get arrows chest;c disso arrows;get arrows chest;c disso arrows;get compass chest;drop all.jar;c disso compass;get shot chest;c disso shot;get arrows chest;c disso arrows;get rock chest;c disso rock;get sliver chest;c disso sliver;get pebbles chest;c disso pebbles;get nugget chest;c disso nugget;get ring chest;c disso ring;get sparkling chest;c disso sparkling;get bladder chest;drop all.jar;c disso bladder;get mug chest;c disso mug;drop all.jar;get hat chest;get 5*compass chest;#5 c diss compass;drop all.jar;sneeze</value>
<button type="Toggle" toolstyle="true" priority="3753">
<value>#T+ Xloopdissolve
#wait 5000
#IF (@hours=12 AND @afternoon=am) {#ECHO Night Run;#CO goldenrod;#T+ Nightloop;#State nightloop2 0;#T- Dayloop;#t+ nightloop1} {#IF (7&lt;=@timescore AND @timescore&lt;19) {#echo Day Run;#CO goldenrod;#T+ Dayloop;#State dayloop2 0;#T- Nightloop; dayloop1} {#echo Night Run;#CO goldenrod;#T+ Nightloop;#State nightloop2 0;#T- Dayloop;nightloop1}}</value>
<value>#State dayloop2 0
#State nightloop2 0
#T- Dayloop
#T- Nightloop
#T- Xloopdissolve
#ECHO Disengaging Xloop...
#CO goldenrod</value>
<class name="Dayloop" enabled="false">
<alias name="dayloop1">
<value>c slow self;c slow self;e;c gate first maid;#7w;#4s;e;#2s;w;d;#4e;s;#2e;n;buy 3*bamboo;#3c disso arrows;c disso arrows;put all @container;s;#2w;s;w;d;s;#T+ dayloop2;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop2" priority="3351">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c 'detect invis;c 'detect invis;#3w;s;w;buy 3*compass;put all @container;e;n;#3e;n;u;e;#2n;#4w;u;w;#2n;e;#4n;#6e;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop3">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>n;e;get all jar;w;#2n;w;n;get log hole;put all @container;s;#9 w;n;get log hole;s;w;n;put all @container;get log hole;s;w;n;put all @container;get log hole;s;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop4">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#9 e;s;w;c conc maid;#2c concat;e;s;e;c conc maid;#2c conc;put all @container;w;#2n;#3w;n;#3d;e;d;w;d;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop5">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#5 w;s;#3c chain dragon;#2n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;s;e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop6">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>n;e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;n;e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;#2e;n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop7">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#4e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;c gate disc;n;#10w;#3s;#6west;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop8">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#2s;w;#2s;#2e;#2w;#2s;get jade;put all @container;#2w;n;#2w;#2n;get pebbles;put all @container;#2w;#4n;get pebbles;#3e;#2n;e;get jade;w;s;s;e;s;s;w;s;get pebbles;view</value>
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate nanny;#2w;#2n;#4w;#7n;#2w;#5n;e;n;#2w;n;e;#6n;e;n;e;s;d;w;s;w;s;#4d;#4n;#2e;s;get amulet 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;n;e;get all 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;w;#3n;get all 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;#3s;#3w;get all 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;c gate yevaud;#2 c chain yevaud;drop visor;sac visor;c gate lizard butcher;#2w;s;w;buy 3*nugget;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop9">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate 4.porpoise;#3s;get sand pail;get pail;#3w;get pail;get sand pail;s;w;s;#3c chain lady;drop;n;e;n;e;s;s;s;w;s;get pail;get sand pail;u;get pail;get sand pail;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop10">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate nanny;c gate nanny;#2w;#2s;#7e;s;e;#3s;e;#3s;#14 e;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop11">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>s;get all cabinet;put all @container;n;#15w;#3n;w;#3n;w;n;#9w;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop12">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>n;buy arrows;s;w;s;buy 3*bladder;put all @container;n;w;#13n;#3e;#5 s;op jar;get black jar;#5 n;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop13">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#3w;#2s;#2w;#3n;#2e;#2s;#4e;get jar;#4w;#4n;#3e;#3n;c chain dwarf;e;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop14">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>drop 10*pickaxe;drop 10*elysium;drop 10*key;put all.lead @container;c chain dwarf;e;c chain dwarf;e;c chain dwarf;e;drop 10*pickaxe;drop 10*elysium;drop 10*key;put all.lead @container;c chain dwarf;n;c chain dwarf;n;c chain dwarf;e;c chain dwarf;drop 10*pickaxe;drop 10*elysium;drop 10*key;get 10*shield @container;drop 10*shield;get all.elysium @container;drop all.elysium;put all.lead @container;drop 10*diamond;c gate blob acid;c conc blob acid;c gate blob acid;c conc blob acid;c gate blob acid;c concat blob acid;c gate 2.viper;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop15">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>get all.pickaxe @container;drop all.pickaxe;get all.massive @container;drop all.massive;n;e;get panel; get 2.panel;get all.onyx panel; get all.onyx 2.panel;put all @container;w;s;#2w;#4s;#7e;s;get all pit;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop16">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate chained woman;n;#2e;#8 north;#3w;buy felt;put all @container;c gate black apprentice;c conc black apprentice;#2c conc;drop 10*robe;sac all.robe;c gate local villager;e;s;e;buy 3*blanket;C disso blanket;c disso blanket;c disso blanket;put all.jar chst;c gate tekk;s;e;buy 3*olympic;put all @container;w;n;u;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop17">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#3s;e;buy 3*blue;#3 c disso blue;put all @container;c gate bookkeeper;#8w;d;#6e;d;#10w;n;buy 3*nugget;put all @container;wo;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop18">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate sam;n;#3w;n;buy 3*opal;buy 3*ruby;#2s;buy 3*arrows;put all @container;c gate gnome captain;c gate gnome captain;#11w;n;give 10 gold keystone;drop card;u;give 100 gold rozalia;vis;get card @container;n;wo;withdraw @xloopwithdrawl gar;buy 3*amber;buy 3*pebbles;put all @container;c gate jed;c gate jed;#2c 'detect invis;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop19">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#2w;#2s;#6w;#2s;e;d;get disc @container;#3e; buy 3*blood;put all @container;c gate bokor;n;w;#2s;e;#9s;#4e;#4n;e;put all chest;view</value>
