shalimar GURU

Joined: 04 Aug 2002 Posts: 4734 Location: Pensacola, FL, USA
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:05 pm
dbvar in status window |
First off, i know it wont update regularly on its own,
i want to make an #EVENT that will take a given dbvar @damRecord and turn it into a formatted table view
I was thinking of looping through the %dbkeys, setting local variables and doing something like
%format( "&15s", $name, "&25s", $weapon, "&4.0n" $dam1, etc)
But i dont want the name printed on subsequent weapons if a given person has a record for more than one weapon.
getting all that to fit in one #STWIN is where i am having trouble... that and i am tired.
P.S. @damRecord has a default of %null so it can be #RESET |