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Joined: 16 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:35 am   

c/zmud and vista, crashing, regserv issues still
Ok, I exhausted google about this, which is why I'm actually posting. I read all the threads I could find on the topic and since the threads were from 07 or so, I thought maybe this would have been fixed by now. I understand that you don't support zmud anymore, but there are claims cmud has been fixed, so I downloaded it and..well, we still have the same issues with regserver during installation.

I understand that this only happens to a select few who have OEM versions, most notably HP, it seems, but since trying zmud after playing on putty for so long, I'd really rather not go back to that. The maps are utterly and completely amazing when playing MUDs. I like zmud and I was willing to try cmud, but neither work and I was hoping you had something I could try by now. Has there been any progress or do I REALLY have to run this in a VM? I'd rather not load up 200MB of RAM to run such a small program.

For the record, yes this was installed in the admin account, I've tried xp/2k compat. modes, this is vista home premium sp2 and HP has had it's grubby hands all over it causing errors everywhere Rolling Eyes . It's also 64 bit. Could 64 bit be a problem in any way? I never saw mention of 32 or 64 bit in previous posts on the issue.

Thanks for any input. I will/cannot buy it if it doesn't work and I do like the software so I'm trying pretty hard to make it work.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
Posts: 55

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:48 am   
Can we get a capture of the error, regserv is pretty vague.
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