<trigger name="dayloop20">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>buy 3*sapphire;buy 3*ruby;buy 3*emerald;c pow;#3w;#2n;#3w;s;w;l in @container;c slow self;c 'create food;eat mushroom;c 'create food;eat mushroom;c 'create food;eat mushroom;get @drink1 @container;c 'create water' @drink1;c 'create water' @drink1;drink @drink1;drink @drink1;drink @drink1;sleep;#wait 180000;wake;xloopdissolve1</value>
<class name="Nightloop" enabled="false">
<alias name="nightloop1">
<value>c slow self;c slow self;e;c gate first maid;w;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop2" priority="3560">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c 'detect invis;c 'detect invis;n;e;get all jar;w;#2n;w;n;get log hole;put all @container;s;#9 w;n;get log hole;put all @container;s;w;n;put all @container;get log hole;put all @container;s;w;n;put all @container;get log hole;put all @container;s;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop3">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#9 e;s;w;c conc maid;#2c concat;e;s;e;c conc maid;#2c conc;put all @container;w;#2n;#3w;n;#3d;e;d;w;d;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop4">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#5 w;s;#3c chain dragon;#2n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;s;e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;e;n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;#2s;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop5">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>n;e;n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;e;n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;#2e;n;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;#2s;#3c chain dragon;n;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop6">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#4e;n;#3c chain dragon;#2s;#3c chain dragon;put all @container;c gate disc;n;#10w;#3s;#6west;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop7">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#2s;w;#2s;#2e;#2w;#2s;get jade;put all @container;#2w;n;#2w;#2n;get pebbles;put all @container;#2w;#4n;get pebbles;#3e;#2n;e;get jade;w;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop8">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#2s;e;#2s;w;s;get pebbles;c gate 4.porpoise;#3s;get sand pail;get pail;#3w;get pail;get sand pail;s;w;s;#3c chain lady;drop;n;e;n;e;s;s;s;w;s;get pail;get sand pail;u;get pail;get sand pail;put all @container;view</value>
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate nanny;#2w;#2n;#4w;#7n;#2w;#5n;e;n;#2w;n;e;#6n;e;n;e;s;d;w;s;w;s;#4d;#4n;#2e;s;get amulet 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;n;e;get all 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;w;#3n;get all 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;#3s;#3w;get all 2.corpse;#2 sac corpse;c gate yevaud;#2 c chain yevaud;c gate lizard butcher;#2w;s;w;buy 3*nugget;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop9">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate nanny;#2w;#2s;#7e;s;e;#3s;e;#3s;#14 e;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop10">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>s;get all cabinet;put all @container;n;#15w;#3n;w;#3n;w;n;#9w;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop11">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>n;buy 3*arrows;s;w;s;buy 3*bladder;n;w;#13n;#3e;#5 s;op jar;get black jar;#5 n;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop12">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#3w;#2s;#2w;#3n;#2e;#2s;#4e;get jar;#4w;#4n;#3e;#3n;c chain dwarf;e;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop13">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>drop 10*pickaxe;drop 10*elysium;drop 10*key;put all.lead @container;c chain dwarf;e;c chain dwarf;e;c chain dwarf;e;drop 10*pickaxe;drop 10*elysium;drop 10*key;put all.lead @container;c chain dwarf;n;c chain dwarf;n;c chain dwarf;e;c chain dwarf;drop 10*pickaxe;drop 10*elysium;drop 10*key;get 10*shield @container;drop 10*shield;get 10*elysium @container;drop 10*elysium;put all @container;drop 10*diamond;put all @container;c gate blob acid;c concat blob acid;c gate 2.viper;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop14">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>get all.pickaxe @container;drop all.pickaxe;get all.massive @container;drop all.massive;n;e;get panel; get 2.panel;get all.onyx panel; get all.onyx 2.panel;put all @container;w;s;#2w;#4s;#7e;s;get all pit;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop15">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate black apprentice;c conc black apprentice;#2c conc;drop 10*robe;sac all.robe;c gate tekk;s;e;buy 3*olympic;put all @container;w;n;u;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop16">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#3s;e;buy 3*blue;#3 c disso blue;put all @container;wo;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop17">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c gate gnome captain;#11w;n;give 10 gold keystone;drop card;u;vis;get card @container;give 100 gold rozalia;n;wo;withdraw @xloopwithdrawl gar;buy 3*amber;buy 3*pebbles;put all @container;c gate jed;c gate jed;#2c 'detect invis;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop18">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>#2w;#2s;#6w;#2s;e;d;get disc @container;#3e;buy 3*blood;put all @container;view</value>
<trigger name="nightloop19">
<pattern>You enjoy the view around you.</pattern>
<value>c pow;#3w;#2n;#3w;s;w;l in @container;c slow self;c 'create food;eat mushroom;c 'create food;eat mushroom;c 'create food;eat mushroom;get @drink1 @container;c 'create water' @drink1;c 'create water' @drink1;drink @drink1;drink @drink1;drink @drink1;sleep;#wait 18000;wake;xloopdissolve1</value>

So... Any ideas or solutions to this puzzle of mine?
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