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Joined: 05 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:57 am   

problems with parameters
I'm having problems trying to figure out how to capture command line parameters associated with a alias commands.
The first is to have an alias called "settimer". I'd like it so that I can type in "settimer vampire" and exactly thirty minutes later it issues a message box with "vampire should have already reset". The alias in Zmud looked like: #ALA +30:00 {#MESS 500 (%1 should have reset)} Even with a previous posting's reply, I still can not figure out this alias.

The other parameter problem I'm having is somewhat similar. I'd like to have an alias called "addprayer" such that should I enter "addprayer continual-light", it adds the string "continual-light" to a list variable called "prayerlist". The alias in Zmud looked like: #VAR prayerlist %additem(%literal(%1), @prayerlist).

I think my problem with parameters is not knowing how to capture the parameter from the command line. Would someone give me examples of how to solve both situations described?
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Joined: 30 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:29 am   
ok here are the 2 alias should work and ill explain everything.

  <alias name="settimer" id="3979">
    <value>#local $foo
$foo=%concat(%proper(%1)," should be reset")
#ALARM %1 {+30:00} {#mess 500 $foo}</value>

code1-settimer <param> you had it close, i did notice you could not put a %1 in the mess without it messing up a little, so i created a local variable, and concated the string, so that it would parse it before it creates the alarm, and it works perfectly this way, also the alarm needed {} around the time, i also named the timers, so you can have multiple timers running at the same time

  <alias name="addprayer" id="3982">
    <value>#additem prayerlist %1</value>

for code 2 i was not 100% sure if you wanted to be able to add duplicates (%additem() allows duplicate results)so i just changed it to a simple #additem

any questions please feel free to ask, i think i explained all my work
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:01 am   
Step 1: concatenate your command code. Concatenation allows you to maintain the proper context for the %1...%99 variables. Doing it like you did above, the %1 is then tied to the #ALARM command and alarms don't have %1...%99 variables. Concatenation comes in two varieties, explicit and implicit. Explicit concatenation uses %concat(), which does not allow compiling and so is quite slow. Implicit concatenation, while faster, is also less safe as your string might wind up being evaluated differently than you intended. To implicitly concatenate, just surround the literal parts with double quotes (ie, "#alarm +30:00 {#mess 500( "%1" should have reset)}").

Step 2: execute the concatenated string. #EXECUTE, or %exec(). Both of these are very slow, so in general if you find yourself thinking to use these then there's almost always a better way to go about doing whatever you wanted to do.
EDIT: I didn't like my old signature
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Joined: 22 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:31 pm   
%concat() can't be compiled? I thought that was only true for exec and eval.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2012
Posts: 5

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:27 am   
In trying all kinds of things, I found this to work for adding a string to the variable list. Why would this not be the simplest solution?

#VAR prayerlist %additem(%1,@prayerlist)

As for the alarm, I found this to work:

#VAR @timer %1
#ALARM {+00:30} {#MESS 500 %concat(@timer," has reset")}

However, in the case of the alarm, the parameter @timer is expanded at the time of the alarm, therefore if you issue an alternate settimer alias prior to the 30 minutes, both alarms will expand the current value of @timer at the time the alarm fires. Is there any way to expand the parameter at the time of the settimer alias so the ALARM trigger will maintain the value of @timer directly rather than pull at the current value of @timer at the time of the ALARM?
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Joined: 30 Aug 2009
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Location: my apt, in california

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:23 am   
wait are you still using zmud or have you already made the switch to cmud, if you did switch to cmud check the solutions i provided
if you build it they will come, assuming that they have not already come to build it
Aardwolf Bootcamp
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